Showroom of Haedel 80 (878) 
Herzlich Willkommen !
Solltet Ihr mal bei mir eine Coin finden die Ihr auf Eurer "WantedListe" hab, dürft Ihr gerne nach einem Verkauf/Trade fragen...
Man kann über alles Reden 😉
Ich wünsch euch viel Spaß beim Stöbern!
Viele Grüße, Daniel aka Haedel 80

Solltet Ihr mal bei mir eine Coin finden die Ihr auf Eurer "WantedListe" hab, dürft Ihr gerne nach einem Verkauf/Trade fragen...
Man kann über alles Reden 😉
Ich wünsch euch viel Spaß beim Stöbern!
Viele Grüße, Daniel aka Haedel 80

Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2P93Y Geocacher's Road Atlas Geocoin TB31V2R Groundspeak Wherigo Geocoin TB7PXZJ Haedel's - Benchmark Geocoin TBWJ5M Haedel's - March 2006 Virtual Ghost Coin TB67J5M Haedel's Event Micro Geocoin TB5NGVB Haedel's Mystery Micro Geocoin TB65XJA Haedel's Webcam Micro Geocoin TB62PFY Haedel's Wherigo Micro Geocoin TB3DAXV Haedel's Multi-Cache Micro TB5NGWR Haedel's Traditional Micro TB6JXJH Haedel's Virtual Ghost Micro Geocoin GLOW
TB1T9GT LAS VEGAS Micro Benchmark Geocoin 2020 Community Celebration Tag - 4. j Im ❤ Geocacher Stammtisch Community Celebration Event Icon - Canadian Geocaching Celebrating 20 Years Community Celebration Event Icon - 18 Years (AS) Community Celebration Event Icon - 20 ANOS Geocoin Community Celebration Event Icon - Geocaching Underground GLOW
Community Celebration Event Icon -Lisboa Geocoin EarthCache Geocoin Letterbox Micro Geocoin Mega Event Micro Geocoin DGS Pins - Haedel 80 (Pm me for Trade)
☠Dirtbag Geocaching Society☠
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBA0DE9 DGS Daniel II TB9MRR2 DGS Stop Virus DGS - Stay Dirty DGS - Stay Dirty DGS 7Rules DGS 7Rules DGS 7Rules DGS 7Rules DGS 7Rules DGS 7Rules DGS 7Rules DGS Ammo Can Geocoin - Airborne RE100 DGS Ammo Can Geocoin - Combat RE100 DGS Ammo Can Geocoin - GUARD LE50 DGS Ammo Can Geocoin - Health LE50 DGS Ammo Can Geocoin - PEACE LE50 DGS Ammo Can Geocoin - R.I.P Longtomsilver 🌹 DGS Ammo Can Geocoin - R.I.P TEMU_DSHIN 🌹 DGS Ammo Can Geocoin - Xmas Edition 2021 DGS Canada Geocoin DGS Costa Brava Geocoin - Antigue Copper DGS Costa Brava Geocoin - Antigue Gold DGS Costa Brava Geocoin - Antigue Silver DGS Costa Brava Geocoin - BN/Gold (Two Tone) DGS Costa Brava Geocoin - BN/Gold (Two Tone) DGS Costa Brava Geocoin - BN/Gold (Two Tone) DGS Costa Brava Geocoin - Brassed Gold DGS Europe Geocoin - *Full Member* Edition DGS Europe Geocoin - Antigue Copper DGS Europe Geocoin- Two Tone BN Gold DGS Europe: 2005 - Raistlin_Storm - 2021 🗝 🔓 Tag 16 years of Geocaching & 6 years Lockpicking Workshop 🗝🔓
DGS Europe: Manu Luq *Costa Brava -Tag DGS Europe: Purgatory District - Louis Cifer 😈 Tag DGS Europe: SILACRE 🦹♂️ Tag DGS Europe: Temu_Dshin in loving memory ❤ Tag DGS Europe: WUSELELFE 🧚♀️ Tag DGS Event 2012 Geocoin DGS The Dark Empire Geocoin DGS The Dark Empire Geocoin - AS Two Tone /Red DGS The Dark Empire Geocoin - AS/Blue DGS The Dark Empire Geocoin - Copper/Green DGS The Dark Empire Geocoin- Two Tone Silver/Golf DGS The Rising Geocoin DGS The Rising Geocoin DGS The Rising Geocoin DGS The Rising Geocoin DGS The Rising Geocoin DGS The Rising Geocoin DGS The Rising Geocoin DGS The Rising Geocoin DGS Toad Cave Geocoin DGS-Our Geocaches Can Beat Up Your Geocaches Geocoin Dirtbag Geocaching Society - Belgium *BadBoy5300 Dirtbag Geocaching Society - Belgium *Davetarget Team Dirtbag Geocaching Society - Belgium *Horiyoshi Dirtbag Geocaching Society - Belgium *spockske Dirtbag Geocaching Society - Belgium *Two Tone AE 33/100 DirtBags Downunder - Silver Jupp Nümms Dirtbag Coin - Antigue Copper *Friends only 33 Jupp Nümms Dirtbag Coin - Antigue Silver RE111 North Georgia Dirtbag Geocoin DGS - Keyring Dgs 10 Year Anniversary Edition Token DGS Belgium Pin DGS Button- 10 Year Anniversary DGS Button- Belgien DGS Button- Canada DGS Canada Pathtag DGS Europe Pin- Lower Saxony (Copper/Lightblue glitter) DGS Europe Pin- Lower Saxony (Copper/Lightgreen glitter DGS Europe Pin- Lower Saxony (Silver/Pink glitter DGS Europe Pin- Lower Saxony (Silver/White Glitter DGS EUROPE- The Dutch Clan * AC Pin DGS EUROPE- The Dutch Clan * AG Pin DGS EUROPE- The Dutch Clan * AS Pin DGS Europe: Drietbüel Pin - Antigue Copper DGS LOGO : Magnetic DGS North Georgia Pathtag DGS Ostwestfalen- TROOPER1983 DGS Pin - Antigue BN/ green Glitter DGS Pin - Antigue Copper / Blue Glitter DGS Pin - Antigue Copper / Green Glitter DGS Pin - Antigue Silver (without Color) DGS Pin - BN/ pink Glitter DGS Pin - polished Gold / Blue Glitter DGS Pin - polished Gold / Green Glitter DGS South Carolina Pathtag DGS Spain: Pin / brooch - Antigue Silver DGS Spain: Pin / brooch - Gold DGS TAG: Saarland DGS The Dark Empire GeoPin DGS The Dark Empire GeoPin DGS The Dark Empire GeoPin DGS The Dark Empire GeoPin DGS The Dark Empire GeoPin DGS The Dark Empire GeoPin DGS The Dark Empire GeoPin DGS The Rising GeoPin DGS- Enjoy the Path AG (Mystery Coin) DGS: TO HONOUR OUR SPECIAL FRIENDS Dirtbag Ammobox Pin - Gray Dirtbag Ammobox Pin - Red Dirtbag Ammobox Pin - White Dirtbag Geocaching Society - FlanDro & Nora (Token) Dirtbag Geocaching Society - GeoPin ( Red/Green Glitter) Dirtbag Geocaching Society - GeoPin (Blue/White Glitter) Dirtbag Geocaching Society - NEO DGG (NT) Dirtbag Geocaching Society EUROPE- GeoPin (BG/Lightgreen) Dirtbag Geocaching Society EUROPE- GeoPin (BG/Red) Dirtbag Geocaching Society EUROPE- GeoPin (BN/LIghtblueglitter) Dirtbag Geocaching Society EUROPE- GeoPin (BN/Lightgreenglitter)) Dirtbag Geocaching Society EUROPE- GeoPin (BN/Pink) Dirtbag Geocaching Society EUROPE- GeoPin (BN/Red)) Dirtbag Geocaching Society EUROPE- GeoPin (BN/White) Dirtbag Geocaching Society EUROPE- GeoPin (copper /Darkblueglitter) Dirtbag Geocaching Society Patch Dirtbags Downunder Australia GeoPin - Blue Dirtbags Downunder Australia GeoPin - Gray Dirtbags Downunder Australia GeoPin - Green Dirtbags Downunder Australia GeoPin - Purple Dirtbags Downunder Australia GeoPin - Red Dirtbags Downunder Australia GeoPin - Yellow The Dirtbags - Railhouse Brewery (Pathtag) Compass Rose Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB30RJ0 5th Anniversary Compass Rose - Mediterranean TB1GFXX Compass Rose 2007 - Antique Silver TB3B4VK Compass Rose 2009 - Polished Gold TB4V8CQ Compass Rose 2011 Geocoin - Daybreak TBNX99 Compass Rose Geocoin 2005 TBRC4Y Compass Rose Geocoin 2006 Compass Rose Geocoin 2010 - Flores Compass Rose Geocoin 2011 - Eclipse Compass Rose Geocoin 2011 - Midnight Sun Compass Rose Geocoin 2011 - Twilight Edition Compass Rose Geocoin 2012 - Sahara Compass Rose Geocoin 2013 - Huitzilopochtli - LE Compass Rose Geocoin 2013 - Xipe-Totec Cosmic Compass Geocoin - Purple Cosmic Compass Geocoin - Red Cosmic Compass Geocoin - Yellow Irish Compass Rose Geocoin Mystery
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1Z387 CCC Geocoin 108 TB6DJCK Mystical Greenman - May The Forest Be With You Human Rights Geocoin (Mystery Coin) Mystery Coin !
Super Cacher Geocoin (Mystery Coin) Mystery Coin
*The Shadow* 2009 Georgia Spirit Quest Geocoin (MysteryCoin)
Amicus Occultus Geocoin - Blue Glitter (Mystery Coin) Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Cointact (Mystery Coin) #50 Crappy Cache Award )Mystery Coin) CthulhuCacher - Mystery Geocoin Dragons Eye - 94/100 (Mystery Coin) Great Geo-Pumpkin (Mystery Coin) 051 - 07
Greenman Geocoin Highland Geofairy #022 (Mystery Coin) Kwanzaa (Mystery Coin) Mystical Greenman Geocoin Sesons Greetings (Mystery Coin) Cop The Easter Coin Bunny Geocoin - Red/Blue Glitter (Mystery Coin) The Geocoin Fairy #244 (Mystery Coin) For Trade/Sell !
Icon Infocode Picture Name Community Volunteer Travel Tag Neu beim Haedel
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1QC7W For the Love of Caching Geocoin TB2XYRV RC Firetruck Geocoin TB9MP50 Snoopy TB2NJNZ The DEAD Geocoin TB24HWN What WOULD Signal do? Geocoin Block Party 2014 Geocoin - incl. Tag Block Party 2015 Geocoin - incl. Tag Compass Rose Geocoin 2013 Cryin’ Brian Geocoin CSJ - Camí de Sant Jaume Geocoin Discovered Volume I - #106 / 1000 Dragon Tails Geocoin Dream Sherpa Geocoin Geocaching HQ Lackey 2021 Geocoin - Silver Edition Geocaching HQ Lackey 2021 Geocoin - silver Edition (Travel Tag) Going On An Adventure Geocoin HQ Logbook Geocoin Magellan Geocoin - European Lunch 2010-2011 AG Midwest GeoBash 2007 Bridge Geocoin Search Engine Geocoin Toronto 2006 Geocoin AS #0453 Travel Bug Dog Tag Geocaching Kreis Borken
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6QGQE DJS Wanderpokal TB4VKMG Geocaching Kreis Borken TB95G0Z Haedel -GeocacheAward Kreis Borken TB7TKTX Haedel's GAKB Geocoin TB4VKJR Haedel's Kreis Borken Coin TB4YK9D Haedel´s-“Vreden verbindet…“ Vv- Geocoins by woelfe“ Geocache Award Kreis Borken 2017 (Token) On the Road...
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB7M4J4 🔦Haedel's NC Lenser🔦 TB8WE6N Geocaching Meets Ingress TB7CNWG Haedel 80 - Geocacher on Tour TB5AKJM Haedel's Logeintrag TB68Z9N Haedel's Cacher Mobil TB8TPYB Haedel's- GEOCOINDEALER TB97XAR Haedel's - Tallink Silja Trackable TB6HDP7 Haedel's '58 IMPALA Tb Racer TB70M80 Haedel's Little Yellow Coin TB7DG2C Haedel80 vs. Onchao* TB- Race TB88FCD Haedel´s GIFF GeoToken TB9C3PA Meeting Haedel 80 Ukraine,Kyiv und Prypjat
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8T5DC Haedel's - Prypjat Geocoin TB7KGF9 Haedel's - Ukraine ~ Kyiv Trackable XXXL20
TB8T5F0 Haedel's -Prypjat Geocoin TB939FK Haedel's -Ukrainian geocoin TB2Q8PN Haedel's Ukraine Islander 1988 Geocoin TB8T5BY Haedel's- VISETED Prypjat Geocoin TB97WF0 Haedel´´`s-Prypjat Geocoin 20 years of Geocaching in Ukraine - HELP for UKRAINE - BN 15/50 20 years of Geocaching in Ukraine - LE046/100 20 years of Geocaching in Ukraine - LE047/100 20 years of Geocaching in Ukraine - LE050/100 Hazardous Geocoin MicroCoin
Prypjat Geocoin - Desolated LE75 Prypjat Geocoin - Desolated LE75 Prypjat Geocoin - Honoring the Liquidators LE Prypjat Geocoin - Honoring the Liquidators LE Prypjat Geocoin - Honoring the Liquidators LE Prypjat Geocoin - Purple Rain Edition AR/FR XLE Prypjat Geocoin - Purple Rain Edition AR/FR XLE Prypjat Geocoin - Purple Rain Edition AR/FR XLE Prypjat Geocoin - Remember '86 LE Ukraine GeoMedal - Antigue Gold Ukraine GeoMedal - Antigue Silver In honor of the liquidators of Chornobyl 1986~2016 Nickel/Silber
Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB746GK Elvis Guitar Geocoin Blue glitter
TB6CRGE Elvis- one World one King TB746N9 Haedel's Elvis Guitar Geocoin Purple Glitter
TB746CC Haedel's - Elvis Guitar Geocoin Silver Glitter
TB746F0 Haedel's Elvis Guitar Coin Green Glitter
TB7465H Haedel's Elvis Guitar Geocoin White Glitter
TB24DV9 Haedel's Elvis Jukebox Memories Geocoin TB7HAQD Haedel´s Elvis Acoustic GeoPick Coin TB2QFXD Jukebox - Top 50 Songs Geocoin "Elvis" Gold Vinyl Record Geocoin "Elvis" Vinyl Record Geocoin - Black Nickel CacheFest 2022 Mega Event Coin - Memphis Tennessee Let The Good Times Roll Geocoin Handmade Coins
VGC Coins - Dutch/misc Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1EQDM Dutch Geocoin 2006 TB20H8W Dutch Geocoin 2007 TB2P3JB Dutch Geocoin 2008 TB13QYD Dutch Microcoin 2006 TB3TVEG Haedel's - VOC Geocoin TB1A2MT VGC Geocoin 2006- Tuur on Tour 12 Provincien Geocoinrace 2008-2009 Geocoin Saffier & Stekelsteef Personal Geocoin - Diving Helmet AG VGC Geocoin 2006 - FRANKY639 VGC Geocoin 2006 - KarellKraak 2006 #23 VGC Geocoin 2006 - MADpalace en de schattige zoeker VGC Geocoin 2006 - MVS Team Pooh VGC Geocoin 2006 - Saffier VGC Geocoin 2006 - Team Delta123 VGC Geocoin 2006 - TEAM MATHLENER VGC Geocoin 2006 - Team WIJ Drie #48 VGC Geocoin 2006 - Team Wolfje #115 GLOW
VGC Geocoin 2006 - Wilk VGC Geocoin 2008 - Disneyteam VGC Geocoin 2008 - Kapitein Haag VGC Geocoin 2008 - Riesjaart & Super Conmy Nummeriert: 087/ GLOW
VGC Geocoin 2008 - Team Sweetlake VGC Geocoin 2008 - Wandelaartjes Heemseker Nummeriert: 045
Taiwan, Japan , Asia, Fernost
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1WJP1 Haedel's - Japan Official Geocoin TB2FFGW Haedel's - Japan Summer Geocoin TB2FY2G Haedel's - Okinawa Geocoin TB1CD4N South Pointing Chariot Geocoin TB1T82W Tairyoku Geocoin Beijing Observatory Geocoin Simple Treasures Geocoin US State Coins / Misc
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1GBC0 Alabama Geocachers Association Geocoin TB186H4 California 2006 Geocoin TB42PYF Haedel's Delaware Geocoin TBQB0J North Carolina Geocoin TB30J4T The Official Pennsylvania 2009 Geocoin 2008 Texas Geocoin 2009 Alaska Geocoin - 999fine Silver Annual Baker County Moonshine Run Geocoin Geocaching Alberta South Geocoin Georgia 2007 Geocoin GGA 10th Anniversary Geocoin The Worlds 1st Geocaching Club
GGA 8th Anniversary Geocoin Northwest PA Geocoin 2006 Patriotic Pinwheel Geocoin - Antique Silver South Carolina Micro Geocoin Oregon, Seattle & Orig. Stash
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3JN4P “ORIGINAL Can of Beans Geocoin" TB10JJQ Haedel´s - Original Stash Geocoin TB1KDT6 Original Stash 7th Anniversary Geocoin incl. GeoPin
2017 WSGA Geocache Challenge 2020 Mardi Gras Masquerade Geocoin - Seattle Oregon Adventure Coast Geocoin Seattle Skyline Travel Tag (Block Party) Summer Time Geocoin - Seattle Edition USA Geocoin WSGA State Tag 2019 WSG 2004 Geocoin - Home of Geocaching World Headquarters WSG 2005 Geocoin - Washington State Geocaching Hq, Lackey, Volunteer & Reviewer...
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8B6JT 15 Year Anniversary Tag - Honeychile TB20DVQ 2008 Groundspeak Volunteer Geocoin TB3P8RD 2010 Groundspeak Lackey Geocoin TB2PGWG Antefix Geocoin - Swiss Reviewer TB16FPJ Beach Ball Geocoin TB9CABG Community Volunteer Geocoin 2019 TB608BD German EarthCache Reviewer Coin TB9DM43 German Reviewer Backup Geocoin 2019 (RO) TB7BBY2 German Reviewer Coin 2015 Stamp Tool, „Reviewer Only“ (RO) Edition TB9MXNC German Reviewer sagen Danke Geocoin 2020 (RO) for Haedel 80 TBAD1QK German Reviewer-Marke 2022 (RO) TB4J09A Haedel's - Lackey ’11 Geocoin - Silver TB1YXBM Haedel's - RoadRunner Geocoin TB2YDGT Haedel's - Volunteer Geo-Award Geocoin TB66JZX Haedel's-HQ Logbook Geocoin TB15KF6 Haedel's - Honeychile Geocoin TB17VHC Haedel's - mtn-man Admin Brick Geocoin Forum Moderator
TB17XE7 Haedel´´´`s - 2 Cdn Reviewers Geocoin TBAN1TK Important books of Geocaching - German Reviewer Coin 2023 (RO) TBA6JNG Just Frog Logic - Publish Coin with 2 Codes !
TBA6JQW Just Frog Logic - Retract Coin with 2 Codes !
TB26RDB Reviewer LZ33 Tag TB6XJ9H Rukubi Volunteer Reviewer Tag TB2MJDR Tupperman Geocoin TBA6JW7 Westpointer Reviewer Geocoin TBA6JRY Westpointer Reviewer Geocoin IgnotusPeverell - Volunteer Reviewer Geocoin---- Solemnly Swear… 10 Year Reviewer Award Coin - Mtn Man 15 Year Anniversary Doubloon - Reviewer Marko Ramius 15 Year Anniversary Tag - Mtn Man 15 Year Anniversary Tag - Reviewer Marko Ramius 2015 Lackey Geocoin 5 Jahre Geocoin 5 years OnkelFedja Reviewer Geocoin 5 years OnkelFedja Reviewer Geocoin Alabama Rambler -Naturefish *Groundspeak Volunteer Reviewer* Geocoin Block Party 2011 Geocoin shiny Silver
Block Party 2012 Geocoin Block Party 2013 Geocoin Incl. Tag
Block Party 2014 Tag Cache Agent 2008 Geocoin Cache Agent was volunteer geocache reviewer in Ontario. \r\n
CacheShadow Volunteer Tag Carion Crow Geocoin 2006 RE100 PC (Reviewer Honeychile)
Class of 2006 Reviewer (15 yrs) Geocoin Czech Reviewers Geocoin 2015 - Silver/Green de wildeman's Volunteer Reviewer Tag FrancisScottKey Reviewer Tag Frogfoot1 10 Years Anniversary Glitter LE80
FrogfooT1-Koen - Reviewer Tag GeoawareDE13-Tag GeoawareUSA10 - brcross95 Geocoin GeoawareUSA10 - brcross95 Reviewer Tag GeoawareUSA10 - brcross95 Tag Geocaching HQ 2020 Lackey Geocoin - Silver Edition Geocaching HQ 2020 Lackey Geocoin Traveltag Geocaching HQ Geocoin Geocaching HQ Lackey 2017 Geocoin incl. Traveltag Geocaching HQ Lackey 2018 Geocoin Geocaching HQ Lackey 2018 Geocoin - Traveltag Geocaching HQ Lackey 2021 Geocoin - Gold Geocaching HQ Lackey 2021 Geocoin - Gold Tag Geocaching HQ Lackey 2021 Geocoin - Silver Edition Geocaching HQ Lackey 2021 Geocoin - Silver Edition Tag TAG Silver
Geocaching HQ Treasure Chest Geocoin - GOLD Groundspeak Blue Switch Geocoin IgnotusPeverell - Volunteer Reviewer Tag Isht Kinta Reviewer Geocoin Nordic Reviewer Geocoin Norwegian Reviewer 2017 Geocoin Norwegian Reviewer Geocoin Norwegian Reviewer Geocoin (AG) LE50 OnkelFedja Reviewer Geocoin Protea Sangomas Reviewer Geocoin Persönliches Geschenk
Raine "Like the Weather, With an E" Geocoin - V2 Green Reviewer Frogfoot10 Geocoin - 10 Years Anniversary Reviewer LZ33 Trackable Geschenk von Dale !
Reviewer LZ33 Trackable (2020 Edition) Geschenk von LZ33
Reviewer BadenWürttemberg 2015 Geocoin Sabbelwasser - Volunteer Reviewer Tag Signal Bottle Opener Geocoin Supporting The Game Volunteer Geocoin Ein Geschenk von Reviewer LZ33
The 12th Man Volunteer Reviewer Trackable #80 / 100
Visit Geocaching HQ Geocoin Volunteer 10 Year Geocoin Volunteer 10 Year Geocoin - geoawareDE7 Volunteer Reviewer Kiepker, the original Geocoin Volunteer Translators Only Geocoin This version was available to translators only.
Westpointer Reviewer Tag - Blue Bite Westpointer Reviewer Tag - Pal of the Paw Reviewer LZ33 - Destination Reviewer LZ33- Wooden Nickles Projekt A.P.E.- Mission #9: The Tunnel of Light
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB7CQ2H Going APE 2015 Geocoin TB8R5JV Going Ape 2017 Geocoin TB9B5AQ Haedel's - Going APE 2019 Geocoin TB92MAH Haedel's- Ape cache is alive Geocoin Going APE 2014 Geocoin Going APE 2016 Geocoin - - Event Edition (Antique Silver) Going Ape 2017 Geocoin Going Ape 2017 Geocoin - Antigue Silver/Blue Going Ape 2018 - Trackable Going Ape 2022 Geocoin- Event Antigue Bronze Black RE Project A.P.E.: Tunnel of Light Geocoin GLOW
Personal Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBVBMJ 2006 Parents of SAM Silver Geocoin TBX7AH 2006 Scott-N8ZUS Geocoin TB1QE0D Adrenaline Geocoin TB1FJ18 Anthus Secret geoAgent Geocoin TB6ANGC Avroair Aviator Geocoin TBTDEZ Bad Andy Geocoin TB16YRW Bad Mojo Geocoin TBWAK0 Brawny Bear Clan Geocoin TB1MMZ1 Cache Rich Geocoin TB3JG1A COALCACHE Geocoin - Alabama TB4Z2NE COALCACHE Geocoin - Illinois TB4Z2MZ COALCACHE Geocoin - Kentucky TB3JG2P COALCACHE Geocoin - Virginia TB3ZD4R Coalcache Geocoin - West Virginia TB134TC DiverVan Geocoin TB1HCDY Geo 40 Series Geocoin TB1EPWR Geocoin Thief GC #2 TB1DBGE Haedel's - ANWB Paddenstoel Geocoin TB8B7QP Haedel's - BueTriDo Geocoin TB1Y0GV Haedel's - Celtic Arrow Geocoin TB22PDW Haedel's - Cheesocoin Geocoin TBW2Z1 Haedel's - KacheKat & Kickin' Geocoin NO 363
TB166K4 Haedel's - Ladybug Geocoin TBTKXC Haedel's - Lamp Post Cache Geocoin GLOW
TB1YWP8 Haedel's - Moose Mob Geocoin TB1PW01 Haedel's - Muddy8 Feet 2007 Geocoin TBZN1E Haedel's - Saffier & Stekelsteef Personal Geocoin TBTV2E Haedel's - Skirtlifter Cache Geocoin TB201WZ Haedel's - WI_Robin Personal Geocoin TB201KX Haedel's - WI_Robin Personal Geocoin Egg TB23TEP Haedel's Castle Man 2008 Geocoin TB1H1F8 Haedel's- Roboknight 2007 Mystery Geocoin GLOW
TB1THAH Haedel's-FSM Geocoin TBN277 Haedel's - Fotomom Geocoin TB1N91R Haedel's - Belted Kingfisher Geocoin 063
TB1VHJF Haedel's - Castle Man 2007 Geocoin TB20JDT Haedel's - Mackey Made It Geocoin TB2D5RR Haedel's - Night Hunter 2008 Geocoin TB29AE0 Haedel's - OTT Team Roulette Geocoin TB16H62 Haedel's - Prowler 53 Geocoin TB794HB Haedel´s Crazy Love Geocoin TB7G8EY Haedel´s- Taschendrache 7k TBV90Z MustangJoni Geocoin TB1KF25 SwedenHawk Geocoin TBZ9QN Team Myth Geocoin TBYJ98 Team NAB Geocoin TB116RY Twin Peaks Personal Geocoin TB2021N WI_Robin Personal Geocoin 2007 Frozen Buns Geocoin 2LuknF8 Geocoin Applewomyn Geocoin Arrow One Geocoin Avroair Aviator 2011 Geocoin Bandit Geocoin BGA Personal GeoCoins - Spockske Crowesfeat30 - Carp'e Cache' Geotag by
Crowesfeat30 Geocoin Dressel Dragon Geocoin Eagle618 Geocoin Faithful to the end Geocoin 46/111
Geodiamond Geocoin GeoSmurfz Geocoin - ShinyCopper Purple Glitter Lightsaber XLE Hedge Hopper V2 Geocoin Sat.Silver Green Hounds & Ravens Geocoin - Silver hzoi 2009 Geocoin - Silber LE Indiana Micro Geocoin - Black Nickel Indiana Micro Geocoin - gold IowaBeaver Personal Geocoin Irish Hunter Geocoin #30 JT Personal Tag Li'l Dreamer 2009 Geocoin LONGTOMSILVER - Personal Tag LONGTOMSILVER's Personals - Gold LONGTOMSILVER's Personals - Shiny Copper Mark & Steve Geocoin 019
Mjölnir Geocoin MtnMutt Geocoin Pan & Tink Geocoin River Cacher 2010 Geocoin StarGeezer Geocoins Superpower Geocoin - Friends only - LE50 GLOW
Superpower Geotag Team Champot' Personal Tag Team Sand Dollar 2007 Arrowhead Geocoin - Gold Edition Team Sand Dollar 2008 Pacific Geocoin Silver
Team Sand Dollar 2008 Pacific Geocoin - Copper Edition Team Tante Tilly Personal Geocoin Team Thorny Geocoin Team Yanagi 2 Geocoin - Rainbow #59 (Shiny Silver/Multi Color) TG Bear Geocoin - Silver The Fox and the Hound Geocoin - incl error Coin The_Proffens Geocoin Twin Peaks Personal Geocoin Gold
Twin Peaks Personal Geocoin (Silver) Geocaching Nerdz 2007 (Shiny Silver) Rot13 Decoder
Ultimate Geocaching Trifecta
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8Q283 Haedel's - Ultimate Geocaching Trifecta Geocaching Trifecta Geocoin Antik Bronze GeoTriad Geocoin Statistics, FTF/DNF, D5/T5 und Special Days
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1822D 5 Star Kayak Geocoin TB181DT 5 Star SCUBA Geocoin TB5GTA3 D5 Mystery Geocoin TB17WH7 Haedel's - FTF Geocoin TB7QFGY Haedel's 366 Days of Geocaching Geocoin TB6PZBP Haedel's Cache Counter Geocoin TB3PHBE Haedel's Geocacher's Day Coin TB7X2C2 Haedel's May the 4th be with Signal Geocoin TB8BK33 Haedel's- Project-GC Geocoin TB7J4P0 Haedel'sGeo-Achievement Finds 3,000 Geocoin TB5N6MH Haedel´s - T5 Geocoin TB7P1TP Haedel´s Goodbye 2015 Hello 2016 GeoCoin #GeoChallenge 10 Year Anniversary Geocoin shiny gold
11 Years of Geocaching Geocoin Crown Me First to Find Geocoin Devil Made Me Do It Geocoin (Red) (Red)
Friday the 13th Geocoin - Black Nickel GeoQuest III Geocoin International Geocaching Day 2016 Geocoin Teufel u. Engel
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8D0GC Difficulty 666 Geocoin (Haedel's 100ste Aktive Coin) TB88VQ3 Haedel´s - Louis Cifer Geocoin Cache Gods Geocoin CU @ Hell Geocoin - Superbia LE 250 (GLOW) Every Choice Geocoin Silver Angel Every Choice Geocoin Silver Angel-Devil Every Choice Geocoin Silver Devil GCC December 2008 Geocoin - Fear No Cache Red/AG *AE20 GCC December 2008 Geocoin - Fear No Cache Blue/Copper *Member only Edition XLE 75
GCC December 2008 Geocoin - Fear No Cache Red/AS LE1000 Promo poster with autograph Chris Mackey
Terrain 666 - Bloody Snow White Edition (GeoPin) Terrain 666 - Red Hell Edition (GeoPin) Haedels Tierwelt
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB37NGY Geocoin Club September 2009 Geocoin TB7N149 Haedel's Jurassic World Geocoin TB8TKD2 Haedel's - Erdmännchen Geocoin TB6X130 Haedel's Black Widow Geocoin TB5M77D Haedel's Green Mamba Coin TB4QPKA Haedel's Tick Geocoin TB8DMM0 Haedel's-Giant Panda Geocoin TB8KJ6G Haedel's - Ratatoskr Geocoin _AE20_ TB8A8ZT Haedel´s Furcifer Pardalis Geocoin Kann seine Farbe ändern ;)
TB4NWDC Schrodinger's Geocoin Allegany State Park 2011 Geocoin incl Proxy u. GeoPin
Cat Geocoin Cougar Mountain Macaw Geocoin Mammoth Geocoin Set - SNAGTHETAG Puppy Pound - German Shepherd Geocoin Sloth Travel Tag Eventcoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBRP2V Frozen Bone Geocoin TB773P3 Haedel's As Geocoin TBT8KF Haedel's - Balloon Geocoin TB8C37F Haedel's - Bock auf Alsdorf Geocoin TB776GT Haedel's Aureus Geocoin TB7R6VR Haedel's BB6 Mega Event Coin TB775J3 Haedel's Denarius Geocoin TB7CZGF Haedel's Geocoinfest Europe 2015 Geocoin TB8CCFN Haedel's Tipi Tipi Tap II Geocoin TB6DMGB Haedel's TipiTipiTap Coin TB822X7 Haedel's-Dat is Kowelenz 2016 Coin TB1E87F Haedel´s - Temecula Association 2007 Geocoin TB8CM1X Haedel´s - Where in the world is Signal? Dönerstag! Geocoin TB7P9QA Haedel´s Essen- Eine Perle des Ruhrgebiets Geocoin TB7WNNY Haedel´s Glück Auf 2016 - Event Geocoin 2021 Bryan and GoLI Homecoming Geocoin - A Bryan and GoLi Community Event 2021 Geocoinfest Event Geocoin Black Canyon Beach Luau #3 Geocoin Community Celebration Event Geocoin - Der Pott wird volljährig (Error Coin) Event am Meer 2020 Event-Geocoin Event am Meer 2020 Event-Geocoin - dschinny Edition Geo¢a$h Event Geocoin Geocoinfest 2019 Trackable Keychain Im ❤ Geocacher Stammtisch The Great Mingo Madness Cache Bash Coin Cache in Trash out
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6DP6Q Geocaching Ortungsdienst Geocoin TB5T2CM Haedel's Cache In Trash Out Geocoin TB24MG2 Haedel's - CITO Mother Earth Geocoin TB8V2HE Haedel's- Frühjahrsputz am Kemnader See 2018 Geocoin TB7PR1B Haedel´s - Frühjahrsputz am Kemnader See Geocoin 44/70
TB8ATTC Haedel´s - Kemnader love nature Geocoin Cache In Trash Out Tag GIFF
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8PHE0 Haedel's -GIFF 2017 Geocoin TB7PGXZ Haedel's GIFF 2015 Geocoin TB74RHZ Haedel's Test Pattern Geocoin TB93MYQ Haedel's- GIFF 2018 - Janz jroß Kinema Trackable TB82X4C Haedel´s GIFF 2016 Geocoin Geo Elmo Geocaching Trackable Geocoins True Metal Tag - GIFF Event Steinfurt 2019 Besondere Caches
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8P2MG Haedel's - Akte 69 Geocoin TB9GZ0M Haedel's - Dracula 2.0 Geocoin TB8M7RJ Haedel's- drei Fragezeichen Geocoin TB8DH1X Haedel's-The Witch Geocoin TB7WZT5 Haedel´s Dexter Trinity Geocoin TB85RAN Haedel´s Til Death Do Us Part! Geocoin TB9AE74 Haedel´s- BetterCacher Geocoin TB8YRJ2 Haedels- Dexter Geocoin TB96JQY Haedels-Dexter Final Insanity Geocoin "First New Zealand" Tribute Plaque Geocoin Besondere Caches Geocoin - Kumpel Anton -GC34P7Z- Besondere Caches Geocoin - Pennywise the clown- GC3XB2Z Geocache of the week 37/2013
Besondere Caches Geocoin - TÖFF TÖFF -GC31EQD- Dexter - Kodex erfüllt Geocoin (v1) Maine 10th Anniversary Geocoin Suncatcher
MAXimale Geocoin - Der Nachtwächter # 048 LE100 60mm×4mm
Mingo GC30 Geocoin Mingo GC30 Geocoin Mingo GC30 Geocoin (Autumn Edition) Mingo Plaque Dedication Coin Mingo Stash Coin Lost Place und Nightcache
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5P3BC Haedel`s I Love NC Coin TB8M2CR Haedel's - Fahrmarke Geocoin TB45ZDT Haedel's Biohazard Geocoin TB6YZMT Haedel's Darkest Dreams Coin TB81PDN Haedel's Lost Skull Geocoin TBWWZ9 Haedel's - Cache or Die trying Geocoin TB7NE7F Haedel´s-Lost Places 02 Bunkertür Geocoin TB84ND3 Lost Mietz Geocoin TB18076 Moonlight Caching 2006 Geocoin 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin - RE200 AB 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin - Antigue Bronze RE200 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin - Antik Copper LE100 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin - LE100 AC 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin - LE100 AN Bill Miner Geocoin - Antik Silber + Rot XXXLE35 Cache or Charge Geocoin (Gold) cu @ LP - Geocoin Yellow Glitter
cu @ LP Geocoin - Glow White GLOW
Geoswag C&P Club October 2008 - Night Cache Muggler Geocoin GLOW incl. Pin
Lost Skull Geopin Lost Skull Geopin (Glow) LP4K - CU@LP (GeoPin) Timezone, Astronomical ...
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5F4NQ Haedel's EUREKA Geocoin TB84TJV Haedel´s Timezone Geocoin TB7QMEJ Haedel´s Ultra Pi Day 2016 Geocoin Cache Droids Geocoin - shiny silver - Gauss Geocoin Luminous Energy Geocoin Planetary Pursuit Geocoin Geo Tour
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8Q0WV Haedel's - HQ GeoTour Geocoin Altes Ägypten
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2Z4N2 Ancient Cultures Geocoin TB47WPT Egyptian Key Geocoin (Antique Silver) Classic Edition TB47WYP Egyptian Key Geocoin (Satin Gold) Spring Edition TB7JR0A Haedel' s Scarab Geocoin TB448W7 Haedel's ICU Geocoin TB6V05W Haedel's King Tut Geocoin TB386NN Haedel's Wonders Geocoin TB6667X Haedel´s Egyptian Scarab Geocoin TB4EKF6 Haedel´s The Mummy Geocoin TB6V032 King Tut Geocoin LE Antique Gold Anubi Geocoin - Antigue Silver Egyptian Geocoin - Polished Gold / Black Egyptian Geocoin - PS Pirate´s of High Seas
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8N5XZ ☠Haedel's Mary Hyde Treasure TB ☠ TB8EDK1 Haedel's-Pirates make Legends Geocoin AE - GLOW
TB2CQWZ Haedel's-Pirate's Booty Geocoin- polisch silver / red diamond TB729NT Haedel´s High Seas Pirate Adventure Geocoin TB3H8CB Totenschiff Cursed Pirate's Booty Geocoin Shiny Gold LE Pirate Bones Geocoin Pirate Treasure Geocoin Pirate Wheel Geocoin - Antik Silber Griechenland
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6CRD8 Coming Home TB5MQHX Dionysios' Double Deka Drachme Historic Geocoin TB24PY1 First Greek Geocoin 2007 Antik Gold
TB23X3K Haedel's Greece Geocoin, antique gold TB1VPFY Haedel's- First Greek Geocoin 2007 TB23X6K Haedel's - Greece Geocoin TB3VJYF Micro Geocoin Greece Flag TB5MQ3V Tetradrachme of Athens Historic Geocoin TB5MQ9M Vala Dohaeris - Die Drachme des Lohnes TB5MQ5B Valar Morghulis - Die Drachme des Todes Dionysios' Double Deka Drachme Historic Geocoin First Greek Geocoin 2007 (AG) GeoPins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB71W6Y Haedel's 📍 Pin am Kopp Geocoin Alsdorf - Megaevent (GeoPin) Cache In Trash Out (GeoPin) DNF GeoPin El Loquito - GeoPin Finkenpiraten GeoPin FTF Award GeoPin FtF GeoPin GC Logo GeoPin (25x25mm) GC Logo GeoPin GC Logo GeoPin - shiny Silver & black Nickel GC This is our World GeoPin Geocaching TheTop 40 ( GeoPin) - Mustercoin GIGA Event GeoPin Goldi - GeoPin Guardian GeoPin (red glitter) Halloween Pumpkin GeoPin (GLOW) HJThom GeoPin Joe Kerr (GeoPin) King of Lost Place Patch Lady Dane GeoPin (by Louis Cifer) Laserlogoshop (Black and White) Louis Cifer cu@hell (GeoPinCard) LP4K - Glowing Pierrot XLE50 (GeoPin) LP4K - Lost Miner (GeoPin) LP4K - Lost Miner #Fire XLE75 (GeoPin) LP4K - Lost Skull (GeoPin) LP4K - Lost Skull (GeoPin) LP4K - N8Fist XLE50 (GeoPin) LP4K - Support GER Troops (GeoPin) Medi Gras GeoPin Our Playing Field GeoPin Pirate Landmarks (GeoPin) Pulverjunge GeoPin Sepp & Berta GeoPin (pink glitter) Signal FTF GeoPin Signal GeoPin SSOCA - Silver on Black (Token) SSOCA - GEoToken SSOCA GeoPin black/pink SSOCA GeoPin gold/black SSOCA GeoPin silber Team Yanagi GeoPin temu dshin GeoPin The Dogfather GeoPin (by Louis Cifer) Tiki Time GeoPin Vorsicht (P)infiziert - GeoPin Webharvey - GeoPin Non Trackable
Sample Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name Agent 2020 Geocoin- Freeze No More Secrets Geocoin - Black Hat Edition Tribute, Not Forgotten and Charity Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8ATVW Haedel's - Burning Car Geocoin (Charity Coin) TB7KC1D Haedel's Freedom Geocoin,Cincinnati incl. AdventureCard
TB99YA6 Haedels- Notre Dame de Paris - 1163/2019 geocoin 469/1050
TB4BYW5 River Cacher Memorial Geocoin 9-11 Commemorative Geocoin - Gold/Silver 2 Tone ACS Geocoin - All The World's A Stage Antique Bronze - LE (150) C44 - CACHE FOR FOUR - Travel Tag Dancing Couple Geocoin Charity Coin
Peace on Earth 2008 Geocoin - Silber Suncatcher
YemonYime v3 Pink Geocoin breast cancer LE
Hannover Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6J78V Haedel's Knast Geocoin TB6J7RZ Haedel's Letzte Schlacht Geocoin TB6J6VY Haedel's Unter'm Schwanz Geocoin Underwater
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2VN10 Haedel's - Reef Check Geocoin TB2WPZZ Haedel's- Save the Dolphins Geocoin TB3GR0P Jules Verne - 20000 Meilen unter dem Meer <°)))o>< Geocoin Gold Hering RE 275 Deep Sea Caching Geocoin Itsy Bitsy Bikini Geocoin Mermaid Geocoin GLOW 50/75
Rainbow Bridge Travel Tag X-mas,Winter Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBPEY9 Geocoin Club Coin (Aug 2005 - Mar 2006) TB1DF09 Geoswag And Pin Club 2006 Geocoin - Merry Christmas TB112J7 Haedel's - All-Season Caching - Winter Geocoin TB237JW Haedel's - Ultimate Waypoint Geocoin TB7142F Haedel's Christmas Tree (Wichtel) Geocoin TB4MW80 Haedel´s X-Mas Geocoin 2011 TB2TZ91 New Years 2009 Geocoin New Years 2008 Geocoin Santa Claus Geocoin - Sledge