Showroom of crisb (203)
Ich bin crisb, cache seit 2008 und seit 2009 haben sich auch ein paar Coins angesammelt ;)
Eine meiner Lieblings-Coins ist die "Darkest Dreams". Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach Editionen, die mir noch fehlen. Auch die recht ähnlichen "Nightcaching Australia" haben es mir angetan.
Außerdem bin ich für alles zu begeistern, was vier Räder hat. So entstanden auch zwei eigene Version der Campervan Geocoin.
"Black Pearl Glow" & "Weltmeister" (jeweils XXLE 10)
Ein weiteres Thema ist der Bergbau. So suche ich z.B. noch die fehldenen Version der Underground Coin.
Bei Interesse an meinen Coins schreibt mir einfach eine Nachricht.
Bis bald im Wald
Icon Infocode Picture Name unaktiviert
Icon Infocode Picture Name ⇓⇓ NIGHTCACHING ⇓⇓
Icon Infocode Picture Name Darkest Dreams
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3D0M1 Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Green Night (RE) TB39VK2 Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Orange Night (LE 75) TB39VZW Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Red Night (LE 75) TB39VMM Darkest Dreams Geocoin - White Night (XLE 50) TB39VWQ Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Yellow Night (LE 75) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Antik Night (RE) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Black Copper Dreams (LE 60) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Black Night Star Dreams (XLE 30) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Blue Ice Night Dreams (LE 70) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Dark Bloody Night Dreams (LE 60) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Dark Deep Ocean Dreams (LE 60) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Dark Foggy Night Dreams (LE 60) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Ruby Sissy Night Dreams (LE 65) Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Silver Night Star Dreams (XLE 30) Nightcaching Australia
Icon Infocode Picture Name Nightcaching Australia Geocoin - Apple 2nd Edition (LE 125) Nightcaching Australia Geocoin - Apple Edition (LE 60) Nightcaching Australia Geocoin - Grapefruit Edition (XLE 25) ⇓⇓ BERGBAU ⇓⇓
Icon Infocode Picture Name Underground Geocoin - 1st Edition
Icon Infocode Picture Name Underground Geocoin - dark hell (XLE 50) Underground Geocoin - unter Tage (LE100) Underground Geocoin - 2nd Edition (complete)
Underground Geocoin - 3rd Edition (complete)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Bergbau - Stolz & Ehre Geocoin - Kohle (RE 76) Bergbau Geocoin Lost Miner Geocoin Diamond (LE 200) Ruhrpott Geocoin - Hauer Edtion (RE 120) ⇓⇓ GARAGE ⇓⇓
Icon Infocode Picture Name Campervan Personal Editions
Campervan Shop Editions
other Cars
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2ZNAV Cachemobile East Geocoin - Papyrusweiss (LE 100) TB1M7J0 Cruiserdude II Geocoin TB6NWVX Octavia Scout Geocoin Baureihe 218 Geocoin - Elegance (AE 38/40) Geo-Mini Geocoin - Weiß Deluxe (XLE 50) Käfer Geocoin - Dark (LE 100) Skoda Yeti - einfach mehr zu erzählen Geocoin Kohlentier (LE 50)The Turbo Booster - KITT (LE 100) West Passionates Geocoin (LE 99) ⇓⇓ PLACES ⇓⇓
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geocacher's World
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB46W9N Geocacher's World Geocoin -FINLAND- BN/PS (LE 100) TB3HHEH Geocacher's World Geocoin -GERMANY- BN/PS (LE 100) TB46WX0 Geocacher's World Geocoin -NETHERLANDS- BN/PS (LE 100) TB4779C Geocacher's World Geocoin -PORTUGAL- BN/PS (LE 100) Germany
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB9GYQ8 crisb's Sauerländer Sonntags Treff GeoToken TB4RD82 Deutsche Bundesländer - Nordrhein-Westfalen Geocoin TB4ZPDJ Dortmund 2012 Geocoin - Poliertes Silber/Gold (XLE 75) TB7RTC5 Hessentag Geocoin TB3T3VK Koelner Dom Geocoin - Royal Red (LE 200) TB34YVR Mittelhessen – Region Marburg – Geocoin (LE 147) TB7NYV0 Paderborn Geocoin TB3JH55 Rothaarsteig Geocoin Siegerland
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4QJD2 Siegerland Geocoin Siegerland Geocoin #1 (LE1 50) Siegerland Geocoin #1 (RE 100) Siegerland GeoToken
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6NXZK crisb Siegerland GeoToken (LE 40) Siegerland GeoToken (XLE 10) ⇓⇓ ZOO ⇓⇓
Icon Infocode Picture Name Die Sendung mit der Maus
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB875HN Die Maus Geocoin TB8AJBE Die Maus Geocoin - Elefant TB8H22D Die Maus Geocoin - Ente Edeltraud - the Sheep
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3VA39 Edeltraud - the Sheep (2. Auflage: Black Sheep Ed.) Black Sheep Edition (LE 150)TB5AR06 Edeltraud - The Sheep (3. Auflage / Deluxe Sheep Ed. Black) LE135 TB5AR10 Edeltraud - The Sheep (3. Auflage / Deluxe Sheep Ed. Pink) LE135 TB5AR5V Edeltraud - The Sheep (3. Auflage / Deluxe Sheep Ed. White) LE135 TB5WD6Q Edeltraud - the Sheep (4. Auflage: Glitter Sand) Glitzer Sand (LE 250)Edeltraud - the Sheep (4. Auflage: Black Pearl) Black Pearl (LE 250)Edeltraud - the Sheep (5. Auflage: Naked Ed. Black) Naked Edition Black (LE 50)Edeltraud - the Sheep (6. Auflage: Annette) Annette (LE 05/60)Edeltraud - the Sheep (6. Auflage: Ina) Ina (LE 05/60)Edeltraud - the Sheep (6. Auflage: Sonja) Sonja (LE 05/60)ULMer Spatzen
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM Geocoin - L Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM Geocoin - M Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM Geocoin - U Animals
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB38NJ5 X-Mas Geocoin 2009 CacheRaccoon Geocoin - Randy (RE 150) Chicken FTF Geocoin - Poliertes Gold GeoPets Travel Tag Chris der LP-FotografGeoPets Travel Tag GeoTurtle Geocoin - Elisabeth (XLE 28/50) Großstadtdschungel Coin (RE 150) NABU Fledermaus Geocoin The Globetrotter ⇓⇓ GEOCACHING ⇓⇓
Icon Infocode Picture Name Besondere Caches
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8P2KF Akte 69 Geocoin TB79X5P MAXimale Geocoin TB8DGY2 The Witch Geocoin Camper-Zelle-Coin Mega/Giga Events
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBAARXH crisb's GeoWoodstock XVIII Logo Geocoin TBABVXW crisb's HQ 20 Year Celebration Geocoin TB4G35Q Geocoinfest EU 2011 Crazy Artist Geocoin TB4G1JJ Geocoinfest EU 2011 Main Event Geocoin TB4G409 Geocoinfest EU 2011 Meet & Greet Event Geocoin TB4G5GA Geocoinfest EU 2011 Welcome Event Geocoin TB5WFTG MegaBerlin 2013 Geocoin - Silber TB3THW1 Nacht der Vulkane Geocoin - Antik Silber XLE TB5W60E Project Eck Event Geocoin - Antik Silber GIGA Gutenberg 2015 Geocoin - Gold (LE 1111) HQ 20 Year Celebration Geocoin and Tag Set Mia san GIGA herzlich! - Silber (RE 2500) Project Glück Auf 2016 - Event Geocoin - Grubengold (XLE 300) Project Märchenhaft in Kassel Geocoin The Big Äppel Geocoin - Sunrise (RE 1210) Multi Events
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5FNKP 12-12-12 Multi Event Geocoin - Netherlands Edition (LE 325) 10 Years of Geocaching Multi Event Geocoin - Germany, Sepp&Berta (LE 150) 12-12-12 Multi Event - Germany Maya (LE 380) Leap into Caching 2012 Multi-Event Geocoin - Germany Cologne (LE 230) Geocaching
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3FXZC 1 Million Geocache Geocoin - Antik Kupfer (LE 100) TB3GB75 10 Years of Geocaching Geocoin - matte gold (LE 100) TB3QXAE 500 Finds Geo-Achievement Geocoin TB4P9AG BadgeGen Geocoin TB394FR EarthCache Geocoin TB3QAZR Extremcaching 2010 Geocoin TB4MTP7 GARMIN Rot13 Geocoin TB3NJCW Geocaching - 10 Years Geocoin - Antik Silber (RE) TB5B374 Geocaching Magazin Geocoin - Poliertes Silber (LE 400) TB3J0HX TB-Rescue Geocoin - Exklusive Gold Edition (LE 250) Giga Virtual Ghost Geocoin Happy Holidays Tag Holiday Ammo Can Tag Virtual Ghost Micro Geocoin Personal
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4ANA4 crisb TB4N3F7 crisbmobil TB95J3J crisbmobil II TB41R8N My Personal Geocoin TB3C5BF Ronja ⇓⇓ OTHER ⇓⇓
Icon Infocode Picture Name Lost Places
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5ZQ8W Lost Places Geocoin - Sowjet (LE 275) Lost Places 03 Geocoin Prypjat Geocoin - Blowout Edition (RE 110) Prypjat Geocoin - Returning Light (LE 90) Space
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2XF09 40 Years Man on the Moon - Moon Geocoin TB2X7R8 crisb's Suncompass Event Counter TB43E3F Space Gate Geocoin - Antik Silber Colors&Arts
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB42X56 Pure. Color Geocoin TB4WJMJ Rainbow Geocoin TB351PB Thurus Geocoin - Rainbow (LE 228) Pure. Color Geocoin Ships&Navigation
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4NHRR Bermuda Triangle Geocoin TB35VDK Bismarck Geocoin TB5GJB3 Compass Rose Geocoin 2012 TB4V5XZ Galileo Global Navigation Satellite System Geocoin BN/PS (RE) TB8NZ5F Mary Hyde's Treasure TB50KBT Titanic Geocoin TB5QZXY Treasure Chest of Friendship Geocoin - Silver Edition (LE155) Unsortiert
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2Y5W7 All In One Geocoin 2009 TB3D0BG Black Widow Geocoin TB3DXHD Coinfather Geocoin TB3DPH8 Easter 2010 Geocoin TB3GABV Enigma Geocoin TB6DHFN Freecoiner (Handmade) Member Coin Yellow TB3BBJP My Traveling 2 Cents Geocoin TB4NJEW Platons Atlantis Geocoin TB6WNNG SSoCA Geocoin - The end of the rainbow TB5DBMY Terrain 666 Geocoin - Hell Fire (LE 150) TB3D1A4 The Lord of the Caches - Water Geocoin Kolonisten Event Geocoin AS LE ⇓⇓ TRAVELING ⇓⇓
Icon Infocode Picture Name On the Road
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4ZZDF crisb's FarmtagZ TB6HZ4A crisb's Capybara TBAPPF7 ElitePartnerBerlin GeoTag Missing
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3J773 crisb's Audi A5 TB3BC9X crisb's Beetle TB424YN crisb's Chevrolet Chevelle TB421MG crisb's Dodge Charger TB3JHMF crisb's Geocaching meets Geodäsie Geocoin 2010 TB545V0 crisb's Geocaching meets Geodäsie Geocoin 2012 TB54609 crisb's Geocaching meets Geodäsie Geocoin 2012 TB5WJFZ crisb's Geocaching meets Geodäsie Geocoin 2013 TB6YBA1 crisb's Jeep Cherokee TB7N1FH crisb's Jurassic World - Desert Thunder TB2V9JW crisb's Moon - Silver Edition 🌕 TB3BDVG crisb's Range Rover ☠ TB2WCK6 crisb's Rentier 🦌 TB38CW0 crisb's scorpion 🦂 TB3FG5X crisb's VW Käfer TB2HX77 crisb's VW New Beetle TB35B0E crisb's VW New Beetle Cabrio TB4V2G8 crisb's Wiesmann GT TB3BAP3 crisb's World Traveller 🌎 TB7E8BE Knight Rider
Request list of crisb (8)
Icon | Name | Added |
Campervan Geocoin Personal Editions: 1: 70’s/Royal || 2: Kermit/Viper/Glasgow/Green Lantern/Tropicana || 3: Think Pink/Sweden |
02/10/14 | |
Darkest Dreams Geocoin XXLE/AE/SE/ME falls sich jemand trennen möchte :) |
02/17/13 | |
Edeltraud - the Sheep (Geocaching Animals) Geocoin fehlende |
12/05/13 | |
Nightcaching Australia Geocoin 1st: Orange/Girls Glow/Girls Glitter || 2nd: Grass/Blood |
07/29/14 | |
Prypjat Geocoin Visited Prypjat Edition |
01/24/18 | |
Siegerland Geocoin #1 |
10/24/21 | |
Swag Bus Geocoin |
07/29/14 | |
Underground Geocoin Batch 1: "schwarzes Gold" & "Ruhrpod" |
09/29/14 |