Showroom of Sam Marlowe (1108)
Coin und TB Sammlung von Sam Marlowe
Ich war schon immer von Coins und besonderen Trackable fasziniert.
Anfangs habe ich mich darauf beschränkt nur Coins mit einem "Bezug" zu sammeln.
Also Coins die zum Beispiel zu meinen anderen Hobby's passen und von Events die Ich besucht habe
und von besonderen Orten die ich beim Geocachen entdecken durfte.
Aber inzwischen ist das Coin-Sammeln zu einer Leidenschaft geworden.
Ich möchte schöne und besondere Coins nicht nur discovern dürfen;
Ich möchte Sie auch besitzen.
In den letzten Jahren ist so eine große Sammlung zusammengekommen.
Zur Zeit faszinieren mich vor allem Dreidimensionale Coins;
also fast alles was nicht den Münz- oder Medaillen-Charkter hat
Viel Spaß beim durchschauen
Sams "Familie and Scorpio Coins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB9Z84Z Sams Geocaching Ohana Tag TB95838 Sams Geoswag C&P Club November 2018 - Strong Scorpio TBAVG0N Sams Mini ZODIAC Woody TB19MJQ Sams Scorpio Geocoin TB8EHM0 Sams Scorpion Steampunk Geocoin TB908XG Sams Signs of the Zodiac Bonus Geocoin TB90A6K Sams Signs of the Zodiac Bonus Tag TB8P3Y6 Sams Sternzeichen ♏ Scorpion Tag TB8P3JP Sams Sternzeichen Geocoin "Scorpion" TB6GZBT Sams The Birthday Geocoin TB85AP8 Sams Two Hearts in Love Geocoin (Sam Marlowe's Hälfte) TB8V548 Sams Zodiac Aries Tag TB5VDT8 Sams Zodiac Scorpio TAG TB8V52V Sams Zodiac: Aries Geocoin TB8YV59 Sams ZODIAC: Leo Geocoin TB8M4X9 Sams Zodiac: Libra Geocoin TB8FXPV Virgo Geocoin - Caitlyn TB8H6EC Virgo TAG - Caitlyn Sams "Fuhrpark / Cachemobile"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB512KZ #CM1 Sam Marlowes Cache Mobil Signal Frog TB57AE7 #CM2 Sam Marlowes Cache Mobil #2014# TB5MKVD #CMB1 SamM's Geocaching Bike Sams "Moving Coins - ab und zu dabei"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6PYWX #M00 Sams Pocket Cache Counter Geocoin TB3DT22 #M01 Sams Geopatch and LogBook Stamp TB54A3M #M02 Hide It, Find It, Log It Sams Montana GPS TB TB6XGQ3 #M03 Sams Geocacher on Tour Name Tag TB85B00 #M04 TrekkTrack Sams Hut TB85B3B #M05 TrekkTrack SamM's Wanderschuhe TB7YWN3 #M06 Sams LEKI Trekkingstock Photosystem Carbon TB57WHE #M07 Sams Geocacher License Geocoin TB8895N #M08 Sams Geocaching License Geocoin TB6VD5H #M09 SamM@Work Keychain TB7FQTZ #M10 Sams Blaue Schleife TB7ZK80 #M11 TB and Coin Collector Ammo Box von Sam Marlowe TB86F16 #M12 Sams Caching Bag TB6DP9K #M13 Geocaching Ortungsdienst by Sam Marlowe TB5H80Q #M14 XXL Event Travel Bug Dog Tag von Sam Marlowe TB5MM6P #M15 Sams Hide It, Find It, Log It Survivor 128GB TAG TB84YK3 #M16 Sam Marlowes Coin Koffer TB85B1T #M17 Sam Marlowes Geo Picknick Decke TB85B34 #M18 Sams Bergbau Kappe TB9A9DW #M19 Sams Caching-Angeln TB8DRM9 #M20 Geocaching INFIZIERT - Tracking Patch von Sam Marlowe TB7EF9E #M21 Sam Marlowe: Mein 1ter Tisch fuer EVeNts TB9D0MH #M22 Anton GC7G1GA - MEGA Glück Auf! 2020/2022 -Ich war dabei! TBATWZV #M23 Sam Marlowe - ALU-Magnet-Namensschild TB89RKA #M24 10m Angel aus Carbon TB9CMNA #M25 Geocaching X-Over Rucksack Patch TB9WP72 #M26 Sams Wired KeyHolder 2022 TB8MKQR Feracerasis <> Ex-MUGGLE Nametag Sams "Saugnapfschilder"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB81HGT #SNS01 Ruhrpott Geocacher - Auf Kohle geboren ! TB7Q860 #SNS02 Anton mit Sam's Cachemobil on Tour TB8BWX7 #SNS03 Alsdorf Cachen im Herzen der Städteregion Aachen TB8BWZK #SNS04 Check in! Let's Zeppelin TB8BX04 #SNS05 Meeting Friends 2017 in der Schweiz TB8BMP6 #SNS06 Stashes'n'Stones 2018 - Ich war dabei TB8Q2BC #SNS07 Event unter Tage - Ich war dabei TB8W6B1 #SNS08 Denkt an die Rettungsgasse TB8W6BZ #SNS09 Maije im Saarland - Ich war dabei TB8ZPYK #SNS10 Märchenhaftes in Kassel - Ich war dabei TB8ZKF1 #SNS11 GC77777 - Hamburg 2019 - Ich war dabei ! TB8ZQ1J #SNS12 GC7QQQQ - BERLIN Hauptstadt der Spione -Ich war dabei ! TB99XQJ #SNS13 GC7N1HZ 28-1 Europa in Büren TB9A93D #SNS14 GC7TKKG - Geocaching Meets Beethoven TB9D0M4 #SNS15 GC7G1GA - MEGA Glück Auf! 2020 - Ich war dabei in 2022 TB9D0PA #SNS16 Ein Herz für Nanos TB95ZVX #SNS17 Sams Signal Wanderer TB95ZVB #SNS18 Sams Signal Schöne Aussicht TB95ZT0 #SNS19 Travel Signal - Fenster TB95ZV6 #SNS20 Travel Signal - Kiste TBA92N6 #SNS21 BeiDieWikingers-Event2023 - Ich war dabei TBAA3KE #SNS22 Sams NRW Saugnapfschild TBAX4C1 #SNS23 GCAB00K Lesen-Leihen-Loggen Dresden -Ich war dabei Sams "Buddys"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8Q2VT #CB00 Big Bobby Blues TB9D91Y #CB01 Emma Blues TB88QYB #CB02 "Little" Lucy Blues TB9J1TW #CB03 Charly Blues TB7G71N #CB04 Buster "Mighty Mack" Blues TBAG103 #CB05 Sams Tracker "Blues" - Log My Dog Tag TB6VNH8 #CB06 Sams Tracky "Blues" - Log My Dog Tag TB84Z8A #CB07 Peter Paparazzi-Duck TB87D4H #CB08 Sir Simon von und zu Wittringen TB996WC #CB09 Sir Edward TB8QVK9 #CB10 Sams Little Dragon True Metal Tag TB9JRVE #CB11 Anton von Zollverein - Glück Auf 2022 Geocoin TB9J1WA #CB12 Sams XMas Signal 2023 TB844XG #CB13 Sams Ruhrpott Duck - Glück Auf! TB9THF2 #CB14 Sams Krümmelmonster - 50 Jahre Sesamstrasse TB93QXZ #CB15 Capuccino - All I need is Coffee TB844X0 #CB16 Harry Halloween The Duck 2021 TB8T93R #CB17 Drake von der Drachenburg TB86XQQ #CB18 Slushy the Snowman TB9T8AP #CB19 Slushy the Snowman 2023 TB9YN1E #CB20 Waldtraud - Die Espresso Wichteline TB9Z85B #CB626 Stitch with Ohana TAG Sams "Woodys"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB96TG5 #W01 Original Woodcoin #1 "Avatar" von Sam Marlowe TBA6R8W #W02 Original Woodcoin #2 "Ruhrpottliebe" von Sam Marlowe TBA6R9H #W03 Original Woodcoin #2 "Kohlelore" von Sam Marlowe TBADVF4 #W04 Original Woodcoin #4 "Kaffee Im Pott" von Sam Marlowe TBADVHY #W05 Original Wood Geocoin#5 - 15 Jahre Geocaching by Sam Marlowe Sams Guitar Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB68J6X Sams Acoustic Guitar Black - GUILD D25 TB68J2N Sams Acoustic Guitar Geocoin - Black Nickel Green TB68J0Q Sams Acoustic Guitar Geocoin - Gold Brown TB68J92 Sams Acoustic Guitar Geocoin - Nickel Black TB68J5N Sams Acoustic Guitar Geocoin - Nickel Red TB7466V Sams Elvis Guitar Geocoin TB6JRT6 Sams Fire-Rock Guitar Geocoin Neon TB6JRTX Sams Fire-Rock Guitar Geocoin White TB2BFPA Sams GeoGuitar Canada Geocoin TB2BGNZ Sams GeoGuitar RedRedWine Geocoin TB2DM5X Sams GeoGuitar United Kingdom TB2BGJ5 Sams GeoGuitar USA Geocoin TB7HAP7 Sams GeoPick Acoustic - Black TB2CDQW Sams GeoPick Electric - Blue TB6W5BA Sams Real Hummingbird Guitar TB8VDCC Sams Steampunk Guitar - Antik Gold TB8VDEK Sams Steampunk Guitar - Antik Silver TB5NTX0 Sams Straight From the Heart Geocoin TB5WJT9 Sams Straight From the Heart Geocoin or Purple Haze Sams Passiv Music Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB9MF00 Sams Every Geocaching Moment Has a Song TB6WDJX Sams Geotape antik silver-green TB6WDQ5 Sams Geotape Black Nickel- Blue TB24DTT Sams Jukebox Memories Geocoin TB95TKD Sams PodKst Geocoin (Glow in the Dark) TB6H77K Sams Radio Geocoin Sams "Kaffee Coins and Tags"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBAD5VE Kaffee im Pott - Spendenwürfel TBA1JJQ Kaffee Im Pott Geocoin TBAC8Q6 Sam Marlowes "Kaffee im Pott" True Metal Tag - 2020 Community Celebration MetalTag TBAD5TK Sam Marlowes Kaffee im Pott Geotoken 2022 TB9N0Q9 SamMarlowe die Barista Ente -Coffee Travel Tag TB93QZQ Sams All I need is Coffee - Espresso TB93QYG Sams All I need is Coffee - Cappuccino TB93R13 Sams All I need is Coffee - Latte Machiato TB93QZA Sams Coffee-FLag - All I need is Coffee TB1MWXJ Sams Geocache Coffee Geocoin TB96TAT Sams Kaffee im Pott - Taschen Cito TB96Y1E Sams Kaffee Tag 2020 - Corona-Online-Stammtisch Version All I need is Coffee - Latte Machiato Sams "Ruhrpott Collection"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB9H2G3 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin - Bronze - von Sam Marlowe TB9H293 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin - Kupfer - von Sam Marlowe TB9H2D8 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin - Nickel - von Sam Marlowe TB9NQEA 3D Grubenlampe Geocoin -Black NickelWhite Nickel - von Sam Marlowe TB8FRRH Alsdorf Event GeoToken Grubenlampe von Sam Marlowe - Glow In The Dark TB8FRRG Alsdorf Event GeoToken Schlägel und Eisen - von Sam Marlowe TB8ENP8 Bock auf Alsdorf Geocoin - Edition ERDE - von Sam Marlowe TB8C37K Bock auf Alsdorf Geocoin - Edition STEINKOHLE - von Sam Marlowe TB7WNF9 Glück Auf 2016 - Event Geocoin „Artist Edition“ AE von Sam Marlowe TB7WN57 Glück Auf 2016 - Event Geocoin_Gold_XLE300 von Sam Marlowe TB7WMTB Glück Auf 2016 - Event Geocoin_Kupfer_SchachtXII von Sam Marlowe TB7WMA7 Glück Auf 2016 - Event Geocoin_Schwarz_Kohle von Sam Marlowe TB7WNXJ Glück Auf 2016 - Event Geocoin_Silbergrau_Stahl von Sam Marlowe TB7WQF7 Glück Auf 2016 – Anton die Grubenameise_KidsCoin von Sam Marlowe TB7WRG1 Glück Auf 2016 – GIGA-Geocoin von Sam Marlowe TB9JRN3 Glück Auf 2020/2022 - Steigerhelm von Sam Marlowe TB82Q06 Nordrhein-Westfalen - Germania Geocoin - von Sam Marlowe TB69WK8 Nordrhein-Westfalen Geocoin - Deutsche Bundesländer von Sam Marlowe TB6G3FV Nordrhein-Westfalen Geocoin 2008 von Sam Marlowe TB9MF9J Original Grubenlampe von Sam Marlowe TB14F22 Ruhrpott - Regions of Germany Geocoin - von Sam Marlowe TB6ADT4 Ruhrpott Geocoin - Bergmann Edition - von Sam Marlowe TB7RVBN Ruhrpott Geocoin - Hauer Edition - von Sam Marlowe TB6ADWM Ruhrpott Geocoin - Steiger Edition - von Sam Marlowe TB8FC1F Sams Bergbau Geocoin - Altkupfer Edition TB8ZQBT Sams Bergbau Geocoin - Edelstein Edition TB8FBXT Sams Bergbau Geocoin - Eisen Edition TB8FC2T Sams Bergbau Geocoin - Gold Edition TB8ZQAC Sams Bergbau Geocoin - Graphit Edition TB8FC02 Sams Bergbau Geocoin - Silber Edition TB8M2EX Sams Fahrmarke Geocoin TB9JTCA Sams Glück Auf 2020 Event-Geocoin „Antons Streb“ RE TB9JTC0 Sams Glück Auf 2020 Event-Geocoin „Glück Auf“ RE TB9JRCH Sams Glück Auf 2020 Event-Geocoin „Steiger“ RE TB9JREQ Sams Glück Auf 2020 Event-Geocoin „Zollverein“ Supporter XLE mit echter Kohle TB9JRR2 Sams Glück Auf 2020 Helfer-Geocoin TB844XQ Sams Grubenlampe Flaschenöffner TB7XW9T Sams Lost Miner Geocoin - COAL - Glow in the Dark - 159/225 TB7XWQ2 Sams Lost Miner Geocoin - COPPER - LE 136/200 TB81P52 Sams Lost Miner Geocoin - SALT - 170/175 TBAA20C Sams Project Glück Auf 2022 – GIGA-Geocoin TB844Y1 Sams Ruhrpott Hauer Ente TB7X9GE Sams Ruhrpott Steiger Ente TB652H3 Sams Ruhrpotts Letzter Steiger TB8WZCP Sams Schicht im Schacht Geocoin Auguste Victoria TB8WZBW Sams Schicht im Schacht Geocoin Gelb TB8WZFP Sams Schicht im Schacht Geocoin Weiß TB87D42 Sams Virtual Steigerlied Geotag TB8C5W9 Stolz und Ehre Geocoin - Sonnenblume - von Sam Marlowe Underground Geocoin Sams "Im Herzen Geocaching" Stammtisch Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBA3DXD #GT011 Sams Im ❤️ Geocaching Stammtisch Geburtstag GEOTOKEN TBAKAJR Sams Im ❤️ Geocacher Geotoken TBAKANT Sams Im ❤️ Geocacher Woody TB8FWP3 Sams Stammtisch Geocoin - Im ❤️ Geocacher Sams "HobbyAnd Highlights"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1V9ZX Sam's Cache To Live - Live To Cache Geocoin TB7C0H7 Sam's Celtic Triangle Geocoin Antik Bronze TB5E70P Sam's Check Your GPS Geocoin TB8XF18 Sam's Geo-Logo traveler mit Kamera TB3056E Sam's Geocaching Crystal Geocoin TB5C7TG Sam's Geocaching Way Geocoin TB6XHBR Sam's GeoCam Geocoin TB8YMAH Sam's GEOCOINDEALER Geocoin TB54B38 Sam's Hide It, Find it, Log it Geocoin TB45Z4F Sam's Highly Infective Geocoin Nickel Blue TB45ZF1 Sam's Highly Infective Geocoin orange TB5RFEN Sams 20 Jahre Mauerfall Geocoin TB3YB33 Sams A Cache A Day Geocoin TB5VZAV Sams A day without Geocaching... Geocoin TB5VZCP Sams A day without Geocaching... Geocoin TB38PFX Sams Augsburger Cachekiste Geocoin TB6548R Sams Black QR GC BeerMug TB7HMD3 Sams Boomerang Geocoin - Azur XLE 50 TB9T1YV Sams Eat Sleep Cache Tag TB45Z9H Sams Highly Infective Geocoin Yellow TB8HCN8 Sams Itsy Bitsy Bikini Geocoin TB6VGN8 Sams Luftballons (Glow in the Dark) TB9M9JP Sams Mental Health Charity Geocoin TB4W036 Sams Nothing Is Sharper... - Geocoin TB99Y2M Sams Notre Dame Geocoin #235 of 1050 TB6FWZX Sams Pi-Day Event Geocoin TB93X6G Sams Pilsumer Leuchtturm Geocoin TB94Q3Z Sams Premium Member Geocoin TB5RAPT Sams QR_Technology Tag TB3NX2C Sams Rot 13 Key Coin TB8VWTC Sams Roter Sand Leuchtturm Geocoin TB695W6 Sams TöffTöff_Geocoin TB2Z9Y5 Sams The Hitchhiker's Coin to the Galaxis Geocoin TB8T8QN Sams The Malt Whisky Geocoin TB20JKC Sams Tranquility Geocoin – Luxury 150(50) TB5H8FV Sams Travel Bug Dog Tag Antik Gold TB72T1J Sams Urban Geocaching Europe Geocoin Sams Highlights - NICHT AKTIVIERT
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geocaching HQ Geocoin Nur im HQ erhältlich\r\n - gibt es immer in 2 Metallen \r\n - zusätzlich trackbarer Tag mit eigenem CodeDGS Poker Card
Icon Infocode Picture Name Schlüssel / Keys
Icon Infocode Picture Name Sam Marlowe "On the Road"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3F38Q #R01 Private Eye Philip Spade TB3JG14 #R02 Lucky Blue TB303TQ #R03 Cachers Paradise Fan TB3NCJ5 #R04(C) Sam Marlowe's 10 Year Tag T-Shirt TB39V25 #R05 SAMs Cachers Best Friend -Thorn Tag TB38NXY #R06 Theo ausm Pott (TB38NXY) TB40E02 #R07 SAMs HardRockCafe TB3NARH #R08 A Cache A Day Geocoin TB4J4ER #R09 KickerMan "Rot/Weiß" Travel Bug TB6E209 #R11 Blue Gecko Tag TB40F46 #R12 Travel Gecko Tag TB7PYVW #R13_Chaps Shuttlecock and Badminton Rack TB5VDRQ #R14 Traveling Zodiac – Scorpio Geocoin TB87D53 #R15 Fledermaus Tutulla aus'm Ruhrpott TB6JNA9 #R16 Radfahren in 16 Bundesländer TB80X7Z #R17 Sams Deadly"PRIDE"Duck TB5E8PW #R18 Sams Portugal 2012 Geocoin TB6HDKY #R19 Signal Tag vs. MainzelAnton - Soccer TB84YQQ #R20_Flash_das_Faultier TB87D39 #R21_Eddie_das_Eichhoernchen TB844CA #R22_Fu_Ban_der_Panda TB7T5JV #R23 Robert "Rubber Duck" Blues TB7EF98 #R24 "BYOP" - Der Event Bleistift TB84YQR #R25 Drachenfels - Old Souvenir TB84YH7 #R26 Kicker Ball TB8QJ9Q #R27 Ronny Reindeer erneut auf der Reise TB84YHB #R28 Sams Pudelkoenig TB4TXYF #R29 Pirate Sharky with Pirate Tag - Muggin' Oggin Molley TB7MRXT #R30 GARFIELD on the Road TB8J76Q #R31 QWERT-Z TB8A4WT #R32 Anemone the Clown Fish Travel Tag TB8J76T #R33 Wünsch Dir Was TB9T8ZM #R34 Gingy with a Dottie TB on the Road TB8J76H #R35 Zirpurze GO ! TB84YJX #R36 KickerMan "Weiß" Travel Bug TB8J779 #R37 Mini Schäkel TB7M59X #R38 It is only a Game ! TB84YHH #R39 Hedwig die Schneeeule TB8RD2M #R40 Sams kleiner blauer Frosch TB84YTV #R41 Sams Litte Yellow Duck TB84YKH #R42 Sams "Baby Pirate" auf Deutschlandtour TB9DBAR #R43 Radfahren durch 16 Bundesländer - 2ter Versuch TB9ZX6F #R44 Bibo auf Deutschlandtour TB8BWB5 #R45 Oskar auf Deutschlandtour TB93D09 #R46 Adrenaline Junkie Tag - Skateboard on the Road TBAEPCA #R47 Holiday Bell Travel Bug TB9ZX63 #R48 DOC...Es war einmal...Einer von Sieben TB9ZX00 #R49 DAMN I'M GOOD TB9AEM2 #R50 Diamond - Mystery at the Museum Tag Sams "Geocoin Sammlung"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB846DD Sam Marlowes 9/11 Remembrance Geocoin TB6K9Y2 Sam Marlowes Proving Trail Geocoin TB7NHVT Sam's Coinfather Geocoin TB4BBZ6 Sam's Come Together 2011 Geocoin TB4BBRF Sam's Come Together 2011 Geocoin TB58CBM Sam's Der Duderstädter Anreischke Geocoin dklbl TB58CFH Sam's Der Duderstädter Anreischke Geocoin sw/ge TB6AVMA Sam's Flash Mob XI Geocoin TB77PNC Sam's Flash Mob XII Geocoin TB7NFYR Sam's Frankenstein Geocoin ROT TB7NG18 Sam's Frankenstein Geocoin BLAU TB7NG5B Sam's Frankenstein Geocoin Weiß TB7C11Y Sam's Geocacher-Abnehm-Challenge Geocoin TB5BWRA Sam's Geocaching Evolution Geocoin TB3TNC7 Sam's Geocaching Virtues Geocoin TB57TEY Sam's Happiness Geocoin TB5RNJA Sam's Icache Geocoin TB3A7N6 Sam's Lifesaver Geocoin TB8AQ66 Sam's MallorGecko Geocoin TB6AWPX Sam's MallorGecko Geocoin Blue TB5P76Q Sam's Mount Everest Geocoin Antik Gold TB7AE7M Sam's Mr. Cache's First Geocoin TB6JAA0 Sam's Otto Lilienthal Geocoin TB8TFWP Sam's Scuba Geocoin TB856JK Sam's Seafarer's Logbook Geocoin TB6W34J Sam's Stadtmeisterschaft 2014 Duisburg Landschaftspark Geocoin TB9QN3C Sam's Stay Safe, but Stay Connected TB3Y016 Sam's The Lord of the Caches – Water Geocoin TB5A6TJ Sam's Ultimate End Geocoin TB9VZA7 Sam's Valentine's Day Cupcake Geocoin TB7VNHE Sam's WWFM XIII Geocoin TB7BRAA Sams C64 Geocoin TB4VK60 Sams Cachen ist die beste Medizin Geocoin TB57RGF Sams Cacher Thermometer Geocoin TB59AA8 Sams Christopher Kolumbus Geocoin TB2NV53 Sams Ladinia Geocoin 2008 Sams "Milestones & Archievment Coins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB7RMQM Geo Award Geocoin – 10 Years of Geocaching von Sam Marlowe TB5MKCA Geo-Achievement 365 Days of Geocaching Geocoin von Sam Marlowe TB6XBE4 Geo-Achievement 366 Days of Geocaching Geocoin von Sam Marlowe TB7XBY9 Geocaching 81erMatrix Geocoin von Sam Marlowe TB9HP3D Sams 4000 Cache Milestone TAG TBAPQQT Sams 6000 Cache Milestone Tag TB3WQDQ Sams Award Geocoin ~ 250 Geocaches ~ TB45X8G Sams Award Geocoin ~ 500 Geocaches ~ TB4YTQF Sams Award Geocoin ~ 1.000 Geocaches ~ TB7Q4WD Sams Award Geocoin ~ 2.000 Geocaches ~ TB88MY6 Sams Award Geocoin ~ 3.000 Geocaches ~ TB9HNWD Sams Award Geocoin ~ 4.000 Geocaches ~ TB4A3QX Sams Award Geocoin ~ 5.000 Geocaches ~ TBAPQX3 Sams Award Geocoin ~ 6.000 Geocaches ~ Sams "3D Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB64K2F Sam Marlowes MEGA Steam Punk Robot Geocoin TB9N4GD Sams 20 Years of Geocaching Original Bucket Set - Eimer TB63FDZ Sams *Stetson Style Cowboy Hat* - Silber TB7R31R Sams 3D Manekineko Geocoin TB6TF0K Sams Abacus Cache Counter TB6ZXCX Sams Countess' Crown Geocoin TB6G6RR Sams Dönerstag Geocoin TB3GT1J Sams Das Ulmer FORT 2010 Geocoin TB9QCEE Sams Earth Geocoin "The Forces That Shape Our Earth" TB91FQC Sams Earth Marble TB9MV9Z Sams Geocaching Schachbrett 3D TB8M755 Sams Geocoinfest EU 2017 3D Trackable Sax TB9GZK2 Sams GeoCookie Geocoin TB52P69 Sams GeoJack Geocoin Gold TB9D7JE Sams GolfBall Geobug TB6YZ7E Sams Hammer Geocoin TB7DYQT Sams Heldenlegion der Xantike Geocoin - das Schwert TB7DYFP Sams Heldenlegion der Xantike Geocoin - der Helm TB7DY99 Sams Heldenlegion der Xantike Geocoin - der Schild TB7DGEE Sams Mega Lava Lamp TB99B2R Sams Roman Battle Helm 3D Geocoin TB99BTV Sams Roman Centurion Helm 3D TB99C1P Sams Roman Imperial Helm 3D Geocoin TB99BKR Sams Roman Spiked Gladiator Helm 3D Geocoin TB8YJPG Sams Smaragd Trackable TB9Y34Y Sams Solar System Marble TB8X1TY Sams Spiked Crest Gladiator XXL TB7R3PD Sams Tetromino Geocoin - T - BLAU TB7R3T4 Sams Tetromino Geocoin - T - violett TB7NEVB Sams The Great Warrior Battle Axe TBA3B67 Sams The Original Can of Beans 3D Geocoin TBA3AWA Sams The Original Top of the Can of Beans 3D Geocoin TB8T8CW Sams Ultimate Geocaching Trifecta 3D Geocoin TB6M9HW Sams Yo-Yo Geocoin TB5RP1E Sunset Flip Flops Geocoin Poliertes Gold TB3T167 Watermelon Flip Flop Sams "Cache Icon and Web-Side Icons"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB737RV Sams 1st Letterbox Stempelbuch TB737WE Sams 2nd Letterbox Stempelbuch TB9XRQG Sams Cache Icon Geocoin - Adventure Lab TB4ZMYR Sams Cache Icon Geocoin - Event / MEGA TB4W64Z Sams Cache Icon Geocoin - Mystery TB9257H Sams Cache Icon Geocoin - Virtual Ghost XXL TB4NXNM Sams Cache Icon Geocoin -Traditional TB2FCYJ Sams Cache Icon Geocoin -WherIGo TB7VW3X Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - CITO TB3DB68 Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - Event TB8RC7Q Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - FTF TB7RJY9 Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - Letterbox TB7PF27 Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - Locationless Cache TB5VQ9Z Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - Multi-Cache TB7PF9W Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - Mystery TB5VQK2 Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - Traditional TB6JXGK Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - Virtual Ghost TB7RJX7 Sams Cache Icon Micro Geocoin - Webcam TB9XRY5 Sams Cache Icon TAG - Adventure Lab TB9W42Q Sams Cache Icon TAG - Cache In Trash Out 2021 TB6Z9K0 Sams Cache Icon TAG - Cache In Trash Out Tag TB85XT6 Sams Cache Icon TAG - EarthCache TB9XWN5 Sams Cache Icon TAG - GC8NEAT Locationless TB7382T Sams Cache Icon TAG - Giga Event TB737K4 Sams Cache Icon TAG - Mega Event TB737DY Sams Cache Icon TAG - Multi TB736DZ Sams Cache Icon TAG - Virtual Ghost TB738JT Sams Cache Icon TAG - Webcam TB72PHD Sams Cache Roulette Spinner Geocoin TB6F3N0 Sams CITO and Earth Day Spaten TB4FAY6 Sams Congratulation Geocoin - FTF TB8R1A5 Sams Geocaching Logo Travel Tag (New Design) TB9P9QK Sams Please Stay 6 Feet Away Emoji TB8F223 Sams Project - GC Geocoin TB6BE3E Sams Signal Micro Geocoin - FTF Sams CITO Souvenir Aktionen
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB85V0J Sams Cache Icon Geocoin - CITO 2018 TB96XGN Sams Cache Icon Geocoin - CITO 2019 TB9J7QB Sams Cache Icon Geocoin - CITO 2020 TB9W3AG Sams Cache Icon Geocoin - CITO 2021 TBA64ZD Sams Cache In Trash Out 2022 Coin TBA65J6 Sams Cache In Trash Out 2022 TAG Sams Signal Musicians and Fans
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB98GW0 Sam Marlowes Rock Einhorn Geocoin - Eddie Emo TB8C9Z1 Sam's Signal Glam Rock Band Guitar Player Geocoin TB8C9QF Signal "Drums" Rock - Glam Cannibals TB8C9H1 Signal "Guitar" Rock -Glam Cannibals TB8C9T3 Signal "Vokal" Rock - Glam Cannibals TB8C9W2 Signal Rock Band Geocoin Drums black -Green Carnage TB8C9K1 Signal Rock Band Geocoin Guitar Black - Green Carnage TB8C9F8 Signal Rock Band Geocoin Vocal Black - Green Carnage Sams "Real Adventure"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5AJZ9 Sams Real Adventurer Geocoin Antik Gold TB5AJTT Sams Real Adventurer Geocoin Antik Silber TB5AK72 Sams Real Adventurer Geocoin Black/Gold TB5AKNH Sams Real Adventurer Geocoin Rhodium TB5AKF5 Sams Real Adventurer Geocoin Satin Gold TB5AKAE Sams Real Adventurer Geocoin Satin Silver TB28DWX Sams The Real Adventurer Geocoin (Etd 2008) Sams Länderpunkte Coins und TB's
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6VBDF Sams Country Travel Coin Österreich TB864BN Sams Country Travel Coin Frankreich TB64735 Sams Country Travel Coin GERMANY TB7B7Z9 Sams Country Travel Coin Luxembourg TB86491 Sams Country Travel Coin Niederlande TB8644N Sams Country Travel Coin Schweiz TB5VEM8 Sams Country Travel Coin Tschechien TB81G2W Sams Country Travel Coin United Kingdom TB7MTFR Sams Country Travel TAG Österreich TB7T9YW Sams Country Travel TAG Belgien TB84YJC Sams Country Travel TAG Deutschland TB88RJJ Sams Country Travel TAG Frankreich TB7Q1HB Sams Country Travel TAG Niederlande TB7XM32 Sams Country Travel TAG Switzerland TB7Q11D Sams Country Travel TAG Tschechien TB7Q37Z Sams Country Travel TAG United Kingdom Sams "Städte Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB98Y81 Berlin - Cacherhauptstadt Geocoin - Grün TB98Y5D Berlin - Cacherhauptstadt Geocoin Blau TB7B8HN Eindhoven Cachen zwischen Dommel und Gender Geocoin TB84GX5 Essen - Eine Perle des Ruhrgebiets Geocoin TB84GX8 Essen Eine Perle des Ruhrgebiets Geocoin TB6EVEC Frankfurt Geocoin TB8M0WG Friedrichshafen - Cachen am Bodensee Geocoin TB8M0VZ Friedrichshafen - Cachen am Bodensee Geocoin TB8ZWG1 Kassel - Cachen im Weltkulturerbe Geocoin TB7P9YG Koblenz Cachen im Weltkulturerbe Geocoin TB815ZR Vulkaneifel - Cachen rund um die Maare Geocoin Sams "Happy Caching" Micro Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4PZW8 Sam's Happy Caching - Chimney Sweeper Geocoin TB50H6C Sam's Happy Caching - Pig Geocoin Sams "Dosenfischer Collection"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5VGQ3 #C101_Hallodri - 1. von 12 Elfen TB5ZT0M #C102_Twelfriede – 2. von 12 Elfen TB5ZRCB #C103_Flat – 3. von 12 Elfen TB63TJP #C104_Lady First - 4. von 12 Elfen TB63V60 #C105 Lovely - 5. von 12 Elfen Geocoin TB67M9Y #C106_Bob – 6. von 12 Elfen TB67MER #C107_Kermit – 7. von 12 Elfen TB69V0W #C108_J.R. - 8. von 12 Elfen TB6D8DM #C109_Darkwin - 9. von 12 Elfen TB6D8YJ #C110_Conan - 10. von 12 Elfen TB6FYKK #C111_Kathi - 11. von 12 Elfen TB6FY5A #C112_Winker - 12. von 12 Elfen TB6JAPX #C113_Bonus – die letzte Elfe TB6ECX1 #C114_Schweizelferich Geocoin TB3Z02Z Sams "Wir-nennen-es-Dosenfischen" CD Geocoin TB4DR5V Sams Dosenfischer FORTsetzung 2011 Geocoin TB3DFCW Sams Dosenfischer Geocoin - Black Nickel Orange LE TB3AF6V Sams Dosenfischer Geocoin - Red TB4B8E9 Sams Dosenfischer-Podcast-Geocoin TB4B89K Sams Dosenfischer-Podcast-Geocoin TB4B85R Sams Dosenfischer-Podcast-Geocoin LE 200 TB856RK Sams Meet & Greet / Dosenfischer Geocoin Dosenfischer Geocoin Hallodri - 1. von 12 Elfen AE20 Glitzer Edition Schweizelferich Geocoin AE50 Glitzer Edition Sams Bewegliche Geocoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB83TGP Sams Cache Clock Geocoin TB7JQR7 Sams Geocaching Universe Geocoin TB93KQX Sams Satellites in space, point me to the tupperware Geocoin Sams "Bat Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB99AZ6 #GT006 Sams Geotoken "Fledermaus" TB63X6N Sams Batty Geocoin TB35M1T Sams Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin - Glow in the Dark TB5WCMF Sams Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin - Obscure Etd TB766DE Sams GeoPet's Mini Bat Travel Tag TB9K34A Sams NABU Fledermaus Geocoin LE100 (1st Edition) TB9K2W3 Sams NABU Fledermaus Geocoin RE400 (1st Edition) NABU Love Nature
Icon Infocode Picture Name Love Nature Geocoin Love Nature Geocoin Sams Butterfly Geocoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5QWZ1 Sams Butterfly 2013 Geocoin TB6VCN0 Sams Butterfly 2014 Geocoin TB6YXQ4 Sams Butterfly Geocoin - Aglais urticae Geocoin TB6NPWN Sams Butterfly Geocoin - Papilio machaon Sams "Tierische Coins und TB's"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6PXT2 Sam Marlowe's Gecko Geocoin TB99D0T Sam Marlowe's SETI@Hunsrück: Back to the Moon TB80PBQ Sam's Deadly"Sloth"Duck TB6WPVT Sam's Dosenjäger Geocoin TB6WQ0A Sam's Dosenjäger Geocoin TB5T0WZ Sam's Eyes of Darkness Geocoin TB8WEA4 Sam's Fire Within Geocoin TB6E1RH Sam's Green Gecko Tag TB8KJ52 Sam's Ratatoskr Geocoin Nidhoggr TB8KJ8Z Sam's Ratatoskr Geocoin Vedrfölnir TB8KJ21 Sam's Ratatoskr Geocoin Yggdrasil TB2Q7P8 Sam's Roter Hering Geocoin TB82F44 Sam's Seven Deadly Duck Geocoin TB86MB2 Sam's Steampunk Raven Geocoin TB7W3PB Sam's Teufel Ente Geocoin TB7CF4V Sam's Travel Grasshopper Geocoin Hexen, Gespenster, Halloween & Co.
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1AXMV Sam's Thanks For The Cache Geocoin TB6X10F Sams Black Widow Geocoin TB7N0EQ Sams GeoWitch Geocoin - Suedhexe Glinda TB9VN1J Sams Medusa Geocoin - Autumn TB9VN4Z Sams Medusa Geocoin - Spring TB9VMR3 Sams Medusa Geocoin - Summer TB9VN51 Sams Medusa Geocoin - Winter TB2WF01 Sams Walpurgis 2009 Geocoin TB5P4WD Sams Walpurgis 2013 Geocoin Sams "Chinese New Year"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5VYZ3 2013 Chinese New Year - Year of the Snake Geocoin TB68720 2014 Chinese New Year - Year of the Horse Geocoin TB7P09P 2016 Chinese New Year - Year of the Monkey Geocoin TB8T372 2017 Chinese New Year - Year of the Dog Geocoin TB9563Z 2019 Chinese New Year - Year of the Pig Geocoin TB9H05F 2020 Chinese New Year - Year of the Rat Geocoin TB9VTCJ 2021 Chinese New Year - Year of the Metal Ox Geocoin TBA64NH 2022 Chinese New Year - Year of the Water Tiger Geocoin TBAF6CY 2023 Chinese New Year - Year of the Water Rabbit Geocoin Sams Chinese Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB572XJ Sam's Cache Dragon Geocoin TB846PE Sam's Feng Shui Geocoin TB8475X Sam's Feng Shui Geocoin Sams "LeapDayCoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB7D0GQ Sams Happy Leap Day 2016 TBAQN3R Sams Happy Leap Day 2024! TB9HD1G Sams Leap Day 2020 Geocoin TB9J8NV Sams Leap into 2020 TBAQGEG Sams Leap into 2024 Geocoin TBAQVE0 Sams Leap into 2024 Trackable Tag TB9J35X Sams Leap Year 2020 Multi Event Leap Frog Geocoin TBAPQ1C Sams Leap Year 2024 Geocoin TB83M0T Sams Leap Day Geocoin 2012 And 2016 Sams "All in One - Geocaching
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4NGQH Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2008 TB4A847 Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2009 TB52PPT Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2010 TB58B7D Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2011 TB50JVF Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2012 TB5P3KP Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2013 TB6D7NN Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2014 TB7482X Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2015 TB7RF8Q Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2016 TB8MKZ4 Sam's Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2017 Sams "Four Season" Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB73PEA Sam's Four Seasons Geocoin TB9BM1N Sam's Seasons Series - Fall Geocoin TB9JAD7 Sam's Seasons Series - Spring Geocoin TB9A773 Sam's Seasons Series - Summer Geocoin TB9DTGB Sam's Seasons Series - Winter Geocoin Sams "Berchtesgarden Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5F4Z1 Berchtesgadener Geocoin Königssee TB5F073 Berchtesgadener Geocoin Kehlsteinhaus TB8GZ16 Sam's Capricorni Geocoin TB83N7V Sam's Edelweiss Geocoin TB83M6T Sam's Geocoinfest Europe 2016 Event-Coin TB6G454 Sam's Ice Pick Geocoin TB7E31G Sam's T5 Iceboots Geocoin TB83NYB SamM's Backbag Geocoin TB83PZD SamM's Hiking Boots Geocoin Sams "Die Sendung mit der Maus"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8759Q #C099_Die Maus Geocoin - Maus TB8AJJ3 #C122_Die Maus Geocoin - Elefant TB8H22Y #C161 Die Maus Geocoin - Ente TB8RTJF #C234 Käpt'n Blaubär Geocoins - Käpt'n Blaubär TB8RV5E #C235 Käpt'n Blaubär Geocoins - Hein Blöd TB8RRY3 #C236 Käpt'n Blaubär Geocoins - Die 3 Enkel TB8RTTY #C237 Käpt'n Blaubär Geocoins - Flöt TB8RT6J #C238 Käpt'n Blaubär Geocoins - Karin TB8R3XK #C250 Die Maus Geocoin - Entdecker Sams "Mainzelmännchen Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6GN8V Sams Mainzelmännchen Anton Geocoin TB6GPB7 Sams Mainzelmännchen Berti Geocoin TB6GQH0 Sams Mainzelmännchen Conni Geocoin TB6GRHG Sams Mainzelmännchen Det Geocoin TB6GTKZ Sams Mainzelmännchen Edi Geocoin TB6GVCJ Sams Mainzelmännchen Fritzchen Geocoin Mainzelmännchen Anton Geocoin - Argentum Mogontiacum - LE100 Mainzelmännchen Berti Geocoin - Argentum Mogontiacum - LE100 Mainzelmännchen Conni Geocoin - Argentum Mogontiacum - LE100 Mainzelmännchen Det Geocoin - Argentum Mogontiacum - LE100 Mainzelmännchen Edi Geocoin - Argentum Mogontiacum - LE100 Mainzelmännchen Fritzchen Geocoin - Argentum Mogontiacum - LE100 Sams "Das Sandmänchen und Seine Freunde"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB93603 Sams - Unser Sandmännchen Geocoin - Antik Gold TB9365A Sams - Unser Sandmännchen Geocoin - Antik Kupfer TB93686 Sams - Unser Sandmännchen Geocoin - Antik Silber TB952FD Sams Sandmännchen und seine Freunde Metal Tag "Frau Elster" TB952PK Sams Sandmännchen und seine Freunde Metal Tag "Küken" Herr Fuchs und Frau Elster - Ossi Edition Herr Fuchs und Frau Elster - Wessi Edition Pittiplatsch - Wessi Edition Pittiplatsch - Ossi Edition Plums und Küken - Wessi Edition Plums und Küken - Ossi Edition Sandmann - Ossi Edition Sandmann - Wessi Edition Schnatterinchen und Moppi - Ossi Edition Schnatterinchen und Moppi - Wessi Edition Sams "Film, Fernsehen & Comic" Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB7R2VG Sams Licence to Cache II Geocoin TB8P1V6 Sams Suske en Wiske Geocoin LE Sams Zurück in die Zukunft Geocoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB7J90D Sams 1.21GW Fluxcapacitor LED Geocoin TB7HRH2 Sams Delorean 88 miles with style TB7BEQF Sams Powerboard Geocoin Sams Star Wars Geocoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB65V60 Sam's Cache Wars Geocoin TB7X2GC Sams May the 4th be with Signal - Global Edition by AFK Geocoin TB77Y2P Sams May the 4th Be With You - 3" Cache Saber Geocoin TB77YZK Sams May the 4th Be With You - 3" Cache Saber Geocoin TB77YY3 Sams May the 4th Be With You - 3" Cache Saber Geocoin TB7DJDB Sams May the 4th Be With You - 3" Cache Saber Geocoin TB8BR6E Sams May the 4th Be With You 2017 World Wide Multi Event Geocoin TB7DHXA Sams Princess Jeia Saber - The Cache Force Awakens 6" Geocoin TB7DHR0 Sams Yoba Saber - The Cache Force Awakens 6" Geocoin Sams "Delfts Blauw Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1D7PW Delfts Blauw - Klomp TB36DP4 Delfts Blauw - Trapgevel TB36DV5 Delfts Blauw - Tulp Sams "Colors of Geocaching"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5CDV4 Sams Colors of Geocaching - Blume des Lebens - AllColors TB43GBJ Sams Colors of Geocaching - Concentration - blue TB465ND Sams Colors of Geocaching - Energy - orange TB466GN Sams Colors of Geocaching - Nature - green TB467NM Sams Colors of Geocaching - Optimism - Yellow Sams "Luzifer Geocoins" und "Louis Cifer" Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB88VPH Sams - Louis Cifer Geocoin - Fire Edition (Antique Copper) RE TB8D09J Sams - Louis Cifer- Difficult 666 Geocoin TB514QY Sams - Louis Cifer- Terrain 666 Geocoin TB7HMYP Sams Luzifer 666 Geocoin "Baphomet" TB7HN5P Sams Luzifer 666 Geocoin "Devil" TB7HMV8 Sams Luzifer 666 Geocoin "Fallen Angel" TB7HN17 Sams Luzifer 666 Geocoin "Pergamon Altar" TB7HN24 Sams Luzifer 666 Geocoin "Phosphoros" TB7HMNG Sams Luzifer 666 Geocoin "Urain" Sams "International Geocaching Day Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5Z6Z8 Sams International Geocaching Day 2013 Geocoin TB6WWJP Sams International Geocaching Day 2014 Geocoin TB7CNB2 Sams International Geocaching Day 2015 Geocoin TB7CN58 Sams International Geocaching Day 2015 Geocoin TB7XQ13 Sams International Geocaching Day 2016 Geocoin TB7XREN Sams International Geocaching Day 2016 Geocoin - Nano TB8EP84 Sams International Geocaching Day 2017 Geocoin TB8ZEXT Sams International Geocaching Day 2018 Geocoin TB9AWA1 Sams International Geocaching Day 2019 Geocoin TB9P0JZ Sams International Geocaching Day 2020 Geocoin TBA14RN Sams International Geocaching Day 2021 Geocoin TBAKAYG Sams International Geocaching Day 2023 Geocoin TBAVNMB Sams International Geocaching Day 2024 Geocoin Sams "Nature Coins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6YY8Q Sams Save Our Playing Field Geocoin 2011 TB6YY4J Sams Save the Nature Geocoin Magical Bonsai Geocoin Magical Bonsai Geocoin Sams "Oktoberfest"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6GKH2 Sams Bayrisches Mass Geocoin TB6093M Sams Oktoberfest Geocoin - Annie TB609EF Sams Oktoberfest Geocoin - Christy TB6090A Sams Oktoberfest Geocoin - Jenn TB609AE Sams Oktoberfest Geocoin - SaRa XLE 100 Sams "Schnapszahl Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4RT1Q Sams Schnapszahl Award 1 Geocoin TB662VP Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 111 TB7NH8Q Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 222 TB4RTZH Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 333 TB7NH9T Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 444 TB7NHBN Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 555 TB7NHCX Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 666 TB7NHDF Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 777 TB7NHEW Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 888 TB7NHFY Sams Schnapszahl Award 3erLei 999 TB7NH0N Sams Schnapszahl Award 4erLei 1111 TB7NH1M Sams Schnapszahl Award 4erLei 2222 TB7NH26 Sams Schnapszahl Award 4erLei 3333 TB7NH3M Sams Schnapszahl Award 4erLei 4444 Sams "Reason To Cache Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB791H2 Sams 1 CACHE A Day… Geocoin TB708XV Sams Many Reasons 2 Cache Geocoin TB73YT6 Sams One Euro Cache Geocoin History of Geocaching Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB7BAAB Sams 5 GeoCent – History of Geocaching Geocoin TB7BA2R Sams 1 GeoCent – History of Geocaching Geocoin TB7BAFE Sams 10 GeoCent – History of Geocaching Geocoin TB7BAPJ Sams 25 GeoCent – History of Geocaching Geocoin TB7BAZZ Sams 50 GeoCent – History of Geocaching Geocoin Sams "Lost Places Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name Lost Skyline Propaganda Geocoin Autum Lost Skyline Radar Geocoin Lost Skyline Shelter Geocoin Autumn XLE165 Lost Skyline Tower Geocoin Autumn XLE 165 Sams "Funktionale und Große Coins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB69PEG Sams 50 Year Calendar Geocoin TB5RFY5 Sams Geocacher's Friend Geocoin TB6H9H2 Sams Geocaching Bottle Opener Geocoin TB5YMKG Sams Geocaching Pendular Geocoin TB9YTQ7 Sams Puzzle Tag TB6PKQG Sams Star Map Geocoin TB7HNP3 Sams World Clock Geocoin Sams "Headquarter" Geocoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB7364N Sams 10 Years Geocaching Geocoin TB3NCHA Sams 10 Years Tag T-Shirt 2010 TB8BDY2 Sams 3 Million Geocaches Geocoin TBA3ZFK Sams Community Celebration Event Geocoin TB8PZNH Sams OCB Travelbug TB1KD9R Sams Original Stash Geocoin - v2 AB Sams "Headquarter" Geocoins 20 Jahre
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBA9XCX HQ 20 Year Celebration Tag TB9KAP9 Sams 20 Years of Geocaching Coin TB9KBZA Sams 20 Years of Geocaching MicroCoin TB9KCEB Sams 20 Years of Geocaching Nano Geocoin TB9N517 Sams 20 Years of Geocaching Original Bucket Set - CanOfBeans Nano TB9N64W Sams 20 Years of Geocaching Original Bucket Set - Sling Shot Nano TB9N5TA Sams 20 Years of Geocaching Original Bucket Set - VHS Tape Nano TB9KB9Y Sams 20 Years of Geocaching Tag TB9MHV8 Sams Celebrating 20 Years of Geocaching 2020 TBA4D2T Sams Geocoin 20th Anniversary Trackable Set - Lighthose TBA4FB0 Sams Geocoin 20th Anniversary Trackable Set - Box TBA4E6F Sams Geocoin 20th Anniversary Trackable Set - Ladder TBA4BZQ Sams Geocoin 20th Anniversary Trackable Set - Moun10Bike TBA9VQ4 Sams HQ 20 Year Celebration Geocoin Sams "Headquarter" Geocoins 25 Jahre
Icon Infocode Picture Name Sams Headquarter Blue Switch
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3PBKB Sams Blue Switch Geocoin 2010 TB8CXAN Sams Blue Switch Geocoin 2017 - Evolution of Geocaching New TB9HW7F Sams Blue Switch Geocoin 2020 - 20th Anniversary Geocoin TB9Z2GB Sams Blue Switch Geocoin 2021 TB9YRF9 Sams Blue Switch Tag 2021 Sams Lackey Geocoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1YH5P Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2007 Geocoin TB397ZQ Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2009 Geocoin TB3NW82 Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2010 Geocoin TB4J0HZ Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2011 Geocoin TB5DDH2 Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2012 Geocoin TB5ZDXP Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2013 Geocoin TB6NM5Y Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2014 Geocoin TB7DV11 Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2015 Geocoin TB7DTT6 Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2015 Geocoin TB82Q3W Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2016 Geocoin TB8R7WZ Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2017 Geocoin TB91ZK2 Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2018 Geocoin - Big Book TB920B9 Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2018 Travel Tag - Big Book TB9C7ZQ Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2019 Geocoin TB9C71Y Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2019 Travel Tag TB9P5RK Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2020 Geocoin TB9P73B Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2020 Travel Tag TBA0RT2 Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2021 Geocoin TB9ZCBZ Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2021 Travel Tag TBACR1C Sams Geocaching HQ Lackey 2022 Geocoin Original Lackey Tags
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB851AV Sams Lackey Tag from A. Jennifer TB8W0HW Sams Lackey Tag from Frau Potter TB97NNY Sams Lackey Tag from mamabear TB987GN Sams Lackey Tag from teaiscozy Sams "SIGNAL Coins And Tags"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6TP5V Sams - "Der Sommer geht, die Cacher kommen" Geocoin TB72P2E Sams - 15 Years of Geocaching Geocoin TB53WP3 Sams - 4th of July Geocoin #1 TB5VVR1 Sams - 4th of July Signal Geocoin Special Edition TB9NTHT Sams - Der Pott wird 18 - Community Celebration Event Icon - Group Geocoin TB6YXHJ Sams - Frog Clock Geocoin TB9ATEB Sams - Game of Founds Geocoin RE TB9AWGF Sams - Game of Founds LE TB9AWEV Sams - Game of Founds XLE TB67VHZ Sams - Heads and Tails Geocoin TB96H6Z Sams - ignal Flowers Tag TB81ZZF Sams - Sam's Geocaching Diplom TB7JWVT Sams - Sam's Melsungen Geocoin TB8T3G0 Sams - Signal Australia Travel Bug TB6RW44 Sams - Signal beim Angeln Tag TB8E4PJ Sams - Signal Canada Tag TB8BVWF Sams - Signal Dönerstag Tag TB78WC8 Sams - Signal Meets Giga Geocoin TB88GFA Sams - Signal Tag - Bicycle TB7QC4D Sams - Signal Tag - Feet TB7GWAK Sams - Signal the Frog Geocoin TB8HAP7 Sams - Signal the Frog Travel Tag TB7N7KG Sams - Signal – the Nutcracker Geocoin TB865PZ Sams - Signal’s Geocoin Vault HQ Edition Geocoin Geobug - Signal - Für Dich Sams "Brick Collection" (No LEGO)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6GDGZ Sam Marlowes Trackable Yellow Building Brick TB8521K Sams Lego Cache Hunter TB7N33C Sams Signal the Frog® Trackable Brick (Lego) Sams "Reviewer" & "Friendship" Geocoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB85AY2 Sams - Circle of Friendship & Respect Geocoin TB2PK0J Sams - German Reviewer Geocoin 2008 TB3A414 Sams - German Reviewer Geocoin 2010 TB7Y3BT Sams - German Reviewer Geocoin 2016 - Inspection Tool Black Edition TB954VC Sams - German Reviewer Geocoin 2018 - both sides of the medal (black) TB9MY5M Sams - German Reviewer Geocoin 2020 - DANKE Sams "Arrowhead Geocoins"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1EH8T Sams - Arrowhead Geocoin - Home of the Brave TB8CAJJ Sams - Everglades Arrowhead Geocoin TB8HBGA Sams - Mount Rushmore Arrowhead Geocoin GIFF (Geocaching Film Festival)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8PHED Sams - GIFF 2017 Geocoin "Projektor" TB8FQR9 Sams - GIFF 2017 Nano Geocoin "Klappe" TB90KJW Sams - GIFF 2018 Geocoin TB90N8E Sams - GIFF 2018 Tag TB5ZD0E Sams - GIFF Geocoin Klappe Souvenir Aktion 2014 - August
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6V2CV Sams --- 7 Souvenirs Geo-Achievement Geocoin TB6KWG3 Sams --- The Achiever TB6KWV8 Sams --- The Collector TB6KTPC Sams --- The Explorer TB6KP6D Sams --- The Nature Lover TB6KVFM Sams --- The Puzzler TB6KQRV Sams --- The Sightseer TB6KQ0J Sams --- The Socializer Souvenir Aktion 2015 - Road Trip 2015
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB77V53 #C054_15 Years of Geocaching Micro Geocoin TB7ATC0 #C065 Road Trip 2015 - Fun With Favourites Tag TB7ANYC #C066 Road Trip 2015 - Meet Your Road Trip Crew Tag TB7AP78 #C067 Road Trip 2015 - Let's Get Extreme Tag TB7C5G0 #C068 Road Trip 2015 - High Five For The Earth Tag TB7CKP4 #C069 Road Trip 2015 - Put on Your Thinking Cap Tag TB7C43V #C071 Geocaching Road Trip 2015 Geocoin TB7DENB #C072 Road Trip 2015 - Hero Geocoin Souvenir Aktion 2016
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB84TQ7 Sams - The Mission GC Geo-Achievement Geocoin Souvenir Aktion 2017 - Lost Treasure of Mary Hyde
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8ERH8 #C182 Sam's Mary Hyde Geocoin TB8EQVX #C183 Sam's Mary Hyde Micro Geocoin TB8KJD0 #C184 The Lost Treasure of Mary Hyde Geocoin Souvenir Aktion 2018 - Planetary Pursuit - Diorama
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5MGF8 Sam's 40 Years Man on the Moon - Earth Geocoin TB5MGHN Sam's 40 Years Man on the Moon - Moon Geocoin TB5MGN2 Sam's 40 Years Man on the Moon - Start Geocoin TB691MC Sams Apollo 12 - Cache to the Moon TB43FVR Sams Geocacher Plaque Geocoin TB8V3K8 Sams Planetary Pursuit Geocoin TB8TZC3 Sams Planetary Pursuit Micro Geocoin TB8VACD Sams Solar System Geocoin - Earth TB8W9W8 Sams Solar System Geocoin - Jupiter TB8W89D Sams Solar System Geocoin - Mars TB8VBGD Sams Solar System Geocoin - Mercury TB8W8KC Sams Solar System Geocoin - Neptune TB8W9B3 Sams Solar System Geocoin - Pluto TB8W7Y5 Sams Solar System Geocoin - Saturn TB8WA6G Sams Solar System Geocoin - Uranus TB8VB53 Sams Solar System Geocoin - Venus TB5MK67 Sams Space Shuttle Geocoin TB85C87 Sams UFO Geocoin Souvenir Aktion 2018 - Hidden Creature
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB8XMC0 #C349 Sam's Hidden Creature Geocoin TAG TB8XJXP #C350 Sam's Hidden Creature Geocoin TB8XP8C #C351 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Bigfoot TB8XQT4 #C352 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Fairy TB8XXP4 #C353 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Unicorn TB8XTK7 #C354 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Kraken TB8XRT1 #C355 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Hippocamp TB8XTY2 #C356 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Mermaid TB8XWGW #C357 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Sphinx TB8XRMJ #C358 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Gryphon TB8XVZ2 #C359 Sam's Hidden Creature Tag - Phoenix