Showroom of HeideParkSoltau (782)
01.0 Nightcaching
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5Q8T9 HeideParkSoltau's Alice (We're All Mad Here) Geocoin (Black Nickel / Yellow LE) TB67KZR HeideParkSoltau's Fumble After Dark Event 2013 Geocoin TB1Z6RH HeideParkSoltau's Halloween 2007 Geocoin TB3Z0CG HeideParkSoltau's Halloween RIP Geocoin TB5T5RZ HeideParkSoltau's Hedgehog Geocoin Black & White TB18G3C HeideParkSoltau's Night Cachers Geocoin TB5EZXW HeideParkSoltau's Nightcoin TB1A02V HeideParkSoltau's Oct - Night Caching Geocoin TBVA5Q HeideParkSoltau's Sweet Lake City 2006 (bronze) TBTWZ4 HeideParkSoltau's Sweet Lake City 2006 (silber) TB111P7 HeideParkSoltau's Wildlife Muggles Cache Bandit Geocoin TB1Z4Z8 HeideParkSoltau's Wildlife Muggles Sniffer Skunk Geocoin TB3YEFY HPS' Cache at Night Geocoin TB1MM85 HPS' Dark Side of the Cache Geocoin (Silver Nickel RE250) Fumble After Dark Event 2011 Geocoin (Kupfer) Geocoin Club January 2016 Sun Moon Geocoin Geocoin Club November 2015 Night Hunters Geocoin Geoswag C&P Club October 2008 - Night Cache Muggler Geocoin Geoswag C&P Club October 2014 - Halloween Geocoin - 12 Euro GeoWitch Geocoin - Hexe Luna (Black Nickel AE50) Karma 2010 Geocoin Midnite Moonrider Native American Indian Totem Geocoin (Moon - Satin Silver glitter XSE) Wildlife Muggles Finder Fox Geocoin xyz Geocoins2013 Halloween Mega Coin 01.1 Darkest Dreams
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5RF0H HPS' Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Black Copper Dreams LE60) TB5RF4E HPS' Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Blue Ice Night Dreams LE70) TB5REPX HPS' Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Dark Bloody Night Dreams LE60) TB5REV0 HPS' Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Dark Deep Ocean Dreams LE60) TB5REZ7 HPS' Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Dark Foggy Night Dreams LE60) TB3HZFJ HPS' Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Dark Golden Night XXXLE7) TB4R6C1 HPS' Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Green Night RE) TB5REX9 HPS' Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Ruby Sissy Night Dreams LE65) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Antik Nickel RAW/5) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Antik Night RE2) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Black & White Night XXXLE15) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Black Night - Star Dreams XLE30) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Black Silver Dream AE1/15) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Blue Night XXLE20) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Deep Blue Sea Silver Dream XXXLE8) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Green Golden Dream FO2/10) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Green Silver Dream FO1/10) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Heaven Silver Dream XXXLE8) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Kupfer PCE grün/4) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Orange Night LE75) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Poliertes Kupfer RAW/2) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Poliertes Silber RAW/5) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Red Night LE75) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Rose Silver Dream XXXLE9) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Silver Night - Star Dreams XLE30) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Snow Silver Dream XXXLE6) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (White Golden Dream XXXLE5) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (White Night XLE50) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (White Silver Dream XXXLE5) Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Yellow Night LE75) Darkest Dreams - Green Golden Dream - Sample Darkest Dreams - Green Silver Dream - Sample Darkest Dreams - Orange Night - Sample Darkest Dreams - Red Night - Sample Darkest Dreams - Yellow Night - Sample 01.2 Nightcaching Australia
01.3 Guardians of the Night
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2WRZ5 HPS' Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Polished Brass / Red Glitter) Guardians of the Night Geocoin - UW (University of Washington) XLE Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Antique Copper / Copper Glitter) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Antique Gold / Dark Green Glitter) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Antique Silver / Black Glitter) AE Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Antique Silver / Dark Blue Glitter) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Freedom Edition) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Hallow's Eve Edition) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Satin Black Nickel / Light Blue Glitter) 01.4 Creatures of Nightcaching
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4FY5M HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Crazy GCF AE VI XLE49) TB3QC3J HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Deluxe Ed. LE100) TB37QT6 HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Gold Ed. RE230) TB5WCXG HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Midnight RE250) TB3QC09 HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Moonlight Ed. AE IV XLE35) TB5WCF0 HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Obscure LE200) TB5WCT7 HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Rainbow AE VII XLE50) TB31Z3M HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Artist Ed. I XLE50) TB35M5Q HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Artist Ed. II XLE50) TB4FY17 HPS' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Silvermoon Ed. LE75) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Artist Ed. III XXLE25) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Bertas Ed. LE200) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Black Ed. LE70) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Crystal Bat AE30) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Dark Ed. AE V XLE50) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Eric van Graveheart Ed. LE40) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Fullmoon Ed. XXLE25) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Glow in the Dark Ed. RE400) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Gold Glitter Ed. RE100) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Mia van Graveheart Ed. LE40) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Red Eye RE100) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Silber Ed. RE250) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Vampire Ed. RE140) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Aquamarin Bat AE28) 01.5 Wölfe
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB50E00 HeideParkSoltau's Wolfpack Coin (Antique Silver LE100) TB5AZP4 HeideParkSoltau's Wolfpack Coin (Block Party LE100) TB531W0 HeideParkSoltau's Wolfpack Coin (Blue Moon RE200) TB5DR2R HeideParkSoltau's Wolfpack Coin (Christmas Edition LE100) TB5AZTC HeideParkSoltau's Wolfpack Coin (Moondust XLE25) Celtic Wolf Geocoin Geoswag C&P Club June 2014 - BONUS - Cub Pack Strawbery Moon Geocoin Spirit of the Wolf Geocoin (Antique Silver) Stepping Stones (Antique Bronze two tone/blue XLE 70) Stepping Stones (Antique Pewter/blue XLE 80) The wolves are coming Geocoin (Antique Nickel LE100) The wolves are coming Geocoin (Antique Nickel XLE50) The wolves are coming Geocoin (Black Nickel RE) Wolf Pack 2 - April - Pearl Moon Wolf Pack 2 - August - Full Sturgeon Moon Geocoin Wolf Pack 2 - Full Cold Moon Geocoin Wolf Pack 2 - Full Frost Moon Geocoin Wolf Pack 2 - July - Full Thunder Moon Geocoin Wolf Pack 2 - June - Full Pink Moon Wolf Pack 2 - June - Full Rose Moon Geocoin Wolf Pack 2 - March - Full Crest Moon Geocoin (GC&P Club March 2014) Wolf Pack 2 - May - Full Flower Moon - Midnight Madness Wolf Pack 2 - October - Full Harvest Moon Geocoin Wolf Pack 2 - September - Full Corn Moon Geocoin Wolfpack Coin (Artist Edition AE15) Wolfpack Coin (Blockparty SE 100) - 2. Coin Wolfpack Coin (Blue Moon RE 200) - 2. Coin Wolfpack Coin (Christmas Edition SE100) - 2. Coin Wolfpack Coin (Denver LE100) Wolfpack Coin (Denver SE100) - 2. Coin Wolfpack Coin (Halloween LE100) Wolfpack Coin (Halloween SE100) - 2. Coin Wolfpack Coin (Harvest Moon LE100) Wolfpack Coin (Harvest Moon RE150) - 2. Coin Wolfpack Coin (Two Tone XLE50) Wolfpack Coin (Two Tone XLE50) - 2. Coin 01.6 Eulen
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5T0Y0 HeideParkSoltau's Eyes of Darkness Geocoin (Blue Shop Edition RE) TB2N89Z HeideParkSoltau's Noctunal Hunter - GCC Oct 2008 Geocoin Eyes of Darkness Geocoin (Snow Edition LE40) Night Hunter 2008 Geocoin Night Owl Geocoin (antik Kupfer) Olanda the Owl Geocoin (Blue Moon Edition XLE100) Olanda the Owl Geocoin (Halloween Edition LE170) Owl Geocoin (Eagle-Owl) Owl Geocoin (Ruhrpott) Owl Geocoin (Snowowl) Owl Geocoin (Tawnyowl) 01.7 Underground
01.8 Bat-Bubba's Caving
Icon Infocode Picture Name Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin 01.8 Drachen
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4NVJG HeideParkSoltau's Dragon Series Geocoin - Aragor TB4WF28 HeideParkSoltau's Dragon Series Geocoin - Boreas TB4QXYZ HeideParkSoltau's Dragon Series Geocoin - Xibor Zandor Geocoin 02.0 D5 / T5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB41ABJ HeideParkSoltau's Bushwhacking Through Hell Geocoin (Blood Hound) TB5QZ31 HeideParkSoltau's Climbing Geocoin (Circle of life LE) TB5GT69 HeideParkSoltau's D5 Mystery Geocoin TB2E7AE HeideParkSoltau's Difficult Climbing Geocoin "Daybreak" (Copper) TB2E78R HeideParkSoltau's Difficult Climbing Geocoin "Night Cacher" (Satin Silver) TB30EGD HeideParkSoltau's Difficult Climbing Geocoin "Stormy Weather" (Dyed Black) TB30EJJ HeideParkSoltau's Difficult Climbing Geocoin "Sunset Question" (Black Nickel) TB4HY4K HeideParkSoltau's Extremcaching 2011 Geocoin TB4YMNB HeideParkSoltau's Figure Eight Geocoin (XXLE GC Green Edition) TB1JYMP HeideParkSoltau's Hardcore Caching Geocoin 2007 TB3F7TF HeideParkSoltau's Hazardous Geocoin (Black Nickel - Biohazard) TB22TPV HeideParkSoltau's Spicy T5 Geocoin (black nickel) TB5N6DX HeideParkSoltau's T5 Climbing Geocoin TB5N6HM HeideParkSoltau's T5 Climbing Geocoin (b&w) TB60BAA HeideParkSoltau's T5 Geocoin TB5EGCC HeideParkSoltau's The Real Climb Geocoin TB4NEE6 HeideParkSoltau's Up&Down T5 Tree Coin 7 Deadly Caching Sins - Gluttony Geocoin 7 Deadly Caching Sins - Greed Geocoin Bushwhacking Through Hell Geocoin (Shadow Hound) Climbing and Caching Geocoin (Antik Silver / Green) Extremcaching 2009 Geocoin Extremcaching 2010 Geocoin - Black Nickel (XLE 75) Funky Gecko Geocoin - Fresh Orange (XLE25) GCC February 2015 - Terrain V Geocoin XLE Geoclimbing Geocoin (T5 Expert - Batch 1) Geocoinfest 2014 Bayou Geocoin (Antique Gold LE) Geocoinfest 2014 Bayou Geocoin (Antique Silver RE) Hazardous Geocoin (Black Nickel - Explosive) Hazardous Geocoin (Nickel - Biohazard) Hazardous Geocoin (Nickel - Explosive) Hazardous Geocoin (Nickel - Poison) Hazardous Geocoin (Nickel - Radioactive) Highly Infective Geocoin (Black Nickel Orange XLE75) HJThom's Geocoin (Black Nickel RE50) Man –vs- Cache Geocoin (two tone LE) Predator Geocoin Search High and Low Geocoin (Antique Copper) Search High and Low Geocoin (Antique Gold) T5 Harness Climbing Geocoin (Antik Bronze) T5 Harness Climbing Geocoin (Black Nickel / glow LE100) The Minotaur Geocoin (Antique Silver on Antique Gold) The Real Adventurer Geocoin (Two tone - foggy silver and gold LE100) The Real Climb II Geocoin (Poliertes Silber XLE75) Up & Down Geocoin (Magic Cave XLE) Up & Down Geocoin (Sunset LE) Up & Down Geocoin (Winter Dream XLE) 02.1 * * * * *
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB180V0 HPS' 5 Star Climbing Geocoin TB1826K HPS' 5 Star Kayak Geocoin TB185T4 HPS' 5 Star SCUBA Geocoin 02.2 Teuflisches
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2CKZG HPS' Digital Hell Geocoin (Black Hell XLE50) TB4NVYD HPS' Digital Hell Geocoin (Pink Flame XLE50) TB5DBMR HPS' Terrain 666 Geocoin - Bloody Snow White (AE66) TB514NZ HPS' Terrain 666 Geocoin - Orange Hell (LE 200) TB5DBW4 HPS' Terrain 666 Geocoin - Hell Fire (LE150) TB5DBGE HPS' Terrain 666 Geocoin - Pink Devil (LE150) TB514KC HPS' Terrain 666 Geocoin - Red Hell (XLE50) TB5M5Y4 HPS' Terrain 666 Geocoin - The Mystery Devil (AE35) TB5DBTJ HPS' Terrain 666 Geocoin - The Snow Devil (AE15) cu @ hell Geocoin (Acedia LE140) cu @ hell Geocoin (Avaritia AE99) Devil Made Me Do It Geocoin (blue) Devil Made Me Do It Geocoin (red) Devilz Ride Geocoin (ALEV LE105) Devilz Ride Geocoin (AODHAN LE105) Devilz Ride Geocoin (ARGON AE75) Devilz Ride Geocoin (NURIEL XXLE85) Difficulty 666 Geocoin (ABADDON LE111) Difficulty 666 Geocoin (ASTAROT LE111) Difficulty 666 Geocoin (BEHEMOT LE111) Difficulty 666 Geocoin (BELIAL LE111) Difficulty 666 Geocoin (DIABOLUS LE111) Difficulty 666 Geocoin (SATAN LE111) Digital Hell Geocoin (Orange Flame LE200) Ferryman (Pestilence Reaper LE75) Geo Reward 666 Geocache Finds Geocoin KingzDevil Geocoin (Lost LE200) Mysterious Romance Geocoin - Glittering Sweatheart (LE50) 02.3 Adventure Geocoin by Wellner
02.4 "Fear No Cache"
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4A77A HPS' Geocoin Club December 2008 Geocoin (Antique Copper/Blue SE) Geocoin Club December 2008 Geocoin (Antik Gold /Red SE) Geocoin Club December 2008 Geocoin (Antique Silver/Red RE) 03.0 Lost Place
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4A8DH HeideParkSoltau's Black Widow Geocoin TB4391X HeideParkSoltau's LPC-Immobilien Geocoin (grün LE50) TB4393H HeideParkSoltau's LPC-Immobilien Geocoin (rot LE50) TB43908 HeideParkSoltau's LPC-Immobilien Geocoin (weiß LE50) TB3246Q HeideParkSoltau's TNLN Geocoin (nickel/rot RE) TB59DHR HeideParkSoltau's Wampenschleifer Geocoin TB71G32 HeideParkSoltau's Wampenschleifer Geocoin II cu @ LP - Geocoin (BN glow RE200) King of Lost Place Geocoin (KING CREEPY LE150) King of Lost Place Geocoin (KING KAMO LE115) King of Lost Place Geocoin (KING SATAN AE100) Lost Airbase Geocoin (DIAMOND LE85) Lost Airbase Geocoin (IRON KC2G15 RE) Lost Miner Geocoin (COAL LE225) Lost Miner Geocoin (DIAMOND LE200) Lost Miner Geocoin (DIRTY LE175) Lost Places 03 Geocoin (Schwarza Karossa XLE50) Lost Places 03 Geocoin (Transsibiria XLE50) Lost Skull Geocoin (Bloody Red Carbide LE145) Lost Skull Geocoin (Diabolic LE150) Lost Skull Geocoin (Mecha-NICK LE155) Lost Skull Geocoin (Myst-ERIK LE125) Lost Soldier Geocoin (Agent Orange XLE50) MallorGecko Geocoin (Playa LE) TNLN Geocoin (gold/blau SE) Troublemaker Geocoin (GOLDEN EYE XLE75) 03.1 LP01
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5H9WH HPS' Lost Places Geocoin (Retro SB2 black nickel/olivgrün) Lost Places Geocoin (7grad@Night RE250) Lost Places Geocoin (Black & White LE200) Lost Places Geocoin (CLASSIC (yellow) LE100) Lost Places Geocoin (Deep Water LE125) Lost Places Geocoin (Green Mamba AE25) Lost Places Geocoin (Heavens Gate AE25) Lost Places Geocoin (KINGZ (blue steel) XXLE50) Lost Places Geocoin (KINGZ (green) XXLE50) Lost Places Geocoin (KINGZ (red) XXLE50) Lost Places Geocoin (Kingz@7grad AE25) Lost Places Geocoin (Kingz@Prague LE250) Lost Places Geocoin (Lost Army LE175) Lost Places Geocoin (LP@N8 (smaragd) XXLE50) Lost Places Geocoin (LP@N8 (white) XXLE50) Lost Places Geocoin (OWNERZ (black) AE25) Lost Places Geocoin (Pink Portal LE125) Lost Places Geocoin (Retro SB1 antik silber/Gletscherblau) Lost Places Geocoin (Retro SB3 antik bronze) Lost Places Geocoin (Sowjet LE 275) Lost Places Geocoin (Wild East LE300) 03.2 LP02
03.3 Lost Skyline
03.4 Prypyat
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB97WER HPS' Prypjat Geocoin (Remembering 1986 XLE50) Prypjat Geocoin (Blowout RE165) Prypjat Geocoin (Desolated LE75) Prypjat Geocoin (Honoring the Liquidators LE90) Prypjat Geocoin (Purple Rain Artist & Friend XLE50) Prypjat Geocoin (Returning Light LE90) Prypjat Geocoin (Visited Prypjat SE125) 04. Scavok
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB44V3E HPS' Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Green on Gold) TB38EDY HPS' Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Mystery V1) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Antique Bronze) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Antique Copper) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Antique Silver) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Black Nickel) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Green in Gold (Error)) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Green in Silver (Error)) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Green on Silver & Brass) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Green on Silver) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Mystery 2 - Purple on Satin Silver) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Red in Gold (Error)) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Red in Silver (Error)) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Red on Gold) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Red on Silver) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Satin Gold on Silver) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Satin Silver on Gold) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Shiny Gold on Silver) Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin (Shiny Silver on Gold) Nature's Night and Day Geocoin (Black Nickel) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Antique Bronze) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Antique Silver) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Dark Blue on Antique Silver) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Green on Copper) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Green on Gold) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Purple on Shiny Gold) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Purple on Shiny Nickel) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Red on Gold) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Red on Silver) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Satin Gold on Silver) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Satin Silver on Gold) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Shiny Gold on Silver) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Shiny Nickel) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Shiny Silver on Gold) Tengwar Large Geocoin (Turquoise on Nickel) 05. Speak friend and trade
Icon Infocode Picture Name Speak, friend, and trade Geocoin (Dofferson's Edition) Speak, friend, and trade Geocoin (JP's Edition) Speak, friend, and trade Geocoin (Wellner's Edition) 06. Vanelle
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB68GTV HPS' Trees & Men Geocoin (Antique Bronze LE) TB5C4FN HPS' Trees & Men Geocoin (Satin Silber RE100) Stitch in Time Geocoin (German Edition LE100) Stitch in Time Geocoin (Sepia RE175) Trees & Men Geocoin (BN LE50) Trees & Men Geocoin (Satin Silver AE) 07. Cthulhu
08. CW88
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5TWE5 HeideParkSoltau's Viking Geocoin (Magnus) TB5Z845 HeideParkSoltau's Yeti Geocoin (Sasquatch Edition) African Safari Geocoin (Black Nickel/Yellow LE72) Egyptian Scarab Geocoin (Brown/Antique Gold RE40) King Tut Geocoin (Antique Silver LE45) King Tut Geocoin (Shiny Gold / Blue RE55) Pirate's Treasure Geocoin (Brass Buccaneer Edition RE35) The Global Nomad Geocoin (Antikgold RE40) The Global Nomad Geocoin (Antiksilver V1 / translucent RE40) The Global Nomad Geocoin (Black Nickel / Glow XLE30) The Global Nomad Geocoin (Burning Sea Edition - Private XXLE12) The Global Nomad Geocoin (Fundraiser V1 XLE25) The Global Nomad Geocoin (Satinsilver V1 / translucent LE35) Yeti Geocoin (Arctic Edition LE25) 09. SSoCA
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5P09D HeideParkSoltau's SSoCA Geocoin - Pink Edition TB6WNM2 HeideParkSoltau's SSoCA Geocoin - The end of the rainbow TB5P02B HeideParkSoltau's SSoCA Geocoin - The Year 2013 SSoCA Geocoin - The Friend LE222 SSoCA Geocoin The Pink Precious (RE200) 10. TQ & C4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Circle of Four Geocoin (2 tone - Black Nickel/polished Gold AE20) Tranquility Geocoin (Luxury) 11. non trackable, Mystery & Personal Coins
12. Pure!
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4RNCR HeideParkSoltau's Pure. Black Geocoin (Black / Gold Edition LE100) TB2MHYZ HeideParkSoltau's Pure. Black Geocoin (Black / Silver Edition LE300) TB3P49V HeideParkSoltau's Pure. Color Geocoin TB4RNGE HeideParkSoltau's Pure. White Geocoin (White / Black Edition LE100) Pure. White Geocoin (White / Silver Edition LE300) Pure.glow Geocoin (Glow / Black Edition XLE50) 13. diverse
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB37HAZ HeideParkSoltau's Juwel of the Moon (Blue Moon LE100) TB44JXD HeideParkSoltau's Tribal Cross Geocoin (violett) Anthus Laptop Geocoin (Gold Glitter GCF XLE35) Celtic Raven Geocoin (Red Baron RE200) CelticTriskele Geocoin (Green Antique Gold) CelticTriskele Geocoin (Red Gold) Die drei Fragezeichen Geocoin Juwel of the Moon (Violett Moon LE100) Kommt Zeit – kommt Coin (Night Urge BE50) Lebensbaum Geocoin (Erde) Mjölnir Geocoin Personal Geocoin Ratatoskr Geocoin (Nidhoggr LE90) Ratatoskr Geocoin (Yggdrasil LE90) Schicht im Schacht (⚒ Schacht Edition Auguste Victoria ⚒) Support GER Troops Geocoin (ICE XLE80) Support GER Troops Geocoin (SUPPORTER RE) Sylvan Seekers - Miisha Geocoin Sylvan Seekers - Trickel Geocoin Target in Sight Geocoin - Arctic (LE140) Wonders Geocoin - Riddle of the Sphinx (Satin Silver - GCF Version LE75) 14. Film, TV und Spiel
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBNCBX 2bugs' Darthi's Dark Coin TB262Q7 HeideParkSoltau's Cache Scene Investigation Geocoin TB52C9M HeideParkSoltau's Cache Wars Event Geocoin TB325KE HeideParkSoltau's Cache Wars Geocoin TBMPBR HeideParkSoltau's Darthi's Dark Coin (V1 Antik Silver LE50) TB2G2FG HeideParkSoltau's Domehead Geocoin TB32157 HeideParkSoltau's Gladiator Geocoin TB4RC43 HeideParkSoltau's Halloween – Fear on the Screen Geocoin TB32M7M HeideParkSoltau's Illuminati Geocoin TB3HBMC HeideParkSoltau's It's Geocaching time Geocoin TB2F1T7 HeideParkSoltau's Licence to Cache Geocoin TB2NDYM HeideParkSoltau's Mario Bros. Ghost Geocoin TB5AK30 HeideParkSoltau's Real Adventurer Jungle Geocoin (AG) TB34QJT HeideParkSoltau's Space Gate Geocoin TB1XG67 HeideParkSoltau's The Cacher Geocoin TB2BQVQ HeideParkSoltau's Thor's Hammer (two tone deluxe) Geocoin TB37M5E HeideParkSoltau's Tribal Cacher Geocoin TB28DRF HPS' The Real Adventurer Geocoin (Antik Bronze) TB2F1H6 HPS' The Real Adventurer Geocoin (Black Nickel/Gold XLE TO) 1701eh Memorial Geocoin Back to the future Geocoin BOB CAPENTER GEOCOIN (Hobel) BOB CAPENTER GEOCOIN (Zollstock) Cache Buster Geocoin Cache Fighter Geocoin Cache Saber Geocoin Cache Wars 2018 (Millennium Falcon) Cache Wars 2019 - May the 4th (R2D2) Cache Wars 2020 - Cache or Cache Not (Yoda) Cache X Fighter Geocoin Camper-Zelle-Coin Crazy Love Geocoin Crazy Love Geocoin Crazy Love Geocoin Crazy Love Geocoin Dexter Final Insanity Geocoin Dexter Geocoin Dexter Trinity Geocoin Dexters Buzzsaw Geocoin Dracula 2.0 Geocoin (Black Nickel / grün) Dracula 2.0 Geocoin (Black Nickel / rot) First to Find, Frozen in Time Geocoin Friday the 13th Geocoin (2010) Friday the 13th Geocoin (2013) Geo Trek Geocoin GeoSmurfz Geocoin (Silver/green Lightsaber) Ghostbusters Geocoin Kommando Zelle Geocoin Live Long and Cache Geocoin Mario Bros. Christmas Geocoin Resistance is Futile Cube Snoopy Geocoin The Witch Geocoin (Antik Silber LE500) The Witch Geocoin (Black Nickel / Glitzer grün XLE25) 15. Streitkräfte und Rettungsdienste
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4Q3JZ HeideParkSoltau's Air Force Geocoin TB4Q3MQ HeideParkSoltau's Army Geocoin TB4Q3QR HeideParkSoltau's Coast Guard Geocoin TB4AX7E HeideParkSoltau's EMT Geocoin TB4AXB4 HeideParkSoltau's Firefighter Geocoin TB4Q3GJ HeideParkSoltau's Marine Geocoin TB4Q3W8 HeideParkSoltau's Navy Geocoin Justice Geocoins 16. Getier
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5AR0Y HeideParkSoltau's Edeltraud - the Sheep Geocoin (Deluxe Sheep Ed. black LE135) TB5AQXF HeideParkSoltau's Edeltraud - the Sheep Geocoin (Deluxe Sheep Ed. white LE135) TB1WZ5B HeideParkSoltau's Moose Mob Geocoin TB1XE01 HeideParkSoltau's RoadRunner Geocoin TB3CY1P HeideParkSoltau's Turlutortue Geocoin (gold/antique bronze LE) TB3VAQY HPS' Andy - the Squirrel (Gold Ed.) Geocoin TB3VAZA HPS' Andy - the Squirrel (Kupfer Ed.) Geocoin TB3VAEQ HPS' Andy - the Squirrel (Silber Ed.) Geocoin Andy - the Squirrel (Rescue Ed. LE100) Geocoin Edeltraud - the Sheep (Deluxe Sheep Ed. pink LE135) Faithful to the end Geocoin (Blue Ice Winter LE111) The Fastest Turtle Geocoin (Gold LE30) Turlutortue Geocoin (Antique Copper XLE) Turlutortue Geocoin (Antique Silver RE) Turlutortue Geocoin (Gold Rush XLE) Turlutortue Geocoin (V2 Green Isle XLE) Turlutortue Geocoin (V2 Nature LE) 17. Prost
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBVP87 HeideParkSoltau's Absolute Caching Geocoin TB26CMF HeideParkSoltau's Bier Geocoin (Special Edition LE100) 18. Husten, Schnupfen, Heiserkeit
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geo Infection Geocoin (Black Nickel/Orange) Geo Infection Geocoin (Gold Glitter) Geo Infection Geocoin (Silber/Blau) Geoinfection Geocoin - Neon Grün 19. Events
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5FT8Z HeideParkSoltau's 12-12-12 Multi Event Coin - Germany Cologne TB5FTE7 HeideParkSoltau's 12-12-12 Multi Event Coin - Germany Maya TB1J9JH HeideParkSoltau's 2007 CITO Geocoin TB32H2X HeideParkSoltau's 50. Hannover Event Geocoin TB5QD53 HeideParkSoltau's Flash Mob X Geocoin TB5GZYK HeideParkSoltau's Grill Hard Geocoin TB5PRRD HeideParkSoltau's HellGEOland 2013 Geocoin (AE) TB5PR0T HeideParkSoltau's HellGEOland 2013 Geocoin (Attended LE) TB5PRE7 HeideParkSoltau's HellGEOland 2013 Geocoin (Shop LE) TB5PRJD HeideParkSoltau's HellGEOland 2013 Geocoin (XLE) TB5DMGE HeideParkSoltau's Himmelfahrt & Höllentrip Geocoin (Teilnehmer) TB5DMGB HeideParkSoltau's Himmelfahrt & Höllentrip Geocoin (Zuhausebleiber) TB4ER1A HeideParkSoltau's Lost in MV 2011 Geocoin TB2XMH9 HeideParkSoltau's MallorGEO 2009 Geocoin TB5WFFG HeideParkSoltau's MegaBerlin 2013 Geocoin (Gold LE200) TB5P4PK HeideParkSoltau's Walpurgis 2013 Geocoin (gold) TB5P4NF HeideParkSoltau's Walpurgis 2013 Geocoin (kufper) TB5P4TZ HeideParkSoltau's Walpurgis 2013 Geocoin (silber) Auf den Spuren der Hanse – Lüneburg 2017 Geocoin (Antik Bronze) Coinfestival im Herzen Deutschlands 2017 Geocoin (Antik Silber RE130) Coinfestival Melsungen 2015 Geocoin (LE100) Coinfestival Melsungen 2015 Geocoin (RE200) Giga Berlin 2019 Event Geocoin Himmelfahrt & Höllentrip Geocoin (V.I.P. Edition XLE40) Lünborchs Football-Wettspeel-Schnack (2. Platz) Lost in MV 2011 Geocoin (LE300) Lost in MV 2019 Geocoin (Event Edition LE600) Lost in MV 2019 Geocoin (Special Edition SE300) Lost in MV2 Geocoin (RE800) Lost in MV2 Ehrennadel (Orga XLE) Lost in MV2 Ehrennadel (Teilnehmer LE) MEGA am MEER 2015 Event-Geocoin (Kupfer) MegaBerlin 2013 Geocoin (Bronze RE845) MegaBerlin 2013 Geocoin (Silber RE979) MegaBerlin Junior Geocoin MegAdvent Geocoin 2014 (Mega RE900) Mia san GIGA herzlich! (Charity LE500) Mia san GIGA herzlich! (Gold RE2100) Mia san GIGA herzlich! (Kupfer RE1550) Mia san GIGA herzlich! (Pink AE800) Mia san GIGA herzlich! (Silber RE2400) Prague 2020 GIGA Event Geocoin (Antique Gold) Prora 2013 Event Coin (LE333) Prora 2013 Event Coin (RE999) Prora 2013 Event Coin (XLE111) Prora 2017 - Kubb Cup - Event Coin (LE222) Prora 2017 - Kubb Cup - Event Coin (SE555) Prora 2017 - Kubb Cup - Event Coin (XLE111) Walpurgis Event 2019 Coin (schwarz/orange LE100) 20. Länder-Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBYFJ9 HeideParkSoltau's 2006 Kiwi Geocoin TB12FKB HeideParkSoltau's 78 Tour - Ile De France Geocoin TB51QKA HeideParkSoltau's A Piece of Switzerland Geocoin TB23X01 HeideParkSoltau's Athens Geocoin TB1KFEF HeideParkSoltau's Austrian Geocoins 2007 TB28DGE HeideParkSoltau's Bulgarian Mystic Geocoin (black nickel) TB23TR2 HeideParkSoltau's CM/CW Caching 2 Countries Geocoin TB28578 HeideParkSoltau's Croatia Geocoin TBX00C HeideParkSoltau's Denmark Coin TB19P9J HeideParkSoltau's Dutch Geocoin 2006 TB57DD2 HeideParkSoltau's Edinburgh Geocoin TBQDMB HeideParkSoltau's Finland Geocoin TB5045Q HeideParkSoltau's First Greek Geocoin 2007 TB4NR3X HeideParkSoltau's Geocaching Germany Geocoin TB3Y8GD HeideParkSoltau's Horus Geocoin TB41T3Z HeideParkSoltau's Ireland 2011 Geocoin (gold) TB41T0J HeideParkSoltau's Ireland 2011 Geocoin (silber) TB1GKAW HeideParkSoltau's Italian Geocoin 2007 TB12EGJ HeideParkSoltau's Japan Coin TB2N57R HeideParkSoltau's Luxembourg Geocoin 2008 TB1B42W HeideParkSoltau's Norwegian Geocoin 2007 TB1GT7H HeideParkSoltau's OshnDoc Antarctica Geocoin TB1G389 HeideParkSoltau's Poland Geocoin TBXD3B HeideParkSoltau's Portugal 2006 Geocoin TB5E937 HeideParkSoltau's Portugal 2012 Geocoin TB1GZEB HeideParkSoltau's Prague 2007 Geocoin TB44Z92 HeideParkSoltau's Red Square Moscow Russia Geocoin TBTZ7Y HeideParkSoltau's Scotland Coin TB5FG3G HeideParkSoltau's Slovak Geocoin 2012 TB288VZ HeideParkSoltau's Spain 2006 Geocoin TB4QKCC HeideParkSoltau's Sweden Geocoin TB47CJT HeideParkSoltau's Swiss Geocolate Geocoin TBPK2A HeideParkSoltau's UK Geocoin TB2Q8R8 HeideParkSoltau's Ukraine Geocoin TBVVFC HeideParkSoltau's Wales Geocoin Australia Outback Geocoin (Sunlight SE65) Canada Fox Geocoin Canada Owl Geocoin Canada Wolves Geocoin Danish Geocoin 2006 Danish Geocoin 2015 Egyptian Geocoin Geocacher stay with Ukraine (LE180) Geocoin Club May 2013 Geocoin Isle of Man 2007 Geocoin (gold LE) Kiwi Fruit - New Zealand Geocoin Mexico Geocoin ROMA Geocoin 21. Regionen Deutschlands
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBRNHP Christofs Coin TB26R3K HeideParkSoltau's 1. Hamburg Geocoin TB4Q241 HeideParkSoltau's 11. Potsdamer Stammtisch Geocoin TB19KXT HeideParkSoltau's 1st Berlin Geocoin TB5BQY0 HeideParkSoltau's Ampelmännchen grün Geocoin TB5BQQZ HeideParkSoltau's Ampelmännchen rot Geocoin TB4Z5B8 HeideParkSoltau's Bayern Geocoin 1.1 TB5A3AP HeideParkSoltau's Bremer Stadtmusikanten Geocoin TB3JH0B HeideParkSoltau's Check Your GPS Geocoin TB59DWN HeideParkSoltau's Frängische Geocoin blau TB59DPF HeideParkSoltau's Frängische Geocoin rot TB3BP21 HeideParkSoltau's GCA-Coin 2010 - Magdeburger Geocoin TB5H06Q HeideParkSoltau's Geocaching in Baden Geocoin TB448HD HeideParkSoltau's Helgoland Geocoin TB317WB HeideParkSoltau's Hildesheim Geocoin TB5F5A5 HeideParkSoltau's Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Geocoin TB2CYMK HeideParkSoltau's Nordrhein-Westfalen Geocoin 2008 TB14H9F HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Aachen TBZ8D3 HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Braunschweig TB1A416 HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Colonia TB14AJE HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Der Pott cacht TB1A5C6 HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Franken TB14JQE HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Hannover TBYWX7 HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Harz TBZ6MT HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Hildesheim TB19QEZ HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Lüneburg TB19XNA HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - München TBYY3T HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Nordhessen TB1A5AP HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Rhein Main TB144WP HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin - Sachsen TB14A4P HeideParkSoltau's Regions of Germany Geocoin Schwaebische Alb TB41BW8 HeideParkSoltau's Saarland 2010 Geocoin TB63XNP HeideParkSoltau's Sachsen-Anhalt Geocoin (Silber Edition LE250) TB4W082 HeideParkSoltau's Schleswig-Holstein Geocoin TB15JPN HeideParkSoltau's Thuringia Geocoin TB19GC8 HeideParkSoltau's Uckermark Geocoin TB164KD HeideParkSoltau's Vogtland Geocoin (Black LE) Hannover – Knast Geocoin Hannover – Letzte Schlacht Geocoin Hannover – Unter'm Schwanz Geocoin Ritter Signal zu Baden-Württemberg Geocoin Ruhrpott Geocoin (Bergamt Edition XLE50) Ruhrpott Geocoin (Hauer Edition RE200) Ruhrpott Geocoin (Obersteiger Edition XLE50) Stadtmeisterschaft 2008 Hannover Geocoin - GitD (XLE25) Usedom Geocoins 2007 (silber/blau) 22. GC allgemein
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2W83B HeideParkSoltau's Cache Attributes Geocoin TB4NXBA HeideParkSoltau's Earthcache Geocoin TB4MB00 HeideParkSoltau's FTF Micro Geocoin TB5NCHK HeideParkSoltau's Geo-Achievement Finds 1,000 Geocoin TB7J4JX HeideParkSoltau's Geo-Achievement Finds 2,000 Geocoin TB4YR00 HeideParkSoltau's Geo-Achievement Finds 250 Geocoin TB50ZWJ HeideParkSoltau's Geo-Achievement Finds 500 Geocoin TB53997 HeideParkSoltau's Geocaching Matrix Geocoin 1,000,000 Geocaches Geocoin (Antik Silber XLE) Cache In Trash Out Geocoin Geo-Achievement Grid 81 Geocoin Going APE 2015 Geocoin ~Tauschkiste~
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2X9MP Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin - Black Nickel (61) TB39VPM Darkest Dreams Geocoin (Black Silver Dream AE1/15) 2. Coin Tausch nur gegen mir fehlende Darkest Dreams (oder andere Gesuche mit PRIO 1/2)TB30EH0 Difficult Climbing Geocoin "Sunset Question" (Black Nickel) TB5F56W HeideParkSoltau's Bayern Geocoin 1.5 TB20FP4 HeideParkSoltau's Bier Geocoin (AS) TB4P2HY HeideParkSoltau's Geocaching – 10 Years Geocoin TB5FY6F HeideParkSoltau's Good Luck! Geocoin TB4DRED HeideParkSoltau's Groid Phone Geocoin TB51ZJN HeideParkSoltau's Mammut Geocoin TB42TK9 HeideParkSoltau's Proximity Guideline Geocoin TB42W79 HeideParkSoltau's Rostock Geocoin TB3HEZW HeideParkSoltau's Sopranos Mob Event Geocoin TB50KCG HeideParkSoltau's Titanic Geocoin XLETB5DBQX Terrain 666 Geocoin *Bloody Snow White* TB514R1 Terrain 666 Geocoin *Orange Hell* Wolf Pack 2 - Celtic Wolf - Full Pink Moon (glow i.t.d.) A Cache A Day Geocoin Andy - the Squirrel (Rescue Ed. LE100) Geocoin Cacherschmiede Linden Geocoin Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Fullmoon Ed. XXLE25) Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin (Moonlight Ed. AE IV XLE35) cu @ hell Geocoin (Ira LE175) Darkest Dreams - Dark Golden Night XXXLE 7 Tausch nur gegen mir fehlende Darkest Dreams (oder andere Gesuche mit PRIO 1/2)Galileo Global Navigation Satellite System Geocoin Geo Reward 666 Geocache Finds Geocoin Geocoin Club December 2008 Geocoin (Bronze / Red) Geocoin Club December 2008 Geocoin (Copper / Blue) Geocoin Club December 2008 Geocoin (Silver / Red) German Canadian Friendship Geocoin Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Antique Copper / Copper Glitter) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Antique Gold / Dark Green Glitter) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Freedom Edition) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Hallow's Eve Edition) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Polished Brass / Red Glitter) Guardians of the Night Geocoin (Satin Black Nickel / Light Blue Glitter) Hosenflicker Geocoin (Black Nickel RE) Lost Skull Geocoin (Camo-TICK LE115) Lost Skull Geocoin (Myst-ERIK LE125) Oktoberfest Geocoin (Jenn Ed. ) Olanda the Owl Geocoin (Lunar Eclipse Edition LE200) Radio Geocoin Ringtennis Germany Geocoin SSoCA Geocoin The Pink Precious Symbology Geocoin Terrain 666 Geocoin - Hellfire (LE150) Terrain 666 Geocoin - Pink Devil (LE150) Terrain 666 Geocoin - Red Hell (XLE50) The Real Climb II Geocoin (Antik Gold RE) The Real Climb II Geocoin (Antik Silber RE) Titanic Geocoin Wolf Pack 2 - Celtic Wolf - April Pearl Moon (Nickel) Wolf Pack 2 - Celtic Wolf - Full Harvest Moon - October Geocoin Wolf Pack 2 - July - Full Thunder Moon Geocoin Wonders Geocoin Darkest Dreams - Green Golden Dream - Sample
Request list of HeideParkSoltau (71)
Icon | Name | Added |
1000 Years Of Beer History In Prague - Meet & Greet Event Geocoin PRIO 2: Antique Silver LE |
04/30/22 | |
2018 Cache Wars - The Falcon |
05/14/20 | |
Andy - the Squirrel (Geocaching Animals) Geocoin PRIO2: Artist Edition |
02/20/14 | |
Big Time Caching Geocoin PRIO2 |
04/18/14 | |
Birka Geocoin PRIO2: SG02-6 (AE) / SG02-3 (Antik Silber) / PRIO3: SG02-7 (Foggy Silver) / SG02-8 (Antique Bronze) |
05/30/16 | |
Brockenevent Geocoin 2017 |
11/08/22 | |
Brockenevent Geocoin 2018 beide Editionen |
11/08/22 | |
Brockenevent Geocoin 2019 beide Editionen |
11/08/22 | |
Carpe Tempus Geocoin |
07/30/17 | |
Cat got your Cache Geocoin für eine Freundin |
02/01/16 | |
Celtic Treasure Geocoin |
07/03/19 | |
Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin ABSOLUTE PRIO1: Blue on .925 Silver / Blue on .925 Shiny Silver & Brass 2-Tone / Dark Blue on .925 Silver |
07/09/14 | |
Cheshire Cat Geocoin für eine Freundin -> AE |
02/28/17 | |
Darkest Dreams Geocoin PRIO 1: Black Nickel RAW, Bloody Silver Dream, Antik twotone Dream, Snow Golden Dream, Gold with Nickel, Nickel with Gold, Black Golden Dream, Mysterious Darkest Dreams, Antik Gold RAW, Poliertes Gold RAW, Heaven Golden Dream, Bloody Golden Dream, Deep Bl |
02/01/13 | |
Darthi's Dark Coin PRIO2: V2 (gerne in silber) |
02/02/13 | |
DELTA 7 Geocoin PRIO2 |
11/16/15 | |
First Latvian Geocoin PRIO3 |
02/01/13 | |
First Romanian Geocoin PRIO3 |
02/01/13 | |
Fumble After Dark Event 2012 Geocoin PRIO4 |
11/11/13 | |
Geo Reward 666 Geocache Finds Geocoin PRIO2: Angel Edition LE |
01/26/17 | |
Geo Trek Geocoin PRIO2: Nickel (LE100) / gold (LE50) |
02/02/13 | |
Geoclimbing Geocoin PRIO2: alle drei (Master am liebsten, die mit PIN) |
03/02/14 | |
Geocoin Club - August 2021 Summer Nights |
03/11/22 | |
Geocoin Club October 2016 - Silver for the Boatman Geocoin PRIO3 |
09/12/17 | |
GeoSmurfz Geocoin PRIO2: rotes Schwert (am liebsten in BN) / Yoda !!! |
07/07/13 | |
Geoswag C&P Club July 2015 - Shades of Caching Geocoin für eine Freundin |
03/08/17 | |
Guardians of the Night Geocoin absolute PRIO1: [!!!) Antique Silver with White Glitter (!!!) / Antique Silver RAW / Antique Gold RAW / Black Nickel RAW / Chrome RAW |
01/17/15 | |
Hungary Geocoin PRIO3 |
02/01/13 | |
Island Geocoin PRIO3 - Antik Silber |
04/14/20 | |
Jellyfish's 2008 Geocoin |
07/04/19 | |
Journey Geocoin PRIO2: am liebsten Antique Bronze with Red / Antique Copper with Green / Antique Silver with Blue |
04/21/20 | |
Juwel of the moon Geocoin PRIO3 AE (Antik Silber, rote Steine) |
02/12/15 | |
LackeyBenno 5 Year Geocoin PRIO2 |
12/15/16 | |
Latvian Geocachers' Geocoin PRIO3 |
02/01/13 | |
Lost in MV - Mach 3 PRIO2: Helfer Edition |
08/05/19 | |
Lost in MV 2011 Geocoin PRIO2: Helfer Edition |
04/21/16 | |
Lost in MV 2019 Geocoin PRIO2: Helfer Edition |
07/08/19 | |
Lost Skull Geocoin PRIO2: paranoid OE / schizophrenic |
02/14/17 | |
Lost Skyline Railway Geocoin Winter AE |
05/27/18 | |
LoveT5 |
07/01/19 | |
MallorGecko Geocoin |
07/08/19 | |
Mysterious Romance Geocoin Horny Love |
01/08/18 | |
Obey 2012 Geocoin PRIO2: Das wäre mal was! |
12/21/15 | |
Prague 2020 GIGA Event Geocoin PRIO2: Antique Silver |
05/17/22 | |
Prague 2020 GPS Maze Geocoin PRIO2: Black Nickel oder Nickel |
05/17/22 | |
Project A.P.E.: Tunnel of Light Geocoin |
10/17/22 | |
Prora 2013 Event Coin PRIO1: Helfer Edition |
12/29/13 | |
Prypjat Geocoin |
07/08/19 | |
Pure. White Geocoin PRIO2: Artist Edition |
04/15/14 | |
Sonnenaufgang auf dem Brocken |
11/08/22 | |
Sonnenaufgang auf dem Brocken Geocoin |
11/08/22 | |
SSoCA Geocoin - The Glowing Passion 2014 PRIO2 |
01/15/17 | |
SSoCA Geocoin - The magic cauldron PRIO2 |
02/16/16 | |
SSoCA Geocoin - The Secret Seal PRIO2 |
02/16/16 | |
SSoCA Geocoin - The Silver Pearl PRIO1: Weil sie einfach wunderschön ist! |
10/06/14 | |
SSoCA Geocoin - The Supporter PRIO2 |
02/16/16 | |
SSoCA Geocoin - The Year 2012 PRIO2 |
02/22/16 | |
SSoCA Geocoin The Piece Of Slate PRIO2 |
09/27/16 | |
SSoCA Geocoin The Surprise PRIO2 |
09/27/16 | |
Stitch in Time Geocoin PRIO1: Artist Edition |
01/17/14 | |
T5 in Mecklenburg Geocoin PRIO3: Silber oder Gold |
11/11/20 | |
Team Yanagi Geocoin |
04/12/18 | |
Team Yanagi Geocoin |
04/12/18 | |
Tengwar Large Geocoin PRIO1: Bronze on Bronze // Antique Copper // Green on Bronze // 24k Gold Plated // .925 Silver Plated |
05/09/14 | |
Terrain 666 Geocoin nur aus Interesse.. :-P |
02/01/13 | |
The Warrior Geocoin PRIO3: Die in komplett schwarz und die in gold fehlen mir! |
02/01/13 | |
Timberwolf Geocoin PRIO2 |
10/08/14 | |
Turlutortue Geocoin PRIO2: Bella Terra AE / V1 XXXLE |
01/21/15 | |
Ukraine - Kyiv Trackable |
04/14/20 | |
Ukrainian geocoin |
04/14/20 | |
Wolfpack Coin PRIO 2 Artist Edition (!!!) außerdem noch: Antique Silver, Moondust |
06/11/13 |