Showroom of -flying-dutchman- (2355)
138 - German Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBMM12 German Geocoin - AB antique bronze144 - Michigan Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBMC83 Michigan Geocoin - Summer Sunshine - AG Summer Sunshine - antique gold - REMichigan Geocoin - AG antique gold - trackable - RE146 - Geocoin Club Coin (Aug 2005 - Mar 2006) 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBRK59 Geocoin Club Coin (Aug 2005 - Mar 2006) - Ghosts Of Caching Past Geocoin Ghosts Of Caching Past Geocoin147 - Maryland Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name Maryland Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE2000(?)149 - Ohio Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBMG7K Ohio Geocoin - AB antique bronze - RE152 - Personal Geocoin 1/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBQYYY Personal Geocoin - Schuylkill Geocoin Personal Geocoin - Schuylkill Geocoin\\r\\ntwo-tone shiny gold/foggy gold - LE100, nr:073Personal Geocoin - Merman & Lady Dragoness - ShC Personal Geocoin - Merman & Lady Dragoness - shiny copper - #28Personal Geocoin - Schuylkill Geocoin - two-tone ShG/FoG Personal Geocoin - Schuylkill Geocoin\\r\\ntwo-tone shiny gold/foggy gold- LE100 nr:095165 - World of Geocaching 3/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBNZBV World of Geocaching Geocoin - version 1- two-tone AN/ShG TBRH70 World of Geocaching Geocoin - version 2 - G gold - version II - REWorld of Geocaching Geocoin - version 2 - AS antique silver - version II - LEWorld of Geocaching Geocoin - version 2 - G gold - version 2 - RE167 - San Diego Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBPC8Q San Diego Geocoin TBPCTJ San Diego Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE169 - North Carolina Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name North Carolina Geocoin - AG antique gold173 - Connecticut Geocoin 3/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Connecticut Geocoin - AB antique bronze - REConnecticut Geocoin - PG polished goldConnecticut Geocoin - PS polished silver175 - UK Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBQ6F2 UK Geocoin - AG antique gold - RE184 - Long Island Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Long Island Geocoin - AB antique bronze - RE700(?)Long Island Geocoin - SaS satin (foggy) silver - RE200 (?)187 - Kansas Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Kansas Geocoin - v1 - AS version 1 - antique silver - LE300(?)193 - The Fraher Family Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name The Fraher Family Geocoin - PN polished nickel197 - Not another Micro! Geocoin 4/6
198 - China Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBTV4M China Geocoin - PS polished silver - RE1000China Geocoin - PG polished gold - REChina Geocoin - PS polished silver - RE199 - 2006 Michigan Geocoin (twinset)
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2006 Michigan Geocoin - AG 2006 Michigan Geocoin aka 2006 "Fort Gratiot" Lighthouse antique gold - trackable version2006 Michigan Geocoin - AG antique gold201 - Worldchampionship 2006 Geocoin 2/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBTD9Y Worldchampionship 2006 Geocoin - AS antique silver - RETBT573 Worldchampionship 2006 Geocoin - AS antique silver - RETBTCFB Worldchampionship 2006 Geocoin - Gold gold - LE207 - MGA Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name MGA Geocoin - PN Maritime Geocaching Association Geocoin - polished nickel - RE215 - Lamp Post Cache Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Lamp Post Cache Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE235 - Geocaching Alberta South Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBV6JE Geocaching Alberta South Geocoin - AS antique silverGeocaching Alberta South Geocoin - AS antique silver252 - Absolute Caching Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Absolute Caching Geocoin - AB antique bronze - LE150256 - Geoswag Coin & Pin Club Geocoin 3/10
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBWW5V Geoswag Coin & Pin Club Geocoin - 2006/04 - Cachin Boots Coin - AG April 2006 - Cachin' Boots Geocoin - antique gold - RETB1K46G Geoswag Coin & Pin Club Geocoin - 2007 1 year anniversary - AB 2007 1 year anniversary - antique bronze - REGeoswag Coin & Pin Club - 2006/04 - Cachin' Boots Geocoin - BN April 2006 - Cachin' Boots Geocoin - black nickel - LEGeoswag Coin & Pin Club Geocoin - 2006/03 - Virtual Cache Ghost - ShN March 2006 - Virtual Cache Ghost - shiny silver - RE261 - Germany Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBWC7A German Geocoin - SWABIAN ALB - two-tone AS/G two-tone shiny gold/antique silver - LE250(?)Germany Geocoin - two-tone AS/ShG two-tone shiny gold/antique silver - LE250(?)263 - Wales Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Wales Geocoin - AG antique gold - REWales Geocoin - AS antique silver271 - Native American Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBY0AK Native American Geocoin - AC antique copper - RE296 - SunshineGang Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB128D4 SunshineGang Geocoin - PG shiny gold - RE299 - FootTrax Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBWXPZ FootTrax Geocoin - DB dye black - RETBWMEX FootTrax Geocoin - DB dye black - RE301 - Robert's Personal Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name Robert's Personal Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE501317 - London Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name London Geocoin - V2 - ShG V2 - red telefon booth - shiny gold - SE100 - #48333 - 2006 British Columbia Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2006 British Columbia Geocoin - SN shiny nickel - RE1055(?)337 - Swiss Geocoin 2/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name Swiss Geocoin - Classic/PG Swiss Geocoin "Classic" - polished gold - LE250Swiss Geocoin - Modern/AS Swiss Geocoin "Modern" - antique silver - LE250356 - 2006 Kiwi Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2006 Kiwi Geocoin - AG antique gold(?) - RE1000364 - Timberwolf Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBYGN9 Timberwolf Geocoin - AS Timberwolf Geocoin - IDTimberwolf 2006 personal coin - antique silver - RE366 - Regions of Germany Geocoin 2/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBYQC2 Regions of Germany Geocoin - Hildesheim - AS Hildesheim - antique silver engraved name: "Team Hildesheim"Regions of Germany Geocoin - Der Pott Cacht - Chr Der Pott cacht - ChromeRegions of Germany Geocoin - Nordhessen - Chr Geocaching -Paradie - Nordhessen - ChrRegions of Germany Geocoin - Sachsen - Chr Sachsen - chrome369 - Anthus Decoder Geocoin 1/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name Anthus Decoder Geocoin - ShS shiny silver - RE225371 - Makin Tracks Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBYRD4 Makin Tracks Geocoin - PG polished gold - RE373 - Saffier & Stekelsteef Personal Geocoin I
Icon Infocode Picture Name 373 - Saffier & Stekelsteef Personal Geocoin I
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBYQAH Saffier & Stekelsteef Personal Geocoin - Diving Helmet - AS Diving Helmet Geocoin - antique silver - LE125Saffier & Stekelsteef Personal Geocoin - Diving Helmet - ShG shiny gold - LE25374 - Team Myth Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name TBYQGV Team Myth Geocoin - PG polished gold - RE387 - Rhode Island Geocoin 1/?
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB10NE0 Rhode Island Geocoin - AB antique bronze - RE398 - The Definitive Coin Series Geocoin 2/4
404 - All-Season Caching - Winter Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB112D8 All-Season Caching - Winter Geocoin polished nickel - RE409 - The Great Reward Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name The Great Reward Geocoin - BN black nickel with glowing features - limited to 500412 - Quebec Geocoin 2/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name Quebec Geocoin - AS antique silver - LEQuebec Geocoin - FG satin (foggy) gold - number 06 - LE417 - Saving Shiloh Geocoin 1/2(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB125DC Saving Shiloh Geocoin - SN shiny nickel - #54 - RE418 - Singapore Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB12575 Singapore Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE426 - Geowoodstock Official IV Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geowoodstock Official IV Geocoin - AB antique bronze - RE438 - Dutch Microcoin 2006 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB19GWR Dutch Microcoin 2006 - Orange - BN Orange - black nickel - LETB138YK Dutch Microcoin 2006 - Red/White/Blue - PN Red/White/Blue - polished nickel - RE447 - Georgia Geocachers 2006 Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB13NQB Georgia Geocachers 2006 Geocoin - G gold - RE464 - 2golfers Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1429Z 2golfers Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE473 - 2006 Midwest Geobash Event Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2006 Midwest Geobash Event Geocoin - PS polished silver - RE479 - Suncatcher Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Suncatcher Geocoin - Warm - PN warm - polished nickel - ~RE950483 - The All American Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB14F90 The All American Geocoin - PS polished silver - RE400484 - Geosquid Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1KJAP Geosquid Geocoin - SaG satin (foggy) gold - LE100512 - NNJC Event Coin
515 - Ladybug Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Ladybug Geocoin - ShN Nr. 140 - shiny nickel - RE516 - Astrolabe Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Astrolabe Geocoin - AG antique gold ~ RE825Astrolabe Geocoin - AS antique silver ~ RE825529 - GEO Coin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB16EZ7 GEO Coin - BN black nickel538 - York County Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB16GPW York County Geocoin - FG foggy (satin) gold539 - Personal Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB16JA8 Personal Geocoin - Miami Valley Geocachers Geocoin - AS antique silverTB16JG9 Prowl53 Personal Geocoin - Prowling Panther Personal Geocoin - BN Black Nickel - Prowler53 personal geocoin - \"Prowling Panther Personal Geocoin\"539 - Personal Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name 541 - Geodiamond Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB16J0F Geodiamond Geocoin - AG antique gold - REGeodiamond Geocoin - AG antique gold - RE563 - Canadian Arctic Geocoin 1/?
Icon Infocode Picture Name Canadian Arctic Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - RE569 - Landsharkz Signature Coin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB17V3B Landsharkz Signature Geocoin - PS 572 - Cache Critter Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1BCNZ Cache Critter Geocoin - AB antique bronze580 - GeoPenguin Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB181PE GeoPenguin Geocoin - ShS shiny silver - RE584 - October 2006 Geocoin Club Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name October 2006 Geocoin Club Geocoin - Masters of Cache - AS Masters of Cache - antique silver/green - RE585 - Beijing Observatory Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB18D6M Beijing Observatory Geocoin - AB antique bronze - RE588 - 2006 Alberta Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2006 Alberta Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE589 - California 2006 Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB18GCT California 2006 Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE594 - Tomcat Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1CAAV Tomcat Geocoin - AS antique silver - # S-232 - numbered S-1 till S-252 - RE252TB18GJZ Tomcat Geocoin - AS antique silver - # S-117 - numbered S-1 till S-252 - RE252606 - Event Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1N01B Event Geocoin - GAG 10 Event Geocoin - two-tone PN/PG two-tone polished nickel/polished gold - RE125 #326 (#1), all coins are numbered:from 326 to 450618 - frögley geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB19KAF frögley geocoin - PG shiny gold - LEfrögley geocoin - gun gun - SE619 - Labyrinth Geocoin 3/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB239QY Labyrinth Geocoin - blau - ShN shiny nickel - blau - RE150Labyrinth Geocoin - blau - ShN shiny nickel - blau - RE150Labyrinth Geocoin - rot - ShG shiny gold - rot - RE150Labyrinth Geocoin - schwarz - ShG shiny gold - schwarz - LE30(?)623 - Alien Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Alien Geocoin - V1 - PS polished silver - U.F.O. version 1 - REAlien Geocoin - V2 - BN black nickel - U.F.O. version 2 - RE626 - Tick Geocoin 4/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB19VDE Tick Geocoin - AG antique gold/sandblasted gold - RETick Geocoin - AG antique gold/sandblasted gold - RETick Geocoin - AS antique silver/sandblasted silver - RETick Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE75Tick Geocoin - two tone - AS/PG two tone - polished (shiny) gold on antique silver(with sandblasted silver) - SE630 - All-Season Caching - Fall Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB19YNC All-Season Caching - Fall Geocoin polished nickel - RE643 - Nero Geocoin 4/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1A66F Nero Geocoin - BN Nero V.2 - black nickel - RENero Geocoin - AC Nero V.2 - antique copper - LENero Geocoin - AC Nero V.2 - antique copper - LENero Geocoin - AG Nero V.2 - antique gold - LENero Geocoin - AG Nero V.2 - antique gold - LENero Geocoin - AS Nero V.2 - antique silver - LE644 - Maverick 65G Geocoin 2/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1V6K6 Maverick 65G Geocoin - PG Maverick 65G V2 - polished gold - LE25TB1V6JN Maverick 65G Geocoin - PS Maverick 65G V2 - polished silver - LE25662 - Laubfroesche Geocoin 3/3 incl twinset
685 - 2006 Christmas Ornament Geocoin - 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2006 Christmas Ornament Geocoin - Dear Santa Coin (Merry Christmas Cachers!) - 704 - Dragonfly Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Dragonfly Geocoin - SaG satin (foggy) gold712 - Team Sand Dollar 2006 V2.5 Geocoin /7
724 - F/A-22 Raptor Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name F/A-22 Raptor Geocoin - PG polished gold - RE734 - The KC8HNZ Monterey Bay Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name The KC8HNZ Monterey Bay Geocoin - AB antique bronze - LE150The KC8HNZ Monterey Bay Geocoin - AC antique copper - RE150743 - Turtletoes 2006 Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Turtletoes 2006 Geocoin - PN polished nickel - RE110770 - Germany 2007 Series 1 Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name Germany 2007 Series 1 Geocoin - AS soft enamel - antique silver - RE771 - Germany 2007 Series 2 Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name Germany 2007 Series 2 Geocoin - AS soft enamel - antique silver - RE777 - Ancient Cultures Geocoin 3/??
779 - Geocacher's Evolution Geocoin 6/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5M7NZ Geocacher's Evolution Geocoin Geocacher's Evolution Geocoin - AG antique gold - batch 1 -Geocacher's Evolution Geocoin - AS antique silver - batch 1 -Geocacher's Evolution Geocoin - BN black nickel - batch 1 -Geocacher's Evolution Geocoin - PS polished silver - batch 1 -Geocacher's Evolution Geocoin - SaS satin (foggy) silver - batch 2 - REGeocacher's Evolution Geocoin - SG satin gold - Batch 2 - RE797 - South Carolina Micro Geocoin 4/5
816 - World Caching - Ocean Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name World Caching - Ocean Geocoin - AB antique bronze - RE675World Caching - Ocean Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE525822 - Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin 3/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin - AG antique gold - LE50Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE50Bat-Bubba's Caving Geocoin - PG polished gold/sandblasted gold - LE75838 - Anthus Secret geoAgent Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Anthus Secret geoAgent Geocoin - ShS shiny silver - RE843 - Dorkfish 2007 Geocoin 3/3
875 - Los Muertos Geocoin 1/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1G8WA Los Muertos Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE50894 - 911turbos Geocoin 1/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name 911turbos Geocoin - green - PG green - polished gold - LE150899 - OshnDoc Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name 911 - Roboknight 2007 Mystery Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name Roboknight 2007 Mystery Geocoin - PS polished silver - LE250912 - PengoFamily 2007 Geocoin 1/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name PengoFamily 2007 Geocoin - Nickel Set Green - ShN Nickel Set Green - LE30963 - Hawai`i Micro Geocoin 6/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3H125 Hawai`i White Micro Geocoin Hawai`i Micro Geocoin - 01 - Yellow - PG yellow hibiscus - polished gold - RE850Hawai`i Micro Geocoin - 02 - Orange - PG orange hibiscus - polished gold - LE150Hawai`i Micro Geocoin - 03 - Pink - PN pink hibiscus - polished nickel - LE75Hawai`i Micro Geocoin - 04 - Purple - PN purple hibiscus - polished nickel - LE75Hawai`i Micro Geocoin - 05 - Red - BN red hibiscus - black nickel - LE75Hawai`i Micro Geocoin - 06 - White - BN white hibiscus - black nickel - LE75988 - BYO Pencil Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name BYO Pencil Geocoin - GLOW - BN BYO Pencil Geocoin - Bring Your Own Pencil Glow- black nickel - RE992 - Dazzle Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Dazzle Geocoin - PN polished nickel996 - MegaPott GeOlympics 2007 Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1JVVN MegaPott GeOlympics 2007 Geocoin antique silver - RE622TB1RXWK MegaPott GeOlympics 2007 Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE622TB1JW35 MegaPott GeOlympics 2007 Geocoin *Bronze Edition* antique bronze - LE38TB1JW29 MegaPott GeOlympics 2007 Geocoin Silberne Edition shiny nickel - LE381013 - Flaming Poolball Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Flaming Poolball Geocoin - PG polished gold - RE1070 - Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire Event Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire Event Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - LE125Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire Event Geocoin - ShS shiny silver1074 - Chelmo's NZ Silver Fern Geocoin 1/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name Chelmo's NZ Silver Fern Geocoin - ShChr shiny chrom - RE1001077 - Minnesota State Symbols Series Geocoin
1097 - Australia 2007 Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Australia 2007 Geocoin - PG shiny (polished) gold with sandblasted goldAustralia 2007 Geocoin - two-tone PS/PG two-tone polished silver with sandblasted silver/polished gold1101 - Purr-fect Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name Purr-fect Geocoin - AS antique silver - LE250(?)1128 - GW5 Sunburst Geocoin 1/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1N688 GW5 Sunburst Geocoin - AS antique silver - LE1144 - Karma Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Karma Geocoin - BN black nickel - REKarma Geocoin - Glitter - BN Glitter - black nickel1188 - Tikibirds Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Tikibirds Geocoin - PG polished gold with sandblasted gold - LE1001195 - Oakcoins Sample Geocoin 1/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Oakcoins Sample Geocoin - Geoswag Grab Bag Geocoin - FG trackable Oakcoins Sample Geocoin of the Geoswag Grab Bag Geocoin satin foggy gold1208 - Creacher Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Creacher Geocoin - BN black nickel RE/20, prefix:PC1209 - Flower of Life Geocoin 3/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1PWWG Flower of Life Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE120Flower of Life Geocoin - AS antique silver - SE90Flower of Life Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - RE2001210 - Cheesocoin Geocoin 2/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1PXBB Cheesocoin Geocoin - SaG satin (foggy) gold - LE80Cheesocoin Geocoin Cheesocoin Geocoin - shiny BN shiny black nickel - RE1501212 - Piranha Geocoin 3/3
1214 - Anthus Laptop Geocoin 3/8
1217 - Starfish Geocoin 5/
1218 - Geowoodstock 2007 Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1Q05W Geowoodstock 2007 Geocoin black nickel - RE1227 - Just Married 2007 Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Just Married 2007 Geocoin - BN black nickel1248 - Prowler53 2007 Geocoin 3/3(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Prowler53 2007 Geocoin - PG polished goldProwler53 2007 Geocoin - PN polished (shiny) nickel/silverProwler53 2007 Geocoin - SC shiny copper - LE1255 - Cache or Charge Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Cache or Charge Geocoin - PS Polished Silver - RE1259 - USA/CANADA Celebration Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name USA/CANADA Celebration Geocoin - Gold Glitter - PG Gold Glitter - polished gold - SE1801269 - MiGO Spring 2007 Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name MiGO Spring 2007 Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE 250 (?)1270 - San Diego Geocachers 2007 Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name San Diego Geocachers 2007 Geocoin - AG antique gold - LE1296 - Cachepillar Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Cachepillar Geocoin - glitter - ShN shiny nickel - LE1303 - Team Ace Personal Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1TEKJ Team Ace Personal Geocoin - AG antique gold1311 - FSM Geocoin 2/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1THCC FSM Geocoin - blue - AS antique silver - LEFSM Geocoin - blue - BN black nickel - blue - RE1317 - Red Remembrance Poppies Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name Red Remembrance Poppies Geocoin 1348 - British Columbia 2007 Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name British Columbia 2007 Geocoin - SN shiny nickel - RE9011350Wildlife Muggles Troubles Tasmanian Devil 2/4
1352 - Birds of a Feather Geocoin 4/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1V8YN Birds of a Feather Geocoin - - BN Sleepless - black nickel (?)TB1YWJF Birds of a Feather Geocoin - - nickel - nickelTB20BKK Birds of a Feather Geocoin - Mama Cache & Geocurls - SN Mama Cache & Geocurls - shiny nickelTB20BJD Birds of a Feather Geocoin - The Randaddy - SN The Randaddy - shiny nickel1358 - Geoswag C&P Club June 2007 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geoswag C&P Club June 2007 - Out of this World Geocoin - PS polished silver - RE8001364 - Castle Man 2007 Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name Castle Man 2007 Geocoin - AB antique bronze - RE150Castle Man 2007 Geocoin - Blue - AS Blue - antique silver - LE1001368 - The Geo-Parrotheads Geocoin 4/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2MXWY The Geo-Parrotheads Geocoin - Avroair GCF - ShG Avroair - shiny gold - LE25TB1VK21 The Geo-Parrotheads Geocoin - GA Cacher - BN GC Cacher - black nickel - LE100The Geo-Parrotheads Geocoin - Atlanta Gal Version (BN) The Geo-Parrotheads Geocoin - AtlantaGal - BN AtlantaGal - black nickel - LE100The Geo-Parrotheads Geocoin - AtlantaGal - BN AtlantaGal - black nickel - LE100The Geo-Parrotheads Geocoin - Avroair red - BN Avroair - black nickel/red - LE1001391 - Tiki-Twins Micro Cachers Coin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Tiki-Twins Micro Cachers Coin - PG polished gold - LE1394 -ECS Geochallenge Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name ECS Geochallenge Geocoin - AG antique bronze - LE1251398 - Bashed at Midwest 2007 Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Bashed at Midwest 2007 Geocoin - AB antique brass (gold) - RE250Bashed at Midwest 2007 Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE2501399 - The Eyes Geocoin 2/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1W2Z8 The Eyes Geocoin - AS antique silver - RETB1W385 The Eyes Geocoin - BN black nickel - SE501413 - Alberta GAS 2007 Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Alberta GAS 2007 Geocoin - BN black nickel1438 - Landsharkz 07 Rock Garden Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name Landsharkz 07 Rock Garden Geocoin - green - PG green - polished gold1487 - Crystall Ball Geocoin 1/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name Crystal Ball Geocoin - AG antique gold - RE1516 - Spacecoast Cachers Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name 1529 - Spirit of Caching Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1Y5AR Spirit of Caching Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE300(?)1537 - Templar Geocoin 1/9
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2PVMA Templar Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE1548 - Pearlwind's Caching Oyster Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Pearlwind's Caching Oyster Geocoin - PN polished nickel1559 - MIGO Summer Geocoins 2007 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name MIGO Summer Geocoins 2007 1560 - MIGO Fall Geocoin 2007 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name MIGO Fall Geocoin 2007 - AC antique copper - RE1569 - 2007 Idaho Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2007 Idaho Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE1902007 Idaho Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE2001574 - Hobo Event Geocoin 1/16
Icon Infocode Picture Name Hobo Event Geocoin - Brrrrr.... It's Chilly Inside! - BN Brrrrr.... It's Chilly Inside! - black nickel1578 - Team LightningBugs 2007 Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name Team LightningBugs 2006 Geocoin - AG antique gold - none trackable1618 - Canada Micro Puck - Shut Out! Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Canada Micro Puck - Shut Out! Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE1625 - Not Another Micro 2007 Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name Not Another Micro 2007 Geocoin - AG/Cammo antique gold/Cammo - RE2501633 - South Pole Benchmark Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name South Pole Benchmark Geocoin - AB antique bronze - RE1645 - Skunked! Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB20PJY Skunked! Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE1654 - Rainforest Jewel Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name 1656 - Black Widow Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Black Widow Geocoin - two-tone BN/ShG two-tone black nickel/shiny gold - \\\\\\\"hour glass shape\\\\\\\" red translucent enamel - RE1751663 - Cherry City Cachers Geocoin 2/3
1696 - I love geocaching geocoin 5/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB22J0R I love geocaching geocoin - AG antique gold - pink - LE100TB486A9 I love geocaching geocoin - glow grün - BN black nickel - glow green - RE2 160TB486AW I love geocaching geocoin - transp. grün - AS antique silver - transp. green - SE2 140I love geocaching geocoin - blau Glitter - SaG satin (foggy) gold - blau Glitter - LE80I love geocaching geocoin - grün glow - BN black nickel - grün glow - RE2 160I love geocaching geocoin - matt gelb glow - BN black nickel - matt gelb glow - RE150+I love geocaching geocoin - matt gelb glow - BN black nickel - matt gelb glow - RE150+1697 - Kuntry Kashin Geocoin 2/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB22JD9 Kuntry Kashin Geocoin - AS antique silver - white moon1722 - FTF Christmas Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2317F FTF Christmas Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - AE25TB2315P FTF Christmas Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - LE751726 - Serial Kacher Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Serial Kacher Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE1732 - Deaf Awareness Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name Deaf Awareness Geocoin - Orange - ShN shiny nickel - Orange - LE1740 - Flying V Geocoin 3/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB239HP Flying V Geocoin - BN Black Nickel - SE200 (?)TB2396X Flying V Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - RE200 (?)Flying V Geocoin - SaG Satin Gold - SE200 (?)1770 - CM/CW Caching 2 Countries Geocoin 3/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB23TPC CM/CW Caching 2 Countries Geocoin - AG antique gold - LE100TB23TWZ CM/CW Caching 2 Countries Geocoin, two-tone AC/N two-tone antique copper/nickel - LE50CM/CW Caching 2 Countries Geocoin - AN antique nickel - LE1001772 - Nudibranch Geocoin 6/6
1797 - Micro GPS Geocoin 1/2(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Micro GPS Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - RE1826 - Prickly Pear Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB25XXT Prickly Pear Geocoin Prickly Pear Geocoin - PG polished gold - RE4001840 - Blue Fire Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Blue Fire Geocoin - PC polished copperBlue Fire Geocoin - PG polished gold1845 - Time and Space Geocoin 4/6
1854 - Mermaid SWAG Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Mermaid SWAG Geocoin - ShC shiny copper - LEMermaid SWAG Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - LE1863 - German Canadian Friendship Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2G6BZ German Canadian Friendship Geocoin RE1883 - Highland Geofairy Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Highland Geofairy Geocoin 1892 - Jellyfish's 2008 Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Jellyfish's 2008 Geocoin - PG polished goldJellyfish's 2008 Geocoin - ShC shiny copper - LE 751920 - Rainbow Geocoin 3/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name Rainbow Geocoin - AC antique copper - LE50Rainbow Geocoin - BN (matt) black nickel (matt) - RE200Rainbow Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - LE301922 - Caching our way to Woodstock Geocoin 1/2(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB291B1 Caching our way to Woodstock Geocoin - BN black nickel1935 - King Watchung Tiki Event Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name King Watchung Tiki Event Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE2501957 - A Grape Cache Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name A Grape Cache Geocoin - SN shiny nickel1966 - Geocoin Club April 2008 Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2BND8 Geocoin Club April 2008 Geocoin - April Showers - PG shiny gold1972 - WWFMIII May 2008 Flash Mob Event Geocoin1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name WWFMIII May 2008 Flash Mob Event Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - RE1996 - Canada Micro 2008 Geocoin 1/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Canada Micro 2008 Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE1999 - Central Ontario Geocachers 2008 Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Central Ontario Geocachers 2008 Geocoin - Nickel on Black Nickel on black2001 - Beaver Dude goes to GeoWoodstock VI Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name Beaver Dude goes to GeoWoodstock VI Geocoin - bleu - BN blue - black nickel - LEBeaver Dude goes to GeoWoodstock VI Geocoin - green - BN green - black nickel - LE2007 - Team Sand Dollar 2008 Pacific Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name Team Sand Dollar 2008 Pacific Geocoin - SaS misty silver - satin (foggy) silver - RE2034 - COALCACHE Geocoin 6/7
2074 - First Geocoin in Orbit 3/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name First Geocoin in Orbit - AG antique goldFirst Geocoin in Orbit - AS antique silverFirst Geocoin in Orbit- AC antique copper2077 - mirpets geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name mirpets geocoin - summer - SaG summer - satin (foggy) gold - LE120 (?)2079 - Landsharkz Shark Attack Geocoin 2/3(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2E6WN Landsharkz Shark Attack Geocoin - grey - PS grey - polished nickel - RETB2E6RF Landsharkz Shark Attack Geocoin - red - BN red - black nickel - RE2084 - Japanese Fan Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Japanese Fan Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE2093 - GW Lava Lamp Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2EFG3 Lava Lamp Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - RE200GW Lava Lamp Geocoin - ShC shiny copper - RE2002094 - Gecko98 Geocoin 3/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Gecko98 Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE40Gecko98 Geocoin - PG polished gold - LE35Gecko98 Geocoin - PS polished silver - LE352117 - Smell The Roses Geocoin 8/??
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2ER04 Smell The Roses Geocoin - Friendship Yellow - BN Friendship Yellow - black nickel - LE(?)TB2FEQF Smell The Roses Geocoin - Glow White - PG Glow White - polished gold - LE(?)TB2FEQR Smell The Roses Geocoin - Glow White - PN White Glow - polished nickel - LE20 (AE?)TB2FER9 Smell The Roses Geocoin - Glow White - PN White Glow - polished nickel - LE20 (AE?)TB2ER62 Smell The Roses Geocoin - Passion Orange - PN Passion Orange - polished nickel - LE(?)TB2FERC Smell The Roses Geocoin - Red - PG Red - polished gold - LE(?)Smell The Roses Geocoin - Friendship Yellow - PG Friendship Yellow - polished gold - LESmell The Roses Geocoin - Glow White - PN Glow White - polished nickel - LE20 (AE?)Smell The Roses Geocoin - Passion Orange - BN Passion Orange - black nickel - LE(?)Smell The Roses Geocoin - Passion Orange - PG Passion Orange - polished gold - LE(?)Smell The Roses Geocoin - Passion Orange - PN Passion Orange - polished nickel - LE(?)2123 - British Columbia 2008 Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name British Columbia 2008 Geocoin - SN shiny nickel2145 - Quebec 2008 Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name Quebec 2008 Geocoin - AS antique silver2174 - GeoGem™ 11/12(?)
2182 - Celtic Peacock Geocoin 2/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name Celtic Peacock Geocoin - AG antique goldCeltic Peacock Geocoin - BN black nickel2185 - MyOwnGeocoin ?/?
Icon Infocode Picture Name MyOwnGeocoin - 10 Jahre Earthcache Geocoin - AG MyOwnGeocoin - 10 Jahre Earthcache Geocoin - antique gold - 04/50 - LE502199 - Four Dragon Big Dipper Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Four Dragon Big Dipper Geocoin - AB antique bronze - REFour Dragon Big Dipper Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE2225 - Crystal Dragon Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Crystal Dragon Geocoin - BN green - black nickel - RECrystal Dragon Geocoin - PN red - polished nickel - RE2228 CacheHawk Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name CacheHawk Geocoin - AC antique copper2238 - Cachin' Crow Geocoin 3/7
2248 - Pond Frog Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Pond Frog Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - LE2249 - Red-Eyed Tree Frog Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Red-Eyed Tree Frog Geocoin - BN black nickel - RERed-Eyed Tree Frog Geocoin - BN black nickel - RERed-Eyed Tree Frog Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - LE2270 - Geocoin Club August 2008 Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geocoin Club August 2008 Geocoin - AG antique gold - REGeocoin Club August 2008 Geocoin - AS antique silver, LE (according to GCC less then 200)2288 - Figueira da foz 2008 Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2KPVJ Figueira da foz 2008 Geocoin - BN 2298 - Manatee Geocoin 4/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2N0JK Manatee Geocoin - Charcoal - BN Charcoal - black nickel - body iron grey glitter - yellow floating duck - purple glasses - XLE20TB4NKT6 Manatee Geocoin - yellow glitter - BN RE - black nickel - body light grey - yellow glitter floating duck - lavender glasses - REManatee Geocoin - Old Rusty - BN Old Rusty - black nickel - body brown glitter - yellow floating duck - purple glasses - XLE 25Manatee Geocoin - shop edition - BN RE - black nickel - body ivory - yellow floating duck - purple glasses - RE2311 - Baby Earth Turtle Geocoin 2/
2312 - Neptunes Compass Geocoin 1/9
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2322 - N2LIFE Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name N2LIFE Geocoin 2330 - Celtic Star Geocoin 2/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Celtic Star Geocoin - AC antique copper - twin-set - LE75Celtic Star Geocoin - BN black nickel - AE502343 - Triquetra Knot Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name Triquetra Knot Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - LE30+2357 - Sahasrara Geocoin 1/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name Sahasrara Geocoin - ShN ShN - RE1502362 - Reindeer Geocoin 5/5
2382 - Avroair Aviator Geocoin 3/11
2400 - The Caching Ace Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2NRMT The Caching Ace Geocoin - AG antique gold2405 - Suncompass Geocoin 1/5(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Suncompass Geocoin - two-tone AC/ShN antique copper/shiny nickel - RE2406 - fiabus - Personal Geocoin of grodan & fiabu
Icon Infocode Picture Name fiabus - Personal Geocoin of grodan & fiabu - BN black nickel2408 - The Phoenix Series Geocoin 2/9
Icon Infocode Picture Name The Phoenix Series Geocoin - - AG antique gold - LEThe Phoenix Series Geocoin - Phoenix Rising - BN Phoenix Rising BN - RE1002415 - Hang Loose Geocoin 3/3(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Hang Loose Geocoin - PN/red polished nickel/redHang Loose Geocoin - BN/blue black nickel/blue - LE100Hang Loose Geocoin - BN/red black nickel/red2419 - Cache of the Titans - Medusa Geocoin 1/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2P1TC Cache of the Titans - Medusa Geocoin - AC antique copper2421 - Geo-Goblin Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geo-Goblin Geocoin - AS antique silver - LE50(?)2423 - Swiss Micro Geocoin 1/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name Swiss Micro Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - trans. rot/weiß Glitter- RE22443 - DaFunkyFrogs '08 Geocoin 3/6
2456 - Brahean Geocoin 7/8
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2PN85 Brahean Geocoin - Silver - AS Silver - antique silver - RE - prefix:GEBrahean Geocoin - ?? - tri-tone AC, AG(?), AS ??? - tri-tone antique copper, antique gold(?), antique silver - LE40 - prefix:TUBrahean Geocoin - Bronze - AB Bronze - antique bronze - RE - prefix:BEBrahean Geocoin - Lunar Eclipse - two-tone AC/PC Lunar Eclipse - two-tone antique copper/polished copper - LE25 - prefix:CPBrahean Geocoin - Mars - two-tone AB/PG Mars - two-tone antique bronze/polished gold - LE25 - prefix:CPBrahean Geocoin - Neptune - two-tone AS/PN Neptune - two-tone antique silver/polished nickel - LE25 - prefix:CPBrahean Geocoin - Silver - AS Silver - antique silver - RE - prefix:KABrahean Geocoin - Solar Eclipse - two-tone BN/saBN Solar Eclipse - two-tone black nickel/satin black nickel - LE25 - prefix: CP2485 - Spiral Dragon Geocoin 1/15
Icon Infocode Picture Name Spiral Dragon Geocoin - 1 of 5 - BN 1 of 5 - black nickel/green2486 - Star Crazy Mercury Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Star Crazy Mercury Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - LE502505 - Celtic Moon Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Celtic Moon Geocoin - BN black nickel - AE502511 - GeoGold 4/4
2549 - thepeterstrio Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name thepeterstrio Geocoin - AB antique bronze - LE100thepeterstrio Geocoin - AS antique silver - LE1002550 - Eclectic Penguin Geocoin 1/14
Icon Infocode Picture Name Eclectic Penguin Geocoin - rainbow glitter belly - ShN shiny nickel - rainbow glitter belly - XLE2555 - Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin 8/8
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2TY91 Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 1 - Deluxe - PS polished silver - Deluxe -Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 1 - Fieber - PS polished silver - Fieber - LE150Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 1 - Schüttelfrost - PS polished silver - Schüttelfrost - REInfluenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 1 - Schlaflose Nacht - PS Schlaflose Nacht - polished silver - LE150Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 2 - Pink Dream - PS polished silver - Pink Dream - LE150(?)Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 2 - Cold - PS polished silver - Cold - LE150(?)Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 2 - Delirium - PS polished silver - Delirium - LE150(?)Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 2 - Delirium - PS polished silver - Delirium - LE150(?)Influenzia/SB/09 Virus Geocoin - Batch 2 - Gandalf - PS polished silver - Gandalf - LE150(?)2621 - Earth Turtle Oceania Geocoin 1/7
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2WD8Y Earth Turtle Oceania Geocoin - Tahiti - ShG Tahiti - shiny gold - RE3002629 - Walpurgis 2009 Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name Walpurgis 2009 Geocoin - 05 - glow - LE100 LE100 - copper2652 - PMC Challenge Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2WX8P PMC Challenge Geocoin - AS PMC Challenge Geocoin - Puzzle Masters Challenge Geocoin - antique silver -2653 - Europe Nano Geocoin 1/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2WXP7 Europe Nano Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - LE100TB2WXJC Europe Nano Geocoin - ShG 2654 - Plain Drop Geocoin 7/8
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2XKK0 Plain Drop Geocoin - BN black nickel - SE90Plain Drop Geocoin - AG antique gold - LE50Plain Drop Geocoin - SaG satin (foggy) gold - RE3 100Plain Drop Geocoin - SaS satin (foggy) silver - LE50Plain Drop Geocoin - ShC shiny copper - LE50Plain Drop Geocoin - ShC shiny copper - LE50Plain Drop Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - RE2 110Plain Drop Geocoin - V1 - ShG shiny gold - V1/dark blue - RE 120Plain Drop Geocoin - V1 - ShG shiny gold - V1/dark blue - RE 120Plain Drop Geocoin - V2 - ShG shiny gold - V2/blue - RE 1202655 - Little Star Geocoin 4/7
2664 - Honu for Janski Geocoin 4/4
2676 - Chinese Lantern Geocoin 4/5
2690 - di li cang bao Geocoin 2/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name di li cang bao Geocoin - AG antique gold - LE20 (?)di li cang bao Geocoin - SaS satin (foggy) silver - LE30 (?)2709 - Wildflowers 2009 Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Wildflowers 2009 Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE2711 - Mojave Rattler Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name Mojave Rattler Geocoin - ShS shiny silver - RE250 (?)2721 - Landsharkz ‘09 – The Pearly Depths Geoc
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2Y7DW Landsharkz ‘09 – The Pearly Depths Geocoin - blue - BN black nickel - blue - RELandsharkz ‘09 – The Pearly Depths Geocoin - green - BN green - black nickel - RE2722 - Trilobite Geocoin 4/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2YMAV Trilobite Geocoin - BN(shiny) black nickel - LE50Trilobite Geocoin - AB antique bronze - LE100Trilobite Geocoin - AB antique bronze - LE100Trilobite Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE50Trilobite Geocoin - WN white nickel(?) - LE502730 - The 2009 South Wales Geocachers Geocoin 2/2
2744 - World Wide Flash Mob V 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2YJZA World Wide Flash Mob V 2772-Geoswag C&P Club May 2009 -GeoGraduate GC 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2Z1DZ Geoswag C&P Club May 2009 - GeoGraduate Geocoin - blue hat - ShN blue hat - shiny nickel - RE443Geoswag C&P Club May 2009 - GeoGraduate Geocoin - purple hat - ShG purple hat - shiny gold - LE322804 - Black-Veined White Butterfly Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name Black-Veined White Butterfly Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE3002830 - Key to the Cache 2009 Geocoin 1/4(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Key to the Cache 2009 Geocoin - BN Crystal - silver glitter on black nickel - LE2831 - Jammie Girl Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name Jammie Girl Geocoin - purple - ShN purple - shiny nickel2837 - Cachin Mom's Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Cachin Mom's Geocoin - Blue - AS Blue - antique silver - LE50Cachin Mom's Geocoin - Pink - AS Pink - antique silver - LE502862 - Geocoin Club May 2009 Geocoin 2/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geocoin Club May 2009 Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE with two pathtagsGeocoin Club May 2009 Geocoin - PG shiny gold - seattle ink - SE2877 - Wonders Geocoin 3/5
2879 - Kathy's Coin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Kathy's Coin - BN black nickel - RE2884 - Dragon Ladon Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Dragon Ladon Geocoin 2889 - British Columbia 2009 Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name British Columbia 2009 Geocoin - SN shiny nickel - RE5602896 - Nature's Night and Day Geocoin 2/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Nature's Night and Day Geocoin - AC antique copper (?)Nature's Night and Day Geocoin - PG Shiny Gold - LE (?)2940 - Gladiator Geocoin 1/5(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2943 - WOD: Rosa Parks Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB321XB WOD: Rosa Parks Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE125(?)2947 - Germany Nano Geocoin 1/5 (?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB41711 Germany Nano Geocoin - ShG shiny gold/glitter - RE2949 - TNLN Geocoin 2/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB324H3 TNLN Geocoin - SaG SaG - LE30TB324CJ TNLN Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - SE902961 - Plain Geocoin 5/8
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3DGH0 Plain Geocoin - Chrom Chrom - RE90+TB3NV2V Plain Geocoin - PG Chrom - RE2 - mehr als 90 (?)Plain Geocoin - MN matt nickel (dull nickel) - LE50Plain Geocoin - SaG Gold Matt - satin (foggy) gold - LE30Plain Geocoin - SE1 - PG SE1 - polished gold - LE70(?)2962 - Tadpole Geocoin 1/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name 2009 Tadpole Geocoin - BN black nickel - hard enamel - RE1302967 - Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin, Amazon Forest
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3AQNT Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin, Amazon Forest Geocoin Amazon Forest Geocoin, green2968 - Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin, Earth Stone
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3AQVK Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin, Earth Stone Geocoin Earth Stone Geocoin, brown2969 - Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin, Glacier Ice G
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3AQY9 Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin, Glacier Ice Geocoin Glacier Ice Geocoin2980 - GC&P Club July 2009 - Summer Caching Geocoi
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geoswag C&P Club July 2009 - Summer Caching Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel3015 - Enchanted Rock Benchmark Geocoin 1/1(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Enchanted Rock Benchmark Geocoin - AG antique gold - GitD feature - RE3030 - Carousel Lion Geocoin 2/4
3039 - GeocachingDragon 2009 Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB35R3E GeocachingDragon 2009 Geocoin - antique silver3051 - FTF Frenzy Geocoin 2/2(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB35Z89 FTF Frenzy Geocoin - BN black nickelTB35Z0Y FTF Frenzy Geocoin - ShG FTF Frenzy Geocoin - BN black nickel3052 - Little Wing Geocoin 2/
Icon Infocode Picture Name Little Wing Geocoin - Orange Tulip - AG Orange Tulip - antique goldLittle Wing Geocoin - Pink Tulip - AS Pink Tulip - antique silver3058 - Vanelle Geocoin 2/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Vanelle Geocoin - AC antique copper - LE75Vanelle Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE1503077 CITO – Make Every Day Earth Day Geocoin 2/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name CITO – Make Every Day Earth Day Geocoin - ShG shiny goldCITO – Make Every Day Earth Day Geocoin - ShS shiny silver3081 - Jangor's Micro Kitties 2009 Geocoin 4/6
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB36VGP Jangor's Micro Kitties 2009 Geocoin - White - BN White - black nickelJangor's Micro Kitties 2009 Geocoin - Black - ShC Black - shiny copperJangor's Micro Kitties 2009 Geocoin - Champagne Glitter - BN Champagne Glitter - black nickel - LE100(?)Jangor's Micro Kitties 2009 Geocoin - Gray - BN Gray - black nickel3086 - Book of Kells Geocoin 1/(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3BQ7C Book of Kells Geocoin - AG 3089 - Tribal Sun Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Tribal Sun Geocoin - Blue/Blight Blue - ShN Blue/Blight Blue - shiny nickel - LE1603100 - Green Tree Frog Geocoin 2/3(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Green Tree Frog Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - LE3110 - Moon Dipper Geocoin 2/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name Moon Dipper Geocoin - AS antique silver - RE70Moon Dipper Geocoin - BN ZZ (zelanzy zedition) - black nickel - LE403124 - Halloween Hat Geocoin 5/7(?)
3135 - Moebius Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB37ZD7 Moebius Geocoin - SaG satin (foggy) goldMoebius Geocoin - SaS satin silver3155 - 150 Jahre Bundesfestung Ulm Geocoin 4/7
3185 - Mystery Heart Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name Mystery Heart Geocoin - green/black - ShN green/black - shiny nickel3218 - Chickahominy V1 Geocoin 2/3(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Chickahominy V1 Geocoin - AC antique copperChickahominy V1 Geocoin - AG antique gold3227 - Gone Bananas Geocoin 3/8
Icon Infocode Picture Name Gone Bananas Geocoin - blacky - ShG shiny gold - blacky - LE40Gone Bananas Geocoin - BN black nickel/glow - RE200Gone Bananas Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - SE1303228 - 3...2...1...Lift-off Geocoin 2/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB39NRM 3...2...1...Lift-off Geocoin - BN black nickel - RE753...2...1...Lift-off Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - LE303229 - Got coords? Geocoin 2/20
Icon Infocode Picture Name Got coords? Geocoin - Back in Black - ShN Back in Black - shiny nickel - LE70Got coords? Geocoin - Spectrum - BN Spectrum - black nickel - LE1003230 - Europe Micro Geocoin 5/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB39PMH Europe Micro Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE80TB39PDE Europe Micro Geocoin - SaG satin (foggy) gold - LE80TB39PRT Europe Micro Geocoin - SaS satin (foggy) silver - LE30TB39PB0 Europe Micro Geocoin - SaS satin (foggy) silver - LE30TB3W1EF Europe Micro Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - RE130(?)Europe Micro Geocoin - SaS satin (foggy) silver - LE30Europe Micro Geocoin - ShG shiny gold - RE130(?)Europe Micro Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - SE1103263 - 2009 Idaho State Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name 3272 - Fantasy Butterfly 2009 Geocoin 3/4
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3A905 Fantasy Butterfly 2009 Geocoin - Earth - AC Earth Edition - antique copper - RE290Fantasy Butterfly 2009 Geocoin - AE - PG Artist edition - polished gold - AE50Fantasy Butterfly 2009 Geocoin - Gypsy - PN Gypsy - polished nickel - RE2713279 - Divitiae Draconis Geocoin 5/5
3282 - Geocoin Club November 2009 Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3AH4F Geocoin Club November 2009 Geocoin - FS satin (foggy) silver - RE3289 - Karma 2010 Geocoin 1/11(?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name Karma 2010 Geocoin - Midnite Moonrider - BN Midnite Moonrider (without delphine) - black nickel3339 - Hazardous Geocoin 4/
3371 - Cros Ceilteach Geocoin
3386 - Nunavut Flag Micro Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name Nunavut Flag Micro Geocoin - BN black nickel - LE100 (?)3398 - Vulkanius Geocoin 4/5
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3CXKQ Vulkanius Geocoin Vulkanius Geocoin - AG antique gold - LE75Vulkanius Geocoin - AS antique silver - REVulkanius Geocoin - AS antique silver - REVulkanius Geocoin - BN black nickel - REVulkanius Geocoin - PS polished silver - LE753401 - British Columbia 2010 Geocoin 1/1
Icon Infocode Picture Name British Columbia 2010 Geocoin - SN shiny nickel - RE3703428 - Geocaching Colorado 2010 Geocoin 1/3
Icon Infocode Picture Name Geocaching Colorado 2010 Geocoin - ShS shiny silver3431 - Damselfly 2010 Geocoin 1/
Icon Infocode Picture Name Damselfly 2010 Geocoin - AC antique copper3449 - Caching Fool Geocoin 2/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3E0XT Caching Fool Geocoin - AG antique goldTB3E157 Caching Fool Geocoin - AS antique silver3463 - EU Flag Micro Geocoin 1/2
Icon Infocode Picture Name EU Flag Micro Geocoin - ShN shiny nickel - RE3488 - Celtic Circle of Life Geocoin 10/(24?)
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3FMJB Celtic Circle of Life Geocoin - Life - AS Life - antique silver - dark green