Showroom of Fam.Weiss (484)
Tausch & Verkauf - unaktivierte Coins
Tausch & Verkauf - aktivierte Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1GDKH Fam.Weiss' Compass Rose Geocoin 2007 - Satin Gold TB2BT79 Fam.Weiss' Compass Rose Geocoin 2008 TB3B4QB Fam.Weiss' Compass Rose Geocoin 2009 - Polished Gold TB43ZZJ Fam.Weiss' Compass Rose Geocoin 2010 - Terceira TB69Q1F Fam.Weiss' Freezing Geocoin - Green cap LE TB69Q3E Fam.Weiss' Freezing Geocoin - Violet cap LE TB3Z9Q9 Fam.Weiss' Freezing Geocoin Red cap LE TB650FW Fam.Weiss' Marvin the Mummy Charity Coin TB322YG Fam.Weiss' Mayan Ballplayer Geocoin TB3FH8M Fam.Weiss' 1 Million Geocache Geocoin TB3DH7A Fam.Weiss' Elements Compass - Water Geocoin TB3NHHB Fam.Weiss' Geocaching – 10 Years Geocoin TB4PJRZ Fam.Weiss' Geoswag C&P Club September 2011 - Migration Geocoin TB693QA Fam.Weiss' PowerBall Spinner 3D Geocoin TB5C8PP Fam.Weiss' Signal Christmas Ball Geocoin - poliertes gold / rot LE TB6EQK5 Fam.Weiss' The Big Äppel Geocoin - Blue Sky Ed. (LE) TB6EQZM Fam.Weiss' The Big Äppel Geocoin - Nightglow Ed. (XLE) TB6EQ6G Fam.Weiss' The Big Äppel Geocoin - Sunrise Ed. (RE) TB5EA5R Fam.Weiss' Travel-Bag Geocoin - Glitzer Pink LE Reserviert
Icon Infocode Picture Name Signal Geocoin - Jun 06 01 Eigenes Design - Heart & Roses
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5MY42 Fam.Weiss' Heart & Roses Geocoin - Artist Edition XXLE(20) - Love of my life Ed. TB5MY4V Fam.Weiss' Heart & Roses Geocoin - Artist Edition XXLE(20) - Remembrance Ed. TB5MY8C Fam.Weiss' Heart & Roses Geocoin - LE(75) - Optimism Ed. TB5MYA1 Fam.Weiss' Heart & Roses Geocoin - RE(100) - True Love Ed. TB5MY59 Fam.Weiss' Heart & Roses Geocoin - XLE(50) - Night Ed. 02 Eigenes Design - Gizmo the Geocaching Gecko
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5RDA2 Fam.Weiss' Gizmo the Geocaching Gecko - Artist Edition TB5RJX0 Fam.Weiss' Gizmo the Geocaching Gecko - LE Rainbow Edition (45) TB5RDB8 Fam.Weiss' Gizmo the Geocaching Gecko - RE UV-green Edition TB5RDB6 Fam.Weiss' Gizmo the Geocaching Gecko - RE Wood Edition TB5RJWB Fam.Weiss' Gizmo the Geocaching Gecko - Sonderedition uv-red (5) TB5RD94 Fam.Weiss' Gizmo the Geocaching Gecko - XLE Fire Edition (25) TB5RDAA Fam.Weiss' Gizmo the Geocaching Gecko - XLE ICON Edition (25) 03 Eigenes Design - Treasure Chest of Friendship
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5QZYM Fam.Weiss' Treasure Chest of Friendship Geocoin - Artist Edition (40) - Friendship Edition TB5QZMG Fam.Weiss' Treasure Chest of Friendship Geocoin - LE (100) - White Pearl Edition TB5QZG5 Fam.Weiss' Treasure Chest of Friendship Geocoin - LE (127) - Treasure Hunt Edition (Event) TB5QZQQ Fam.Weiss' Treasure Chest of Friendship Geocoin - LE (133) - Pink Fail Edition TB5QZQT Fam.Weiss' Treasure Chest of Friendship Geocoin - RE (155) - Treasure of Silver Edition 04 Eigenes Design - Olanda the Owl
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6EJME Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - A - Winter Night Edition (AE) TB6EJGE Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - B - Summer Night Edition (XLE) TB6EJKH Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - C - Blue Moon Edition (XLE) TB6EJP2 Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - D - Lunar Eclipse Edition (LE) TB6EJR2 Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - E - Lady Moon Edition (LE) TB6EJTJ Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - F - Black Moon Edition (RE) TB6WTTZ Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - G - Halloween Edition (LE) TB70TN1 Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - H - X-Mas Edition (XLE) TB70TPD Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - I - Frosty Moon Edition (XLE) TB6EJWF Fam.Weiss' Olanda the Owl Geocoin - X - Red Moon Mystic Edition (FO) Fam.Weiss' Tiere on tour
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6AF7K Fam.Weiss' Connie the Crab TB6AG9Q Fam.Weiss' Tyler the Turtle TB500MW Fam.Weiss' Emma the Sheep TB588Z8 Fam.Weiss' Harvey the Cat X and more
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5YE2M Fam.Weiss' Cache Observatory Geocoin - Antique Silver/Satin Gold AE 17/20 ERROR-COIN TB2YW2R Fam.Weiss' I want to find the Cache Geocoin TB31FTA Fam.Weiss' I want to find the Cache Geocoin - First TB2FMQ7 Fam.Weiss' I want to find the Cache Geocoin - poliertes Gold TB4V4CV Fam.Weiss' UFO Artefact Geocoin Black Nickel (XLE) TB4H4E7 Fam.Weiss' Adventure Race Hracholusky 2011 Geocoin UFO Antique Gold (XLE) TB592YR Fam.Weiss' Alien Spaceship Geocoin - Gold TB4GA0G Fam.Weiss' Area 51 Series: Restricted Area Geocoin - Midnight Ed. TB4HKZJ Fam.Weiss' Area 51 Series: UFO Geocoin - Antique Silver w/ Antique Gold Ring TB63GEE Fam.Weiss' Area 51 Tag TB51P0P Fam.Weiss' ET Highway CITO 2012 Geocoin TB58QEQ Fam.Weiss' ET Highway II Geocoin TB63GP9 Fam.Weiss' Extraterrestrial Highway Tag TB5NMNE Fam.Weiss' Helium the Alien Travel Tag TBX2M0 Fam.Weiss' Mueller Memorial Geocoin - Scully & Mulder TB5P1M3 Fam.Weiss' The Big MystX - Artist Edition black TB37GY9 Fam.Weiss' The G-Files Geocoin TB3RN0B Fam.Weiss' The G-Files Geocoin TB5P1MY Fam.Weiss' The MystX - Keyring Version TB5P1N1 Fam.Weiss' The MystX - Keyring Version TB5P1MH Fam.Weiss' The MystX - Standing Version TB2M54V The G-Files Geocoin - BN grey TB2M589 The G-Files Geocoin - Gold white XLE Fam.Weiss on Tour
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4PFF5 Fam.Weiss Fun Koffer TB5P7YD Fam.Weiss' Cacher@Work Trackable - With Signal on Tour TB3ZWT0 Fam.Weiss' Gürteltasche - Track me! ...if you can TB5CAAY Fam.Weiss' Log My Dog Tag - MIKA TB54TM0 Fam.Weiss' Traveling Frog TB4E172 Fam.Weiss' Cachemobile TB6D7XW Fam.Weiss' Cacher @ Work Geocoin - Signal with Heart necklace TB5GV6J Fam.Weiss' Cacher @ Work Patch - Night Cacher TB47VFA Fam.Weiss' Cacher @ Work Patch - Signal TB5GTY7 Fam.Weiss' Cacher @ Work Patch - T5 Cacher TB5GRAG Fam.Weiss' Czech Lizard Geocoin - Antique Bronze TB5ZZ1R Fam.Weiss' Get out and play Funrucksack TB493MW Fam.Weiss' Holiday Koffer TB4V2VZ Fam.Weiss' Signal loves Signaline TB50F6D Fam.Weiss' Travel Bug Dog Tag - Smartphonecase TB4Z14Z Fam.Weiss' Traveling Cacher - Zelt Wildfox TB373Z3 Nametag Geocoin - Fam.Weiss man TB398JN Nametag Geocoin - Fam.Weiss woman TB45HNT Valentine Heart Keyring - Andreas TB45HNR Valentine Heart Keyring - Sandra Cache Wars
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2Z71C Fam.Weiss' Cache Wars Geocoin - Gold TB325QN Fam.Weiss' Cache Wars Geocoin - Silver Schatzkiste
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB41M3B Fam.Weiss' Cache Angel - For Those About to Cache Geocoin TB4EKAZ Fam.Weiss' Cache Angel Two Geocoin TB3FM7T Fam.Weiss' Cache of the Titans - Medusa Geocoin TB1ZQX9 Fam.Weiss' Cammo Ammo Cans Geocoin - Snow Cammo TB2Z2B5 Fam.Weiss' Cancer TB3KK76 Fam.Weiss' Celtic Circle of Life Geocoin TB43VQQ Fam.Weiss' Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin - Red in Gold (Error) TB44V5M Fam.Weiss' Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin - Red on Gold TB537PJ Fam.Weiss' Circle of Four Geocoin - Purple – polished rhodium TB3DXAJ Fam.Weiss' Coinfather Bloody Black Geocoin - Black Nickel Rot Ed. TB2V7KM Fam.Weiss' Compass Roses Pendant & Coin - AE two-tone gold/silver TB2V7PG Fam.Weiss' Compass Roses Pendant & Coin - Pendant gold TB44ZQE Fam.Weiss' Figure Eight Geocoin TB3D862 Fam.Weiss' GC Club February 2010 - Heart Key TB2E7YH Fam.Weiss' Hide-A-Kache Geocoin TB3DW32 Fam.Weiss' I Love Geo Mail Geocoin TB22HX7 Fam.Weiss' I love geocaching geocoin - SE Nickel/Türkis TB32MF9 Fam.Weiss' Illuminati Geocoin Black Nickel/Shiny Gold - Artist Edition TB240MN Fam.Weiss' King of Geocaching Geocoin - Black Nickel Ed. TB34PQ9 Fam.Weiss' Letterbox Micro Geocoin TB2648V Fam.Weiss' Licence to Cache Geocoin - LE Foggy Gold TB35B4A Fam.Weiss' License to Cache TB4PVD8 Fam.Weiss' Little Star Geocoin - XXXLE Schwarzer Nickel TB3W4EA Fam.Weiss' Lotus Compass Geocoin - Bast LE TB3JGJ1 Fam.Weiss' Love Geocoin TB3C5QQ Fam.Weiss' Love Paw Geocoin TB5E2FH Fam.Weiss' Max und Moritz Geocoin - Gold/Black XLE 50 TB5VD9A Fam.Weiss' Peace Night & Day Geocoin TB5PHAW Fam.Weiss' Straight From the Heart Geocoin - black nickel Ed. TB3AXRH Fam.Weiss' Suncatcher 2009 Geocoin TB5C4MF Fam.Weiss' Trees & Men Geocoin - MOOD Black Nickel LE TB5C4JW Fam.Weiss' Trees & Men Geocoin - Purple Antique silver TB3QRQE Fam.Weiss' Tribute to Jules Verne One Geocoin TB3QT14 Fam.Weiss' Tribute to Jules Verne two The Mysterious Island Geocoin TB3V20W Fam.Weiss' Tribute to Jules Verne, Journey to the Center of the Earth Geocoin TB36FB9 Fam.Weiss' VikingTwareg’s Southern Cross of Abalak Geocoin TB4NV95 Fam.Weiss' Ampelman Coin - Bei GRÜN darfst Du gehen TB4NV6R Fam.Weiss' Ampelman Coin - Bei ROT musst Du stehen TB3CT9R Fam.Weiss' Astro Geocoin - Midsummer TB3DY09 Fam.Weiss' Astro Geocoin - Midwinter TB4A543 Fam.Weiss' Atlantis Lost Continent Geocoin TB3A8KW Fam.Weiss' Blood Drop Geocoin TB4E2TF Fam.Weiss' Cachekinz Custom - Find Friends TB24F8D Fam.Weiss' Cacher Geocoin - German Glitter Edition TB5RF3V Fam.Weiss' Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Blue Ice Night Dreams LE TB5REGZ Fam.Weiss' Darkest Dreams Geocoin - Green Night TB30EJ4 Fam.Weiss' Difficult Climbing Geocoin TB5F79E Fam.Weiss' Eagle Eye Geocoin - Serenity (Satin Gold) TB3HED8 Fam.Weiss' Earth Day 2010 - 40th Anniversary Geocoin TB43HC1 Fam.Weiss' EarthTrek TB287YM Fam.Weiss' Easter Cacher Geocoin TB4GHHQ Fam.Weiss' Explorer Tag - Bryan TB4GRHP Fam.Weiss' Explorer Tag - Jeremy TB395Q9 Fam.Weiss' Geocacher’s Star 2009 Geocoin - Fam.Weiss TB3FZ3V Fam.Weiss' Geocaching – All In One Geocoin 2010 Geocoin TB3E1RX Fam.Weiss' Geocoin Club February 2010 Geocoin - Pythagoras TB3AHG5 Fam.Weiss' Geocoin Club November 2009 Geocoin - Caching Along the Lines TB356JT Fam.Weiss' GeoGem - Diamant TB3FY92 Fam.Weiss' GeoGold™ Bar TB34BNR Fam.Weiss' Georattler Geocoin TB37PMQ Fam.Weiss' GeoSchlumpf Geocoin TB3K3MQ Fam.Weiss' German Geocoin TB3DZQN Fam.Weiss' Ginkgo Leaf Geocoin TB2R9QD Fam.Weiss' Goldie Mika TB36Y67 Fam.Weiss' Goldies Knochen TB305MG Fam.Weiss' King of Mystery Geocoin - Antik Gold TB3CT24 Fam.Weiss' Micro-Organism Geocoins: BORRELIA TB2NKQ4 Fam.Weiss' Micro-Organism Geocoins: COCCUS TB3CRVB Fam.Weiss' Micro-Organism Geocoins: COLI TB2NHMQ Fam.Weiss' Micro-Organism Geocoins: MOEBIUS TB38RT7 Fam.Weiss' Mystery Heart Geocoin - polished nickel with black and white TB38RMY Fam.Weiss' Mystery Heart Geocoin - polished nickel with green TB5CHFK Fam.Weiss' Mystic Gargoyle Geocoin - Antik Gold TB31T9C Fam.Weiss' Naymlap Geocoin TB3WNCG Fam.Weiss' Nothing Is Sharper... - Geocoin TB268H3 Fam.Weiss' Quadrant Geocoin TB3H524 Fam.Weiss' Rainbow Bridge Geocoin TB3CDBM Fam.Weiss' Raith Gras Geocoin TB53NV2 Fam.Weiss' Red Remembrance Poppies Geocoin TB1H1D5 Fam.Weiss' Roboknight 2007 Mystery Geocoin TB3ADZ8 Fam.Weiss' Sandras' OwnGeocoin TB4C0M8 Fam.Weiss' Snoopy Geocoin TB3R37G Fam.Weiss' Space Shuttle Geocoin TB5EZ8P Fam.Weiss' Space Shuttle Geodesic Geocoin - Polished Gold TB45GFJ Fam.Weiss' St Patrick's Day Pendant TB511Y0 Fam.Weiss' Star Map Geocoin - XXXXL Antik Kupfer (XLE50) TB3J550 Fam.Weiss' Templar Geocoin TB41QPZ Fam.Weiss' Templar MMXI Geocoin Antik Kupfer mit Antik Silber LE TB468CD Fam.Weiss' The Colors Of Geocaching -OPTIMISM- Geocoin - Satin Gold LE TB3G13V Fam.Weiss' The Colors Of Geocaching Geocoin (Blume des Lebens) - Satin Gold (LE) TB1VJ4B Fam.Weiss' The Spirit of Geocaching Geocoin - Ouija Board Silver TB60F22 Fam.Weiss' Time and Space Geocoin - Blue Bronze TB26AN2 Fam.Weiss' Time and Space Geocoin - Gold Glitter TB5EA7V Fam.Weiss' Travel-Bag Geocoin - Red LE TB372DX Pure. Color Geocoin - FTF Geocoin Codename EYE Creatures of Nightcaching
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5WCJF Fam.Weiss' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin - Glow itD (Black Nickel/gelb) TB3QC3N Fam.Weiss' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin - Gold Glitter Ed. (antik gold/topaz) TB5WCTN Fam.Weiss' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin - Midnight (shiny gold/light siam) TB5WCFW Fam.Weiss' Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin - Obscure LE (antique copper/gelb) Leopardendrücker Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6EDKY Fam.Weiss' Leopardendrücker Geocoin - Disco-Fisch Shop LE TB6EDKE Fam.Weiss' Leopardendrücker Geocoin - Karla Event LE TB6EDF4 Fam.Weiss' Leopardendrücker Geocoin - Lilly Love AE TB6Z71Y Fam.Weiss' Leopardendrücker Geocoin - "Christy" Christmas-Edition XLE(60) TB6Z701 Fam.Weiss' Leopardendrücker Geocoin - "Mystic Jill" for Special People XXLE(40) TB6EDFM Fam.Weiss' Leopardendrücker Geocoin - Berta-Fischi Shop XLE TB6TRE6 Fam.Weiss' Leopardendrücker Geocoin - Chari Ti XLE(60) Blue Crab
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3K2Z0 Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin - Reduce, Reuse & recycle blue (LE) TB3K2VP Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin - Reduce, Reuse & recycle White (LE) TB300J2 Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin Navy Annapolis Midshipman 2009 - Gold/White TB31YAQ Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab - Delaware Bay Power Plant Crab TB3K2HG Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin - 'Ready to Eat' Boiled Red Crab TB300MA Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin - 2009 BN/GID Pink/GID White TB3005B Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin - Baltimore Orioles Fan 2009 Silver/GID Orange TB3K2PK Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin - Crab Nebula II TB300G5 Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin - Fancy Sparkly 2009 Blue Glit/White Glit TB31YBY Fam.Weiss' Blue Crab Geocoin - Glowing Delaware Bay Power Plant Crab TB3K2VF Lunas' Blue Crab Geocoin - Psycho Disco Crab TB3K2MF Stellas' Blue Crab Geocoin - Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Water Otter
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4AF7J Fam.Weiss' Water Otter Geocoin - Antique Copper Emerald Deeps Version TB4AEZZ Fam.Weiss' Water Otter Geocoin - Arctic Sea TB4AEZ2 Fam.Weiss' Water Otter Geocoin - Tropical Ocean Sonstige Tiercoins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3T66F Fam.Weiss' Cache Owl Geocoin - Antique Bronze TB3T6A9 Fam.Weiss' Cache Owl Geocoin - Antique Copper TB3T6C5 Fam.Weiss' Cache Owl Geocoin - Antique Gold TB1Y6J2 Fam.Weiss' Cockatoo Geocoin TB3B0C1 Fam.Weiss' Hover the Hummingbird Travel Tag TB60HXZ Fam.Weiss' Humming Bird Signet Traveller TBV17B Fam.Weiss' Lildorkfish Geocoin TB1Y5YH Fam.Weiss' Macaw Geocoin TB22152 Fam.Weiss' March of the Penguins Geocoin TB1EZDP Fam.Weiss' Sydney Koala Geocoin TB3D6XW Fam.Weiss' Sydney the Koala Travel Tag TB3VB4E Fam.Weiss' Andy - the Squirrel (Geocaching Animals) Geocoin - Artist Edition (50) TB3VAR5 Fam.Weiss' Andy - the Squirrel (Geocaching Animals) Geocoin - Gold Edition (200) TB3VB04 Fam.Weiss' Andy - the Squirrel (Geocaching Animals) Geocoin - Kupfer Edition (300) TB3B0AX Fam.Weiss' Anemone the Clown Fish Travel Tag TB2R0B5 Fam.Weiss' Benny TB4GC83 Fam.Weiss' Bernadette the Black Bear Travel Tag TB3D0GV Fam.Weiss' Black Widow Geocoin TB5CF25 Fam.Weiss' CacheCat Geocoin Mischievous Cat - Satin Gold, Rot TBT8PT Fam.Weiss' Cachehunters42 Signature Geocoin TB1TAHA Fam.Weiss' Cachepillar Geocoin TB321BY Fam.Weiss' Dragon Ladon Geocoin TB1X081 Fam.Weiss' Dragonfly 2007 Geocoin - Orange Wings TB380Z6 Fam.Weiss' Edeltraud - the Sheep - Black Sheep Ed. (BN/weiß 275) TB5AQR9 Fam.Weiss' Edeltraud - the Sheep (Geocaching Animals) Geocoin - Ed. 2012 - Deluxe Sheep Ed. black TB5WDEX Fam.Weiss' Edeltraud - the Sheep (Geocaching Animals) Geocoin - Glitter Sand LE (BN/glitzer Sand Gold) TB2EDFA Fam.Weiss' Geocoin Club October 2008 Geocoin - Nocturnal Hunter (Copper Ed.) TB2N864 Fam.Weiss' Geocoin Club October 2008 Geocoin - Nocturnal Hunter (Silver Ed.) TB310PV Fam.Weiss' Guardians of the Night Geocoin - Polished Brass with Red Glitter (XLE 50) TB312XC Fam.Weiss' Landsharkz Gecko Geocoin TB1VTKQ Fam.Weiss' Northern Right Whale Geocoin TB3FQ63 Fam.Weiss' Olly the Orca Travel Tag TB2ZVHH Fam.Weiss' Orca Geocoin TB2FAG3 Fam.Weiss' Quebec 2008 Geocoin TB3DTM1 Fam.Weiss' Raymond the Manta Ray Travel Tag TB4WBWG Fam.Weiss' Shark Tooth Geocoin TB3FWQR Fam.Weiss' The Raven Geocoin - Antique Gold/Black Nickel XLE75 TB5DR39 Fam.Weiss' Wolfpack Coin Christmas - Black Nickel TB5MJF2 Fam.Weiss' Zebra Geocoin - Artist Edition (16) TB5MJD9 Fam.Weiss' Zebra Geocoin - Green Glow 1 (16) Northern Atlantic Lobster
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2M0J5 Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Albino AE (Copper) TB2M0TV Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Albino Lobster Black Nickel TB2TQ2Z Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Blue Holiday Lobster TB2QRXD Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Green Holiday Lobster TB2NFGJ Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Live Lobster green/orange TB2NFJB Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Red Boiled TB2QRV7 Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Red Holiday Lobster TB2M0T1 Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Shiny nickel/Blue - Rar TB2NFF3 Fam.Weiss' Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Yellow (Ultra Rare) Owl Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6EX64 Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model L - Forks Moss (50) TB6EX8H Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model M - Aurora (50) TB6EY06 Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model ZJ - Ruby (25) TB6EYD9 Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model ZZ - Marjelchen (33) TB6EZDY Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model 2A - greedback Edition (33) TB6EYHY Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model 2D - Bert (75) TB6EYMK Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model 2E - Fire Edition (50) TB6EZ0F Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model 2M - Grote Smurf (50) TB6EZ2J Fam.Weiss' Owl Geocoin - Batch 4 Model 2N - Smurf (50) Butterfly
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1Z5DY Fam.Weiss' Butterfly 2007 - Morpho Geocoin Blue Glitter TB5RH0W Fam.Weiss' Butterfly Geocoin - Aglais urticae Geocoin - Kleiner Fuchs Rot (XLE 75) TB5RH3G Fam.Weiss' Butterfly Geocoin - Aglais urticae Geocoin - Kleiner Fuchs Satin (XLE 75) TB2Y84X Fam.Weiss' Bear Butterfly Geocoin TB3A9PJ Fam.Weiss' Fantasy Butterfly 2009 Geocoin Whitebear Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1BXKD Fam.Weiss' Bitten Again by Whitebear Geocoin - Antik Silver TB1BHXP Fam.Weiss' Bitten by Whitebear Glow Geocoin TB34H51 Fam.Weiss' Oh No! Whitebear Geocoin TB15MHY Fam.Weiss' Whitebear 2006 Geocoin -AC- TB34HA2 Fam.Weiss' Whitebear's Last Bite Geocoin - Black Nickel Frogs
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB35KQ2 Fam.Weiss' Cache Hopper Geocoin - Blue Poison LE TB2PFFX Fam.Weiss' DaFunkyFrogs '08 Geocoin TB3D327 Fam.Weiss' Green Tree Frog Geocoin TB4Z61Z Fam.Weiss' Leap for 366 Geocoin TB2MDG9 Fam.Weiss' Pond Frog Geocoin TB23BRD Fam.Weiss' Rainforest Jewel Geocoin - Antik Silber (V2) TB23BDF Fam.Weiss' Rainforest Jewel Geocoin - Antique Copper TB3C2DR Fam.Weiss' Red-Eyed Tree Frog Geocoin TB3Y20T Fam.Weiss' Wallace's Flying Frog Geocoin - AE Shiny Gold Turtles - Loggerhead
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB1AY30 Fam.Weiss' Loggerhead Christmas Geocoin TB1AVY7 Fam.Weiss' Loggerhead Thanksgiving Geocoin TBVQA9 Fam.Weiss' Loggerhead Turtle Black Nickel Coin TBVBJ0 Fam.Weiss' Loggerhead Turtle Geocoin 2006 - Silver Nickel TBY72R Fam.Weiss' Baby Loggerhead! Geocoin TB12Z6D Fam.Weiss' MicroLogger Geocoin - Silver Turtles
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3ZCN8 Fam.Weiss' Celtic Turtle Geocoin - Satin Gold green TB329JP Fam.Weiss' Honu Geocoin - gold TB3CXYP Fam.Weiss' Turlutortue Geocoin - Antique Silver RE TB3CY1R Fam.Weiss' Turlutortue Geocoin - Gold + Antique Bronze LE TB56Z0T Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle 2012 Geocoin - Gaia Edition TB56YMQ Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle 2012 Geocoin - Haka Edition TB2M7RX Fam.Weiss' Mimbres Geocoin - Antique Bronze TB2M72E Fam.Weiss' Mimbres Geocoin - Black Nickel TB599V0 Fam.Weiss' Sea Turtle Geocoin - Glitter Black Nickel TB1VVTF Fam.Weiss' The Earth Turtle Geocoin - 2007, Antique Silver, LE 125, 1st run TB2M7EE Mimbres Geocoin - Yellow Mimbres Geocoin [SN-blue - LE50] Mimbres Geocoin [SN-purple - LE50] Turtles - Earth Turtle 2008
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2Q1N7 Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin - Christmas Elf Green/Gold TB2GFK8 Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin - Blue/Antique Silver TB2GG24 Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin - Blue/Polished Gold TB2GG7W Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin - Light Green/Antique Silver TB28EHT Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin - Multi-Color Gold TB28E5T Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin - Purple Antique Silver TB2Q1W1 Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin - Santa's Helper Red/Nickel Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin - Tsun-Edition: braun/beige Turtles - ZeeZee The Turtle
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB419Y8 Fam.Weiss' ZeeZee The Turtle Geocoin - Glow (90) TB41A62 Fam.Weiss' ZeeZee The Turtle Geocoin - King Boreas (80) TB41A5A Fam.Weiss' ZeeZee The Turtle Geocoin - Oil (150) TB4AFTA Fam.Weiss' ZeeZee The Turtle Geocoin - Primary (75) TB4AFJ8 Fam.Weiss' ZeeZee The Turtle Geocoin - Princess (75) TB419RE Fam.Weiss' ZeeZee The Turtle Geocoin - Water (200) Turtles - Turtle Oceania
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2WDEG Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle Oceania Geocoin - Bora Bora Edition (Antique Copper) TB2WDKC Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle Oceania Geocoin - Maui Edition TB2WCV4 Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle Oceania Geocoin - New Zealand Edition TB2WD8G Fam.Weiss' Earth Turtle Oceania Geocoin - Tahiti Edition (Gold) Turtles - GeoTurtle
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB631VZ Alexander der Beschützer (#22) GeoTurtle TB63249 Fam.Weiss' GeoTurtle Geocoin - Erna die Entschlossene XLE 50 (#30) TB63230 Fam.Weiss' GeoTurtle Geocoin - Kurt der Tapfere XLE 50 (#40) TB6326N Fam.Weiss' GeoTurtle Geocoin - Lena die Sonnige XLE 50 (#04) TB6326D Fam.Weiss' GeoTurtle Geocoin - Max der Schnelle XLE 50 (#46) Mainzelmännchen Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6GNJX Fam.Weiss' Mainzelmännchen Anton Geocoin - Gutenberg Edition TB6GP7A Fam.Weiss' Mainzelmännchen Berti Geocoin - Gutenberg Edition TB6GQ95 Fam.Weiss' Mainzelmännchen Conni Geocoin - Gutenberg Edition TB6GRBP Fam.Weiss' Mainzelmännchen Det Geocoin - Gutenberg Edition TB6GTEX Fam.Weiss' Mainzelmännchen Edi Geocoin - Gutenberg Edition TB6GVEN Fam.Weiss' Mainzelmännchen Fritzchen Geocoin - Gutenberg Edition TB6XVYA Fam.Weiss' Mainzelmännchen XMAS - Det Geocoin - Gutenberg Edition Juwel of the moon
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4Z28R Fam.Weiss' Juwel of the moon Geocoin - Amber Moon (AE) TB32HA9 Fam.Weiss' Juwel of the moon Geocoin - Blue Moon TB4Z26H Fam.Weiss' Juwel of the moon Geocoin - Rose Moon TB4Z2AE Fam.Weiss' Juwel of the moon Geocoin - Violett Moon Augsburger Cachekiste
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4QHNY Fam.Weiss' Augsburger Cachekiste Geocoin - 2-tone Black-Nickel/Gold XLE(50) TB38PEZ Fam.Weiss' Augsburger Cachekiste Geocoin - Antik Kupfer TB38PJ6 Fam.Weiss' Augsburger Cachekiste Geocoin - Antik Silber TB4QHKA Fam.Weiss' Augsburger Cachekiste Geocoin - polished Gold XLE(50) Piraten
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB4MRYB Fam.Weiss' Corsair Legends - Francis Drake Geocoin - Antique Gold TB3W961 Fam.Weiss' Corsair Legends - Henry Morgan Geocoin - Antique Gold TB2YNCN Fam.Weiss' Pirates of the Geocache Geocoin - AE Edition 1 of 30 Foggy Gold TB3KE0Y Fam.Weiss' Davy Jones Locker Geocoin Award Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2KKCT Fam.Weiss' Certificate Geocoin TB371GE Fam.Weiss' Award Geocoin ~1.000 Geocaches Geocoin TB3GZAV Fam.Weiss' Award Geocoin ~2.000 Geocaches~ Geocoin TB371ZA Fam.Weiss' Award Geocoin ~500 Geocaches~ Mystery Geocoin
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB3W699 Fam.Weiss' Coinfather Geocoin (Blue Mystery Coin Edition) TB5M5Y5 Fam.Weiss' Terrain 666 Geocoin -3rd Edition- LC-Version *The Mystery Devil* Close Encointer of the Third Kind Crop Circle Jedi Mickey Mystery Geocoin Event Coins
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB479KR CITO Travel Tag TB4CD0N Fam.Weiss' CITO – Make Every Day Earth Day Geocoin TB60GGY Fam.Weiss' First GPS Maze Europe - CAGeo 2013 Geocoin - Gold TB4ZTF1 Fam.Weiss' MallorGeo 2012 Geocoin Crazy Neon Edition XLE TB3NB3V Fam.Weiss' STAU Stammtisch Augsburg Geocoin - LE 2-tone TB4QBPW Fam.Weiss' 11-11-11 Multi Event Geocoin (Bavaria Edition) TB5FT79 Fam.Weiss' 12-12-12 Multi Event - Germany Cologne Edition TB5FT2E Fam.Weiss' 12-12-12 Multi Event - Germany Crazy Pink Edition TB3GRP6 Fam.Weiss' Das Ulmer FORT 2010 Geocoin Artist Ed. LE - Antik Gold TB4DR8Z Fam.Weiss' Dosenfischer FORTsetzung 2011 Geocoin TB4G1ZA Fam.Weiss' Geocoinfest EU 2011 Main Event Geocoin TB4G44V Fam.Weiss' Geocoinfest EU 2011 Meet & Greet Event Geocoin TB4G65J Fam.Weiss' Geocoinfest EU 2011 Welcome Event Geocoin TB5WET0 Fam.Weiss' MegaBerlin 2013 Geocoin - Bronze/Rot TB52G5W Fam.Weiss' Project GeoGames 2012 Geocoin TB3GZ9H Fam.Weiss' PT's Coin Festival 2010 Geocoin - Black Nickel TB5GGZC Fam.Weiss' Windis Geocacher-Stammtisch Geocoin - Event Edition Antik Gold (XLE) TB67NF2 MegaBerlin Junior Geocoin TB5W3K2 Project Eck - Meet&Greet Event Geocoin TB5W7JP Project Eck - Schiffs - Event Geocoin TB5W6E1 Project Eck Event Geocoin TB64ERF Rotes Sofa Geocoin - glänzend Gold Ägypten
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2NYCW Fam.Weiss' Cartouche 2008 Geocoin - polished gold with sandblast (AE 25) TB31YMR Fam.Weiss' "Ancient Cultures Isis" Geocoin TB2Z4NE Fam.Weiss' "Ancient Cultures King Tut" Geocoin TB2X8EW Fam.Weiss' "Anubi" Geocoin Antik Gold (LE 100) TB2X8DH Fam.Weiss' "Anubi" Geocoin Antik Silber (RE) TB2X8MQ Fam.Weiss' "Anubi" Geocoin Foggy Gold / Antik Silber (XLE 75) TB2X8JV Fam.Weiss' Anubi Geocoin Antik Kupfer/Antik Silber XLE TB3CF19 Fam.Weiss' Egyptian Geocoin - King Tut TB47WVN Fam.Weiss' Egyptian Key Geocoin - Antique Copper TB5DNN1 Fam.Weiss' Egyptian Scarab Geocoin - Red Antique Gold TB58EKJ Fam.Weiss' Geocoin Club July 2012 Geocoin - Egyptian Pharoahs (Antik Gold) TB1W7P4 NARMER Geocoin Fam.Weiss' Geocoins Through the Ages - Ancient Egypt Geocoin - Antique Copper Groundspeak
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5ZENR Fam.Weiss' HQ Logbook Geocoin TB53EN7 Fam.Weiss' HQ Signal Coin TB1YGZZ Fam.Weiss' 2007 Groundspeak Lackey Geocoin TB3NW61 Fam.Weiss' 2010 Groundspeak Lackey Geocoin TB5DDBP Fam.Weiss' 2012 Lackey Coin Nickel TB3TDG3 Fam.Weiss' Event Signal Tag - Feet TB603ME Fam.Weiss' Geocaching HQ Tag TB45XZ1 Fam.Weiss' German Reviewer Coin 2011 - Publish-Edition TB2W6Q9 Fam.Weiss' Groundspeak Lackey 2009 Geocoin TB4ZA17 Fam.Weiss' Lackey ’11 Geocoin - Silver TB4T5QD Fam.Weiss' Lackey Crossing Tag TB5VJJB Fam.Weiss' Ritter Signal zu Baden-Württemberg Geocoin (Ro) K9 TB4T74Z Fam.Weiss' Roth Anniversary Geocoin TB4EMP0 Fam.Weiss' Sleepless in Seattle Geocoin TB50N76 Fam.Weiss' Space Coast Welcomes Groundspeak Geocoin Summertime
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2M3F9 Fam.Weiss' Hibiscus Flip Flops Geocoin TB144FV Fam.Weiss' Kansas Sunshine Geocoin TB4AR52 Fam.Weiss' Starfish Geocoin - Red TB596VM Fam.Weiss' Stars & Stripes Flip Flops Geocoin TB3T1H6 Fam.Weiss' Summer Sunshine Jandals TB3AT0K Fam.Weiss' Sunflower Star Geocoin - gelb TB5NKTY Fam.Weiss' Sunset Flip Flops Geocoin TB2H40E Fam.Weiss' Beach Flip Flops Geocoin TB1HZN1 Fam.Weiss' Hawai`i Micro Geocoin TB2NT1H Fam.Weiss' Mini Seashell Geocoin - Aged Seashell TB53KKQ Fam.Weiss' Road To Sellersburg '12 Geocoin - XLE Orange Glow TB4AR2H Fam.Weiss' Starfish Geocoin - Green TB3T1WH Fam.Weiss' Tiki Flip Flop TB3T11W Fam.Weiss' Watermelon Flip Flop Mapamundi
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB35YNP Fam.Weiss' Mapamundi Geocoin TB5917K Fam.Weiss' Mapamundi XXL Geocoin - Coppermania Edition TB469FY Fam.Weiss' Mapamundi XXL Geocoin - Dark Night Edition TB2V3C4 Fam.Weiss' Mapamundi XXL Geocoin - Silver XLE Compass Rose
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB30Q06 Fam.Weiss' Compass Rose 5th Anniversary Geocoin - Antarctic TB2KDGR Fam.Weiss' Compass Rose Geocoin 2008 Alien TB4QK90 Fam.Weiss' Nocturnal Geocoin - Antique Silver Fahrzeuge
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB26DT3 Fam.Weiss' Cache Bug Geocoin TB1AK8Y Fam.Weiss' Racer Geocoin (orange) TB1AK8F Fam.Weiss' Racer Geocoin (Yellow) TB1E8MF Fam.Weiss' Temecula Association 2007 Geocoin - Hotrod X-Mas
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB41E90 Fam.Weiss' Christmas 2011 Christmas Snow Globe Geocoin TB4M242 Fam.Weiss' Christmas Tree Geocoin (Polished Gold) TB663EH Fam.Weiss' X-Mas Geocoin - black Rudi TB3XJRR Fam.Weiss' X-Mas Geocoin 2010 - Two Tone Foggy Black/Satin Gold XLE Städte & Regionen
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB2FPEW Fam.Weiss' Bremen 2008 Geocoin - Artist Edition Polished Gold TB5276M Fam.Weiss' GCHN 2012 - Après Geocaching Geocoin - Green Edition TB526YJ Fam.Weiss' GCHN 2012 - Après Geocaching Geocoin - Pink Edition XLE TB5QDJF Fam.Weiss' Kassel-Steig Geocoin - Rote Mystery Edition TB38947 Fam.Weiss' 150 Jahre Bundesfestung Ulm Geocoin TB3YB72 Fam.Weiss' Aichacher Geocacher Coin TB60KC0 Fam.Weiss' Astronomical Clocks Geocoin - Prague Astronomical clock (or Orloj) - Antik Gold (LE100) TB5Z64W Fam.Weiss' Berlin - Cacherhauptstadt Geocoin - Black Nickel - ORANGE (LE 100) TB5RW4Y Fam.Weiss' Deutsches Eck Geocoin - Antik Gold TB4PTXK Fam.Weiss' Geocacher-Hoher-Norden Geocoin - Silber Edition LE TB2GPQ8 Fam.Weiss' Grossherzogtum Baden 2008 Geocoin - LE Antik Kupfer TB6J6BR Fam.Weiss' Lasercoin - Berliner Brandenburger Tor TB3P2M2 Fam.Weiss' Orange Key of Our TB and Coin familyhotel TB58D94 Fam.Weiss' The European Castles – Neuschwanstein Geocoin - Satin Gold TB6EVCB Frankfurt Geocoin - Black Nickel / Silber Violett Personal gifts
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6A172 Fam.Weiss' Lost Place Movie GeoToken - 079/100 TB6A174 Fam.Weiss' Lost Place Movie GeoToken - 081/100 TB6DHM1 Fam.Weiss' Personal Geocoin - Cachende Affen Friends Edition TB6DHG5 Fam.Weiss' Personal Geocoin - Kaktusbier Big Kiss AE 08/10 TB45Q93 Fam.Weiss' Phish Market Phat Phish Traveller TB5P1ET Fam.Weiss' Bahaoths Personal Geocoin TB67TNM Fam.Weiss' Got Thirsty? Geocoin - ToHigh gift TB67PH7 Fam.Weiss' My Personal Geocoin - Endlich Frühling TB6B9ZM Fam.Weiss' Original GeoToken - "Sensemännchen" AE-Edition 02/10 TB68HNF Fam.Wiss' GeoToken - Eddie, die Strassenkatze - Wood Edition S.S.o.C.A.
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB5P1E0 Fam.Weiss' GeoToken - S.S.o.C.A. Wappenpuzzel - 1. Mitgliedertreffen 23.03.2013 TB5NZD1 Fam.Weiss' SSoCA Geocoin - The Beginning nicht zugewiesen
Icon Infocode Picture Name TB6915T Fam.Weiss' Itsy Bitsy Bikini Geocoin - Red Bekini Gold TB5Q9X9 Fam.Weiss' True and Eternal Geocoin - Satin Gold TB20X38 Fam.Weiss' 2008 Alaska Geocoin TB67V0Z Fam.Weiss' Heads and Tails Geocoin - Antik Bronze XLE 75 TB69C9Y Fam.Weiss' Trackable Building Toy (LEGO) - White TB1AC46 Racer Geocoin - Blue Compass Rose Geocoin 2008 Alien [PG] I want to find the Cache (BN) *Black Nickel* XXLE 50 Road to Sacramento '08 Geocoin
Request list of Fam.Weiss (49)
Icon | Name | Added |
150 Jahre Bundesfestung Ulm Geocoin Antik Silber, Antik Kupfer, Antik Silber 2012 Ed., Antik Gold 2012 Ed., Antik Kupfer 2012 Ed. |
01/18/15 | |
Andy - the Squirrel (Geocaching Animals) Geocoin Silber Ed. |
07/07/14 | |
ANUBIS Geocoin |
01/05/15 | |
Area 51 Series: Restricted Area Geocoin Daybreak Restricted Area |
02/13/15 | |
Augsburger Cachekiste Geocoin Antik Gold Ed., Black Nickel, polished Nickel mit türkis, polished Nickel mit graubraun |
12/19/13 | |
Blue Crab Geocoin Annapolis Midshipman Navy (blue) + Recycle green + Black Crab |
12/21/12 | |
Cache Wars Event Geocoin BN / yellow glitter with 1 tag |
10/24/14 | |
Cartouche 2008 Geocoin |
02/27/15 | |
Celtic Tree of Life Geocoin |
05/08/14 | |
Celtic Turtle Geocoin Satin gold, Satin Silver, Satin Silver/Purple, Copper, Copper/Red, Antique Silver, Antique Silver/Green, Black Nickel |
07/07/14 | |
Compass Rose Geocoin 2008 Alien YemonYime |
12/04/12 | |
Domehead Geocoin |
02/07/15 | |
E.T. Playground |
10/16/20 | |
Earth Turtle 2008 Geocoin Polished Nickel (rot/weiß/schwarz) + Black Nickel (Naughty Lump of Coal: schwarz, und rot) + Black Nickel (Geocoinfest 8: schwarz mit gelb) |
12/06/13 | |
Earth Turtle 2012 Geocoin Haka Gold + Gold + Black |
07/07/14 | |
Earth Turtle Oceania Geocoin Gold (Australia LE) + Silber (Fiji Islands LE) + Tsun-Edition, 2 Babys LE |
04/23/14 | |
Egyptian Geocoin Egyptian Geocoin - King Tut Ankh Amun in Antique Silver |
01/04/15 | |
Egyptian Key Geocoin Summer - Antique Bronze |
01/04/15 | |
Egyptian Scarab Geocoin |
09/26/14 | |
ET Highway Geocoin |
12/16/12 | |
ET Highway Geocoin |
10/16/20 | |
ET Highway II Geocoin |
10/16/20 | |
Explorer Tag - Elias |
11/30/12 | |
Geocoins Through the Ages - Ancient Egypt Geocoin Black Nickel, Foggy Gold, Foggy Silver |
01/04/15 | |
GeoSmurfz Geocoin |
12/18/13 | |
Geoswag C&P Club April 2011 - Crop Circles Geocoin |
02/15/13 | |
Geoswag C&P Club May 2011 - Egyptian Ankh Geocoin |
01/04/15 | |
Guardians of the Night Geocoin Antique Silver with Dark Blue Glitter, Antique Gold with Dark Green Glitter, Antique Copper with Copper Glitter, Satin Black Nickel with Light Blue Glitter |
04/23/14 | |
Gus’s ET Highway Tribute |
10/16/20 | |
I want to find the Cache Geocoin Black Nickel, Antik Bronze |
09/13/12 | |
Jorg the Alien Travel Tag |
12/16/12 | |
Juwel of the moon Geocoin Red Moon, Silver Moon, Gold Moon, Ice Moon, Satin Gold AE, Antik Silber AE |
10/07/14 | |
Loggerhead Turtle Geocoin |
12/06/13 | |
MicroLogger Geocoin Bronze und Gold |
07/06/14 | |
Mimbres Geocoin Red, Gray |
05/11/14 | |
Mystery Heart Geocoin Gold with green, Silver, Gold |
09/29/14 | |
Northern Atlantic Lobster Geocoin - Twin red, Ninja black |
12/06/13 | |
Olanda the Owl Geocoin |
01/28/17 | |
Puppy Pound Geocoin |
01/29/19 | |
Rainforest Jewel Geocoin |
09/03/14 | |
Stars & Stripes Flip Flops Geocoin |
03/21/13 | |
Stone of Rosetta Geocoin |
01/18/15 | |
The Caching Bug Geocoin |
01/04/15 | |
The Earth Turtle Geocoin Nickel + Gold + Copper/Black Nickel + Copper |
07/07/14 | |
Traveling Zodiac – Cancer Geocoin |
11/29/12 | |
Turlutortue Geocoin |
02/07/15 | |
Water Otter Geocoin Midnight on the Water, Red Otter |
12/07/13 | |
Zebra Geocoin Green glow 2, Blue Glow, Glitter |
12/20/13 | |
ZeeZee The Turtle Geocoin Sverige, Toxic Waste, Pearl, Albino, Yemon Yime, AHU, AHU2 |
12/06/13 |